welcome back graduates today I'm going,to show you something really pretty cool,it's called value props at the same time,it's also called cold trust badges now,the reason why people have customers,like seeing this is because it gives a,little sneak peek and snip it on to as,to what your business is about you know,right over here on my coffee brand it's,saying free shipping on all orders you,know it's a hundred percent protected,payments and it's trusted by 50,000 users now that might not be but,um it's it's good to show it gives a,little value and it gives a little more,trust to your store this is displayed on,all product pages,um underneath the add to cart or buy now,button just like this as well,um this this code you know we've written,for you it's very simple and easy copy,and paste but if you do need help we do,have an installation as well for you so,let's get right to it three two one,so what you're gonna do is you're gonna,go into the back end of your Shopify,store and you're gonna be given um a,file you know the file that you have,always gotten before when purchasing,your Snippets the HTML file and then,also the actual section itself this is,what it's going to look like,um now we also noticed that Don has,released a 6.0 and a 6.01 version uh so,when we write our Snippets we like to do,them on the latest version because that,way if it works on the latest version it,works on the uh previous versions as,well so,with that being said it does work on,four and it works on three it works on,all the versions that you've seen now if,you here's a little,um nugget here now if you are on a 4.0,or you know earlier than a six,um,scroll down here and this is what's,going to allow you and this is what it's,going to say it's gonna notify you that,there's a don version,6.0.2 available and what you can do is,just you know add this to theme library,and then you'll have the latest uh Dawn,theme so it's going to give you that,notification right here if you're not on,the latest version or if there is a,latest version for you to update when,that does when you do click on that it's,gonna just you know show up right here,right here,so what I'm going to do is I'm going to,show you that,in real time I'm just going to get the,free theme this works on all the other,free themes as well but we like Dawn a,lot so we're just gonna do this for Dawn,and right now you see it is being,installed,this is showing that there is uh no,Snippets involved I just want to show,you that it does work,um and how to set it up and and,everything so what I'm going to do is,I'm going to go into the edit code of,that new theme that has no,um no Snippets I'm going to go to my,readme file that you'll be that you're,going to be given in that zip and under,footer so the first thing it says is go,and open your theme dot liquid and under,footer add this section so I'm just,going to copy and paste that section,into my code,so this is the new one that I just,uploaded I'm gonna go into themed out,liquid and I'm going to scroll you can,scroll all the way down or you can type,in search control F and type in footer,I'm just going to paste that right there,so it's going to look like that,then the next step the only,last step I have to do is take that,section,and I will edit that but I but create a,section right over here new section and,name it exactly as how you wrote it in,the EG in the theme that liquid so EG,Trust,the Aging badges,now what I'm going to do is take my file,here I'm going to open the RTF file I'm,going to open that,close out of it I don't need that,anymore,and I'm just going to paste that and,Save,so now what I want to now what I want to,do is Click customize,and once I'm in here,it's going to look pretty pretty clean,and similar what I want to do is go at,the very bottom here where it says EG,truss Badges and this is where it's,going to be uh those that's where the,settings are going to be placed I'm just,going to go to a product page so I can,see it in action right over here scroll,all the way down to an edit and,sometimes I don't know why Dawn does,that glitches out like that so scrolling,down here I'm going to add from my,sections a block I'm going to add three,blocks and we give you by default in,placeholder just this so you know what,it looks like and I'm just going to,click save,and now it's gonna so once I click save,it's gonna um populate right over here,and we gave placeholders like this so,what you want to do is go into here and,you can change out the text uh here and,then you can change out the SVG you can,have your own custom SVG or you can go,and uh get you know free uh svgs from,this library right here where I just,clicked so once I'm in here I'm just,going to scroll and I'm gonna find let's,say I want to find,um this heart I'm just going to take,this heart I'm going to download this,heart and I want to download this so,once I open this it's going to give me,this tiny little icon here and what I'm,going to do is inspect elements,and what you're going to see is this so,what I want to do is I just want to,click the SVG and I'm going to do edit,HTML when I edit HTML it's going to give,me this string right here of SVG that's,the code I want and I'm just going to,copy and I'm going to paste it right,into the the second this segments right,here this section,so I'm going to paste this and then I'm,going to save,and once I save that you'll notice that,it's small it's pretty small on unlike,the other ones when I go into the second,block here you'll notice that the width,and the height are 30 and that's the,size I want to keep consistent with all,my icons so I'm going to go back to the,first one and just change out 16 to 30.,I'm Gonna Save it and then see the,change here,I don't know why Don does that sometimes,but there you go now it's the same size,um using that awesome clean SVG and then,change out text I can say,um from loving customers,or whatever text you want this is you,know you want to give three value,um value bombs or not value bombs with,three value reasons why they should come,to your store you know,um loving customers fast support,anything like that you know this is a,place to put them right here and then,you have a boatload of icons as well to,choose from,which is,um you can even have a cart here and,easy simple checkout things like that uh,so if you haven't subscribed please like,And subscribe to this uh to this channel,we really appreciate it it helps with,the YouTube algorithm it does and then,we can you know show more videos like,this if you have any comments please,comment down to the you know comment,section below if you want more videos,like this and want more how to's,definitely leave a comment as well thank,you so much and I hope this works out,really well for you thanks
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