hello everybody let me tell you the,story about how i made this much money,in shopify dropshipping as a biomedical,student a lot of you guys were asking me,to share with you the struggles and the,mistakes that i've gone through when i,was first dropshipping and uh this video,will show you exactly that and now i'm,recording in the car because in the,house that i live in there is a lot of,women right now as guests and so i was,just told to leave because,whatever now if i didn't tell you guys,already like i started with literally,below zero like i didn't start at zero,or above zero i started below zero and i,usually show this screenshot or the,screen recording of my bank at the time,and i was completely broke and then,somehow i just decided to do drop,shipping and uh it was it went pretty,well and here i am but by the way like,this isn't major major success like,there is a lot of people in this space,that have made way more money than me,and i'm still like not at their level,but like i'm obviously trying to be at,their level but don't be thinking that,these type of results are extraordinary,like trust me like if you actually stay,in dropshipping and you continue you,will get such results and stop trying to,put them on a pedestal because they're,not they're not that impressive at least,in my opinion right now back in 2018 i,was hired at this amusement park and was,actually the largest amusement park in,canada and it's called canada's,wonderland so i got the job as a right,operator now at the time i was making,minimum way i looked around and i'm like,why is everyone just making minimum wage,like i want to make more money so i'm a,cookie let me apply for a higher,position in that in the amusement park,and i wanted to apply to become a team,lead now here's where it's a bit funny a,team lead only makes 20 cent extra more,than a ride operator literally 20 extra,more than a minimum wage so that's how,crazy it was but at the time i was,thinking about it and i'm like that's,actually that's more money so that's,that's all i wanted to do so let me just,do it so i applied for the job i got,accepted for an interview then i went,and did my interview and everything and,i completely thought like i did well,like i literally thought that because i,was i was i was very loved in that,workspace and people loved me and i was,just like i was just such a good worker,but all of a sudden i got this thing,where i was told that this other person,was chosen over me to become a team lead,and i'm like hold on a minute this other,person literally just started like a,month ago and i was here for like two,years and they don't accept me like what,the heck bro so i was i was completely,pissed off and i know like if you,actually study islam and everything this,is exactly what the devil went through,when he was told that makes sagitta for,adam and all that stuff so i felt like i,was in the same way but i'm like hold on,a minute i'm literally actually like the,devil because i'm like i'm better than,him how am i not accepted so i swallowed,my pride i'm like i'm like okay whatever,like god doesn't want me to get that 20,extra raise so i'll just accept it and,then basically the month after i just,started having a bunch of sick days sick,days because i was searching online how,to make money and then i found all these,youtubers like dan vaz like kevin david,like all these youtubers talking about,making money online with shopify and,amazon and then i'm like let me try it,so my first ever business was actually,amazon i bought danvez's course and then,i did the same exact thing that i was,told to do in the course and to start my,amazon business and i completely failed,like i failed to the point where i was,before i started i was above zero but,when i started amazon i was literally,below zero like my bank was this is my,bank you if i have this screw shot right,now you can see it on the screen right,now it was literally below zero i'm like,this is actually freaking crazy like i,can't believe this is actually happening,to me so i stayed in the job a bit i,made just a bit more money so i can get,out of that state and then i took that,money and i put it into this other,business that i wanted to try which is,shopify so this was in 2018 so i put,that money into a new store i found this,product on instagram it was trending and,it was actually the wireless airpods i,found an ad that was running it so i,stole that ad i literally stole it and i,reposted it on my own account like i,just hired people to do a shout out and,then i reposted it on on their account,not my kind actually their accounts and,all of a sudden like i was actually at,best buy i was just like hanging around,with my dad and i i keep hearing my,phone buzzing and i look at my phone and,i get i was getting shot playing of,notifications so i'm like what the heck,are these notifications and at the time,i thought it was telling me that my,store was like like getting robbed or,something because it was telling me like,i made this much in this much and like,what the heck and i'm like wait a minute,i'm actually making money while i'm,freaking shopping with my dad the,wireless earphones i was actually the,one that was selling them back in 2018,and i made more money selling those than,my job and basically instead of making,whatever minimum wage i made ten,thousand dollars just from freaking,wireless wireless airpods but even,though i was making money and i was,happy i was still extremely scared,because i'm like i don't have the,mindset that makes you more money i'm,like okay like i made money but i was,extremely lucky in the way i made the,money what was scaring me is that the,sales were going to start to go down and,i wouldn't even know why they were going,down and that's exactly what happened,the sales were going down and eventually,the store died so i'm like i'm like what,am i supposed to do and that's when i,started learning bro like i started,learning facebook ads and copywriting,and then google ads and then i started,the eyelash store after so many freaking,new stores that i failed on i started,the eyelash store and it was doing good,but the difference between the story,that i was that was doing good and the,story that wasn't doing good it's just,the market like the store that was doing,good which is the eyelashes like how,many people do you see like on the,streets bro how many people do you see,that are so obsessed with the way they,look especially girls like obviously,mostly girls they're so obsessed with,the way they look so i'm like that's a,good market this has a huge like a huge,insecurity so let me target that so,eyelashes were actually very good market,to get into because it was tackling a,huge problem which is insecurity as,opposed to all the other products that i,tried which are like freaking those,quirky products that i thought would,work well but they wouldn't work well so,focus on just a product that actually,solves a good problem in a market that's,suffering like you need to be fixing,problems in a market that is suffering,and so i was balancing running this,eyelash store at the same time when i,was doing my biomedical degree honestly,bro like it wasn't easy because,biomedical requires a lot of work and at,the time like i wasn't even working that,much on the eyelash story thankfully i,was still making money but if i was,basically running the store without,pursuing the degree i'm pretty sure i,would have made more money and for any,of you guys who are in university in,college and you're trying to get your,degree but you don't want to get your,degree i don't know what to tell you man,if i was you i would i would drop out,but the reason why i didn't drop out was,because my parents were telling me to,keep staying in the school and to and to,pursue my degree because it's going to,help me with marriage and all that stuff,and everything i'm like okay fine,whatever like i love my parents we can't,this would be our parents i'm like i'll,just do it but if you're able to,convince your parents that you don't,want to do their degree and then they,agree on that then that's actually a,blessing bro because then you can focus,a lot on on your drop shipping and then,you can get a side drop just so you can,be making a bit of cash flow and put,that money into your ecommerce store but,you know what i'd also do if i were to,go back in time and i would restart this,whole thing even though like i think the,way i did it was actually such a,blessing but what i would do is i would,learn a skill and then instead of drop,shipping i would go and sell that skill,because here's the thing drop shipping,is not sustainable it's not going to be,the thing that's going to take you out,from whatever problem you have even,though like it really can do that but if,you don't have the skills or the,discipline to actually do it you won't,be able to do it so what i recommend bro,is i would recommend learning a skill,which is copywriting or google ads and,then go and sell that skill especially,if you're a young boy because or a young,woman because skills is the thing that's,going to be taking you more to the next,level and i noticed that when i first,when i started my first store which is,the wireless airpods the reason why i,wasn't able to make more and more money,was because i was lacking skills greatly,and i stayed for a whole year without a,new success and so this was extremely,frustrating and if i didn't actually sit,down and decide to learn to do,copywriting to do facebook ads and to do,google ads i wouldn't be able to make,more money with a new store and have a,new success with a new store and then,what's crazy is that once you actually,have the skill you can like you can,literally make any new store and it's,going to be a success because you have,the skill so learn a new skill and go to,businesses and sell that service to them,and if you watch my other video actually,explain how to do it and uh like listen,there's nothing to sell you it's just a,very nice tactic that i learned from one,of the best people that do it so watch,that video because it's gonna help you a,lot other than that if you're finding,yourself that you're completely stuck,and there's no way that you're making,new money with your drop shipping stores,i recommend learning skills bro like,learn copywriting learn google ads and,then implement those skills onto those,stories and what i'll do is in the next,few videos i'll be making more videos,about the actual tactics and the things,that i did to learn copywriting and to,learn google ads because i know a lot of,you guys were actually asking about that,so i'll be making more helpful videos so,make sure you subscribe and that's it,take care
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