hello there everybody into this new,video I'm going to be showing you how to,add product categories into your Shopify,store so let's begin so the first thing,guys I'm going to leave you a link Down,Below in the description if you don't,have a Shopify already connected already,created you want to create your store,and you want to have a trial mode so you,can see all the features help you that,Shopify can actually provide to us so,once you redeem that code you want to,create your account and create your,store real quick so I don't want to be,focusing into the setup guide I'm just,going to be going right away into how we,can start to create catalogs into our,store so there are two ways that we can,do this if you are not really into,making some manual stuff you just want,to do some automated stuff you want to,find how you can do this into the easy,way you want to focus into the,application the Shopify,so I think like the best feature of,Shopify uh speaking about the e-commerce,uh platform is that you can go into the,apps the store of the Shopify and inside,the Shopify App Store,people can create their own app store,sometimes there are a few that are for,free and therefore they are payment so,if I go into this search bar I want to,look for using a keyword that can be,related into what I'm looking for into,my needed so in my case I want to look,for catalog,and here it's going to be appearing a,lot of applications once again you want,to choose an application that appears to,see free plan and variable as you can,see it says free plan available I'm,gonna be going back because I didn't see,this uh we're like well and as you can,see here I have the easy catalog who,sale retail,so if I want to use this one-off,applications what I just need to do is,to go into for example here we have the,catalog maker I'm going to be choosing,this option,uh they're gonna go into our application,so once we have the application already,added what I want to do is to enable the,authorization to install this into my,store so once I have this application,already added into my store I can start,right away,and here what I want to do first of all,is to see that I have all my products,already created,I'm going to go into my products,and here as you can see I only have one,product available right so I'm going to,be creating a new product just for the,purpose of this tutorial I'm going to,let's say example number two example,number two add I'm going to create a,very low price just for a demonstration,I'm going to get into save,and once again I'm getting back into my,applications and I'm going to open the,catalog maker so in here,what I can do is to start creating my,first catalog so I'm going to choose,create new,and here as you can see here is the,Cadillac so let's say for example that,this is the let's say new ribose of uh,let's say spring of the 2023 and here,into the collections you can add the,collections that you've already created,and then you want to choose out of stock,include all of those here are all the,variants,products sold what I want to do is to,choose from the lowest price on the,orientation click it into portrait and,here's the layout if you have a huge,amount of products you want to choose,something like this or like this I'm,going to stick around with this one get,into next and the catalog has been added,successfully,so as you can see here is the example,file this is how it's going to be,looking our file our catalog so I'm,going to just close this for a second,and you can edit the header section,here's the background color here are,different layouts that you can create,once again the products what I want to,do is to change the description here for,example,and then we can just start to work here,into the cattle App Maker section but,the second way that I'm going to be,showing you because I think this is like,too easy,so we can customize a little bit more,our Shopify store is to go into our,products,so into a product we do have two options,we do have two products so what we want,to do is to go into collections,and here into collections what I wanted,to do is to create a new collection,and let's say that I wanted to use,exactly the same,example here new arrivals,2023 in the description,this is just an example right and then,what I want to do is to add the,collection type manually and here what,we want to do is to add the collection,of all my,oh my let's say for example here my,products I want to go into save,so I just need to add my products right,so what I want to do once again I'm,going to go into the products,I'm gonna go into browse and I'm going,to choose these options all right so,this products are now into my new,arrivals and here I'm going to go back,into my online store let's go into the,customize,adhering to the customize as you can see,here's my store I do want to focus into,the feature collection so here as you,can see we do have a collection here is,a product this is something that can be,simulated into a catalog so this is a,collection name example product title so,I just need to go into select collection,this is the reason why we created a,collection before so I'm going to choose,new arrivals and going to select,so here it says new arrivals this is,just an example this is this is,something we just created a few seconds,ago so you should see your collector,your collections already added into your,store if you do want to see less stuff,let's say for example I'm going to go,back into my stuff into my home page so,let's say this college I don't want to,see this,I don't want to see this Rich text I,don't want to see this feature,collection,I want to add something uh of my own so,I'm going to go into add section I'm,going to tap the collection or I'm just,going to see a collection list here is,my collection list,I'm going to choose feature collection,and here into the feature collection I,can add a section if I wanted to or if,not I just need to click into this,feature collection and if I want to,select in a specific collection that,like the one that we just created,here is Select collection new arrivals,and select,there we go and now the last thing that,you need to do is to change the heading,so people can be looking our collection,our catalog as new arrivals 2023,50 off something like that right and,here's the description so lastly what,you need to do is to go into save and,you can publish your store in gr,actually good to go now remember that if,you want to change anything from your,home from your catalog from your contact,uh it's really important that you want,to create you want to edit all the,sections outside your editor of your,website this is just like a design of,your of your store if you go back into,the exit section here into the products,here's a place where you want to edit,our product our Wisconsin our inventory,absolutely everything so hopefully you,guys it was a very useful video for you,thank you so much for watching this,video don't forget to like And subscribe,to this channel if you want to see more,stuff over here after more stuff about,Shopify so thank you once again and I,will see you next time guys
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