shopify show second page

How to easily duplicate a section to another template on Shopify 2.0 hi everyone I wanted to share w

qwiqode Shopify sections

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How to easily duplicate a section to another template on Shopify 2.0

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How to easily duplicate a section to another template on Shopify 2.0

hi everyone I wanted to share with you a,tip on how to duplicate or copy over,sections from one page template to,another while while keeping the,information the settings and all that,intact this goes specific,this is for any type of section uh,specifically for for quick code sections,since we're so packed with uh with,features and settings uh that if you,want really the same exact ones that you,can do this easily instead of having to,add them in individually,so let's say,we have this block right over here and,we want to copy this over to another,page so we know that this block right,here is this QQ text section where it,has a few different blocks a subtitle,um,with a bunch of set of settings that we,that we include and the content of,course and custom fonts and all that,stuff an image and as you can see,there's a lot of them so if you want to,have this exact look and feel on another,page you'd have to add this in one by,one on that other page so to make things,a little bit easier what we can do,is the following,head over to your admin in Shopify or,actually from the theme editor you can,click here and click on edit code,this will take you to the edit code page,with all the files there so you're going,to have to know which page,which page template that file is living,on and you can do that by going to the,page itself in,the Shopify admin so online store Pages,then you search for the page,and over here you know which theme,template is being used,so going back to the edit code section,you have here the folder called,templates and you look for page Dot and,then that name about so I as you can see,here we have different types of,um templates if you wanted uh a,collection template then you have it,like this usually if you're running,Shopify 2.0,then which is,the easier way to do it then you'd look,for those Json files,and as you can see for product you have,a product Json and various types of,pages so we go into,the page.about,and here you can see a bunch of,information which is basically all of,the settings on that entire page,as you can see at the top here we have,type,so you would look for,the type that basically the name of that,section so that section if we go back,it's called QQ text section so we would,search in this case just because there's,so much in there and here it is the text,the QQ text box section and then you can,see some of the of the settings the,about cue code,um and the information the different,um content that we have there,so,in here,you have a group called blocks a group,called blocks order,and then settings and set it,and these are the general settings of,the of the,of this section,so basically those are the three you can,minimize them like you saw I did I,clicked on here and then you can,basically,you actually we have one more step to do,so we have this ready to go let's go,back,to here now we want to copy this over to,let's say to the content contact page,okay so we want to add it here so let's,start by first adding,this section,text section,click on that and it's there and let's,save that for now,now we're going to go to the template,for the contact page so that's the,that's the new page you want to add it,into,so we would go into,page,dot contact,and as you can see here it's been it has,been added,okay and it's basically just all default,default information so now we can,minimize those three like that,and,erase,blocks block order and settings then go,back to the original one here and copy,and then there paste,and then we save that,now let's go back to the page,refresh,and voila everything has been copied,over very simply very quickly with all,the right settings,I hope this really helps um I've gotten,that that question a few few times from,our various customers over at quick code,and I'm sure this will save you some,time and uh you'll find this useful,thanks

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