hello everyone welcome to public connect,so,in this video we will learn how to,integrate shopify and d7,so our use case is pretty simple when a,new customer is added in shopify,it will automatically send an sms via d7,now shopify is an awesome ecommerce,platform where you can sell your stuff,and d7 is a sms messaging platform so,what we are going to do is,we are going to send the data from,shopify to d7,but there is one minor problem there is,no integration between shopify and d7,networks,so in cases like these we need to bring,our third app to properly connect them,both,so in this video we will be using,public connect to integrate shopify,and d7 networks and the best part of,using public connect is,there is no need for coding skills or,programming knowledge,it can be done easily let me show you on,my screen,okay so to begin the process first type,babli.com in your browser bably.com,press enter okay so this is the website,of probably.com,here hover on products and at the bottom,you will find the option called as,connect,click on connect and then click on sign,in,okay so this is the dashboard of public,connect as you can see i already have,made an account in public connect,you can also create your own free,account in just two minutes,here i would like to mention one more,thing that public connect offers a plan,where this integration can be tried out,absolutely free,so you just have to clone the template,of its workflow which is available in,the description box,once you clone the template you will get,immediate access to this amazing,workflow in your account,okay so scroll down and at the bottom,you will find connect just click on,access now,okay so at the top right corner you will,find a button create workflow click this,a dialog box appears in front of you it,is asking you to give a name to this,workflow,i am going to give it as shopify to d7,networks,shopify to,d7 network,and then just click on create,okay so when you click on create a,window appears in front of you,this is called as the trigger window so,in the choose app hub what we make is,that,shopify because we want to send the data,from shopify that is,why okay so now in the trigger event how,about we make it as new order,okay so new order is basically a trigger,event so your obvious question is what,is a trigger event,trigger is basically a if statement it,asks a question if the condition is met,what should be done,for example if a new order is made then,what action should be taken by the,system,actually there are many more trigger,events like new card new checkout new,refund new product,and so on all of them are bunch of,trigger events now in case,if you don't find the trigger of your,choice you can make a request to our,team at admin at the raidfabri.com for,the specific trigger that you want to,build,but at present i just want to send the,data when a new order is made in shopify,okay so basically we are trying to,integrate shopify to public connect,so let's have a visit to shopify so this,is my shopify account,i'm going to go to this part called as,settings at the left bottom you will,find the option called as settings,click this okay so this is the settings,page,scroll down and here you will find the,option called as notifications,click this,okay so this is the notifications page,now bring your attention to this part,called as webhook just click on create,webhook,okay so a window appears in front of you,so in the event how about we make it as,order creation,order creation order creation order,creation so where is our order creation,yeah,this one the format will remain same as,json,now comes the most important part the,url so to get the url let's have a visit,to fabry connect,so this is the webhook url you want copy,this,and simply paste it here,the a webhook api version will remain,same just click on save webhook,okay so it is showing the webhook has,been added successfully so basically,this means that we have integrated,shopify to public connect,so this means that anytime a new order,is made in shopify probably connect has,to capture the data,so as to ensure that public connect,captures this data let me go to public,connect and click on this button capture,webhook response click this,okay so it is showing it is waiting for,the data so what i'm going to do here is,i'm going to make a dummy purchase,so i'm going to this online store,okay so this is my online store i'm,going to go to this part called as,catalog,and i'm going to make a purchase so i'm,interested in this product the laptop,i'm purchasing this product,okay and right now okay so actually i,have registered myself as,a dummy customer okay so these are the,details of,alina storm this is the details of the,person that has made the purchase,so the person is alina storm and this is,the email address elena stone123,gmail.com the first name is elena the,last name is tom and the company she,works is this one this is the address,this is the,okay about i changed the company name to,something more,professional about spacex okay so this,is the company she works in,and she lives in the city bhopal this is,the country and this is the phone number,so the phone number is actually quite,important so the correct phone number is,919131323916,excellent so what i'm going to do here,is i'm just going to click on continue,to shipping,okay so just click on continue to,payment,okay so we are going to enter some card,details,okay so the name of the card is alina,storm,and the expiration date is on 12,23 this is the security code okay,so click on pay now,okay so public so shopify is now,processing the orders okay so a purchase,has been finally made by this person,called as alina and the purchase is of,worth,59 000 okay so excellent so basically,this,product is worth 50 000 and there is a,tax of 9000 we will deal with that later,it's not really important,okay so basically we have made a,purchase and shopify now public connect,is integrated with shopify,let's see whether it has captured this,detail or not,okay so as you can see this is the,webhook response the email is,alinastorm123838gmail.com this was the,time at which this transaction happened,and let me see the rest of the details,so this is the included tags this is the,price and then where are the rest of the,details uh i mean the name of the,customer and all those things,okay so this is the email so where are,the rest of the details,let me scroll down and let's check okay,nope,nope yep here are the details so this is,the first name that is selena,and this is the address 196 sector 2,shakti nagar this is the phone number,and then we have the address city zip,code madhya pradesh okay and this is the,company she works in,excellent so basically we have got all,the necessary details,to sync all the data into d7 network to,send an sms,so to sync all this detail into d27 sms,all we have to do is just click on this,plus button,okay so when you click on this plus,button another window opens up this is,called as the action window,so in the choose app how about we make,it as d7 networks,this one okay so there is only one,action event that is send an sms,so let's make it as an sms now just like,the triggers if you don't find the,action event according to your choice,you can make a request to our team at,admin at the ratepublic.com,for the specific action event that you,want to build okay so,just click on connect with d7 network so,in the new credentials it is demanding,sms api token so to get that let's have,a visit to d7 network,so this is my account in d7 network so,basically all you have to do is,go to this part called as dashboard,click this,okay so this is your sms api token,simply copy this,and just paste it here okay so we have,entered the sms api token just click on,save,okay so when you click on save a set of,blanks has appeared in front of you the,purpose of this blank is very simple,we are going to create an sms from the,data that we have received from shopify,via public connect,so before we map in the details let me,tell you something public connect,doesn't take any chances with your data,your data is 100 safe and secure with us,okay so on the basis of that trust let's,start mapping,so uh in the center id uh we are just,going to copy this,bunch of characters sms info i'm just,copying this and just pasting it here,okay and now we have this information to,the number,now basically we have to map the number,that we have received from shopify,basically the customer's mobile number,so let me introduce you to this button,this is called as the mapping button,click this,okay and here you will find all the,details that fabric connect has received,from shopify,so let me scroll down and let me see the,phone number so where's the phone number,okay so i think we have to search it it,will be more,efficient yes this is the phone number,okay so we have added the number,and then we have the message body so i'm,going to type some charac,some data here so,thank you thank you,for purchase,mr slash miss,uh and we can type in the name map in,the name sorry,and the name is alina then enter a space,and just map in the last name that is,tom,okay alina storm excellent thank you for,purchase mr miss alina storm,with email address,okay so we just have to map the email,address this is the email address,uh okay thank you for with mail address,and the product,okay uh product worth product,okay how about we enter the product do,we have any data regarding the product,okay so this is the product id okay and,the product id will be delivered,at this address,okay so we can map the address,okay so where was the address yes this,is the address,and this is the city what was the city,city is this one,and then we have the city,the country i think the country was,india or,how about we enter the province province,or the state,i think it was madhya pradesh okay and,then also we can,end postal code,postal code okay so we can enter the,postal code,or the zip code i think it's the zip,code yeah it's the zip code,okay so basically read something like,this thank you for purchase,um miss alina storm with email address,this and the product line this will be,delivered at this address,okay excellent so basically we have,filled all the details all we have to do,is just click on save and send test,request,to send the sms so let me do that,okay so it is showing uh the sms has,been sent,so let's have a look in the mobile of,this person called as alina storm,whether she has got the sms,okay so we have got the sms and it reads,like,thank you for miss uh thank you for,purchase mr mr selena stone with email,address this elena storm123,gmail.com and the product six zero seven,five six seven zero four two nine eight,three six three,will be delivered at this address okay,so basically we have got the sms,excellent,so the presence of this sms in elena,storm's mobile shows that we have,successfully integrated,shopify and d7 networks with help of,public connect,so how about we double check if our,integration is working fine or not,but before we do that let me show you,the whole mechanism in a nutshell,so what i'm going to do here is i'm,minimizing my action window,and i'm minimizing my trigger window,okay so basically this is the whole,mechanism in a nutshell so first you,have integrated shopify to probably,connect,and then you have integrated private,connect to d7 networks,so now there is a perfect flow of data,between shopify and d7,networks okay so what i'm going to do,here is i'm going to make another,purchase,so uh going back to the online store,okay so i'm going to log out of this,profile okay,so i'm going to register myself as a new,customer first and then i'm going to,make a purchase okay,so i'm going to create an account,okay so the first name,is how about we go with the name,bruce and then we have the last name as,uh willis and this is the phone number,of uh,bruce okay how about we go with this one,and then we have the email as,okay bruce never,die one two three at the rate gmail.com,okay bruce never die one two three,gmail.com is the email and then,this is the password,okay so excellent all the details has,been entered we are going to make a,account so create an account of course,i'm not a robot,click on submit okay so,an account has been made by this guy,called as bruce willis so what is,bruce willis is going to do now is he is,going to go to this part called as,catalog,and he's going to make a purchase so,he's making a purchase of,this t-shirt gara t-shirt okay and,just click on buy it now,okay so these are the details okay so,this time we have to fill all the,details,so we have entered the phone number okay,okay so we have entered the phone number,the company he works is,tesla then this is the address,105.,okay so these are the rest of the,details um,here's some park the city is a,pune okay then we have a four,six two zero to four okay so we have,entered all the details just click on,continue to shipping,okay continue to payment okay so now,bruce willis is going to make his uh,enter his payment related information so,the name of the card is this one,okay and then we have the expiration,date,and this is the security code just click,on pay now okay so distributing the,order is being processed,so let us check after uh some time,whether it will send the sms or not,okay so a purchase has been made by this,guy called as bruce,and the purchases of what 118 rupees,so let's have a look whether this guy,has got the sms,yes he has got the sms and it reads like,thank you for purchase mr miss,bruce willis with the email address,bruce never die one two three,gmail.com and this is the product this,is the product id and will be delivered,at this address e105 officer enclave,pune,pradesh and postal code 462024 excellent,so our integration is working absolutely,fine this means anytime a new order,is made by a customer in shopify it will,be reflected as an sms in his mobile,not just these two apps you can,integrate up plenty of applications,using private connect if you have any,queries contact us at admin,our dedicated team members will help you,to automate your workflows,or better just visit our website,www.pavley.com,it's awesome thanks
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