shopify t-shirt not showing front and back view

How To Make A Shopify Store For Your T-Shirt Business In 10 Minutes (Printful Print On Demand) what'

Slava TV

Updated on Mar 09,2023

How To Make A Shopify Store For Your T-Shirt Business In 10 Minutes (Printful Print On Demand)

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How To Make A Shopify Store For Your T-Shirt Business In 10 Minutes (Printful Print On Demand)

what's going on guys in this video i,will show you how to make a shopify,store for your print-on-demand t-shirt,business let's not waste any time and,get right into it,alright guys so making a shopify store,is something that is super easy to do,but a lot of people are having trouble,with this so i'm gonna simplify it in,this video so shopify is by far the best,and easiest way to make an online store,the first thing you're going to do is go,on and sign up for a monthly,plan their plans cost around 30 a month,all right guys so after you register for,a shopify plan the next step is to buy a,domain name you're going to go on this,main shopify page right here and you're,gonna click on where it says domains,you're gonna click buy new domain and,right here you're gonna type in the name,of the domain that you want to buy so,we're gonna do and as,you guys can see the domain is gonna,cost 14 a year so after the domain is,purchased it's going to be automatically,linked to the website if you guys don't,buy your own domain name shopify is,going to assign a domain with a, at the end and you guys,don't want to use that you will not get,any sales like that after the domain is,purchased the next step is to get a,shopify theme we're going to click on,themes we're going to scroll down we're,going gonna hit explore free themes,we're gonna scroll down again and we're,gonna click venture click add theme to,library the theme is now added let's,click customize and right here is our,empty shopify store,all right guys the next step is to get,all of our website assets such as,pictures and logos for this website,instead of using a logo we're going to,use a custom font so we're going to go,into google type in surfing font and,download this font right here in,photoshop we're going to make this file,with the clear background and save it as,a png file the next thing we're going to,do is get pictures for our website we're,going to go on since,this shopify store is going to be a,surfing t-shirt store we're going to,type in surfing let's go ahead and do,that hit search and right here you guys,will get thousands of different surfing,pictures we're going to find one that we,like and use that for our website so,this one right here looks pretty good,let's click on it so this picture right,here looks perfect it's gonna cost you,around twelve dollars to purchase now,the next thing we're going to do is go,on a website called with,this website we can make professional,looking pictures without using,professional photographers this website,has tens of thousands of different,pictures and video mockups so let's,click this one right here,so the way place it works is that you,will select the color of the t-shirt,let's do this color right here and after,this we're going to upload the design,let's raise it just a little bit,hit crop and now we have a professional,looking picture with our design we're,gonna hit download and we're done so,we're going to put all of our t-shirt,designs and website pictures into one,folder and let's take a look at them,real quick here we're gonna use this,picture for our banner so here are the,pictures right here,so everything looks perfect so the next,thing we have to do is make our,collections pages we're going to go back,to our main shopify page we're going to,click on products we're going to click,on collections and we're going to click,create collection you're going to make a,collections page for each type of,product that you have so for example if,you have t-shirts you will make a,collection for t-shirts if you have,hoodies you will make a collections page,for hoodies if you have tank tops you,will have a collections page for tank,tops so let's make our first collections,page you guys can make a description if,you want we're going to upload an image,for the men's collections page click add,image and make sure under collection,type you're going to select manual click,save and our men's t-shirt collection is,created next we're going to the women's,t-shirts again click create collection,we're going to type in women's t-shirts,click manual add image and hit save next,we're going to make our tank top,collection click create collection and,type in tank tops add our picture hit,manual and click save click back now,we're going to make our hoodies,collection,click create collection,hoodies,manual,add image upload the image hit save and,now let's add one more collection for,accessories,hit create collection type in,accessories manual and for this one,we're not going to upload an image right,now we'll just click save okay perfect,now we're going to click on online store,and we're going to start designing our,store click on customize we're going to,start with our header click header we're,going to upload our logo and here's our,logo right here click select now we're,going to add our menus here we're going,to click edit menu we're going to click,add menu item we're going to name it,men's t-shirts and for link,we're going to add our men's t-shirts,collections page,hit add,now we're going to add women's t-shirts,link collections women's t-shirts click,add add menu item we're gonna add,hoodies link collections,hoodies add add menu item let's do tank,tops link collection tank tops,add and let's add the final one,accessories,add menu item,accessories link collections,accessories add our accessories page,click add right here if you guys want,you can click on these dots and you can,move things around now we're done hit,save let's go back to our online store,let's go back to customize and here you,guys see all the menu items that we just,added now if you guys want you can add,an announcement bar let's click show,announcement and let's type in free,shipping on all us orders and here you,guys can see the announcement bar popped,up now let's go back and let's add our,picture slides,click slideshow all right guys now we're,going to add our slide pictures we're,going to click on the first slide,we're going to select image we're going,to select our main surfing image click,select,and here you guys see it right here now,for heading we can type 10 off for,button label we're going to type all,men's t-shirts use promo code summer 10.,i will show you guys how to make a promo,code a little bit later whenever,somebody presses here we want to direct,them straight to the men's t-shirt,collection page so we're going to click,here,we're going to click collections,and we're going to select men's t-shirts,click save,and we're done now let's move on to the,next slide go back,select the second slide,select the image,let's select this girl right here,click select,now for heading let's type woman's,t-shirts and again when someone clicks,here we want them to go straight to the,woman's t-shirt collections page,so let's click right here,select collections,and select women's t-shirts,click save,now let's make the third slide click,slide,select image,let's select this image right here and,for heading we'll type in t-shirts for,everyone,and we'll leave this empty for now,save,all right and right here you guys can,see what we just made,so everything looks good,now next let's add our collections list,click collection,click select collection,we're gonna add men's shirts click,select edit collection go back let's do,the second collection let's do woman,shirts,click select,let's go back,third collection,let's do tank tops,select,and let's add one more let's add,collection,and select hoodies,click select,and we're done click save now let's do,this let's take our feature collection,let's click on these dots right here and,let's move it up let's move right here,let's make our feature collections and,men's t-shirts,let's click over here let's click change,change collection,men's t-shirt,click select,and click save all of the men's t-shirts,are going to show up right here now the,next thing you guys are going to do is,click on apps you're going to click,search you're going to go into the,shopify app store hit search,and type in printful,click right here,click add app,click install app and that's going to,sync your printful account to your,shopify store all right guys the next,thing we're going to do is add our,printful products to shopify stores this,is very easy to do you're simply going,to click on stores,click add product right here you will,select what kind of t-shirt you want to,use click men's clothing,t-shirts,let's use this bella canvas as an,example right here you can select,different t-shirt colors that you want,to use,right here you can select different,t-shirt sizes let's click drop your,design here,and you guys are going to upload your,design click proceed to media,right here you can select how your,picture is going to show up on your,shopify store,i usually scroll down to flat mock-ups,click this one right here click proceed,to details,right here you guys will name the shirt,so we'll title this one men's california,beach t-shirt right here you guys can,make your own custom description and,right here you're going to select what,collection it's going to go into so,we're going to select men's t-shirts,click proceed to pricing,and right here you guys are going to,price your t-shirts,click submit the store,and when this is done uploading the,shirts are going to show up in your,shopify store it's that simple,so let's refresh our store,if we scroll down right here you the,t-shirt showed up right here in our,men's shirt collection and if we click,men's t-shirts the shirt is right here,so you guys will add products to all of,your collections,and your store is ready to go it's that,simple when your store is done you will,simply click publish and your store is,up and running now if you guys want to,make a promo code simply click on,discounts click create discount,discount code click percentage make the,code name so we'll do summer 10 select,the type of code we'll do percentage,percentage amount 10 percent,applies to all products,click save,and you're good to go,alright i hope this video helped you,guys out if it did please hit the like,button subscribe and i'll see you guys,on the next one

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