good evening this is Jared with fighter,solutions and the dev guys podcast today,we're going to be talking about,Shopify's pretty amazing pop-up lead,capture plug-in called just uno so to,kick it off we're here log in to our,Shopify store on the left hand side,we're gonna navigate to the apps link,and we're gonna click on that and once,that opens up we're gonna click on visit,Shopify app store in the top right hand,corner and it's gonna open up in a new,tab,and in the search bar on the left hand,side here we're gonna type just uno un,oh just like the game search make sure,you do that as one word not too and,there you go this first one here is,gonna pop up just to know alright so,click on that and it's gonna open up,with a page for that app specifically,alright and just another title here,we're going to click on add app and,that'll take us to the plug-in,installation page in the bottom right,hand corner click on install app,you,this says I already have it installed,let me check my store,that's true I already have it installed,I don't know how that's possible,sometimes this happens whenever you,click the installation sometimes it will,recognize that the installation happens,automatically no worries though so we'll,just close this tab and you can see our,apps page here that this is installed so,we're gonna click on the link here for,pop-ups lead captures and that's gonna,open up our just uno thing here and so,this is going to ask you to log in to an,existing account or create a new account,so for this instance I will for for sake,of the,tutorial here I will pause this video,and I will create a new account so it's,blank and that's just been created and,now that we're logged in this is a brand,that no account was just oh no alright,so what we're gonna do here is we're,gonna create our first pop-up,notification all right so to get started,we're just going to click there's a,couple of different ways you can do it,you can build your own or you can use,some of the many pre-built options that,we're going to look at specifically,today doning your own is great but with,the amount of effort that the just uno,team puts into building all of your,holiday specials their options are much,easier to use so at the bottom of this,page you can see that they have a,pre-built promotion that's where we're,gonna start with so to click on that and,that's going to open up,and right out the gate it's actually 1,a.m. Christmas so naturally we're going,to have some Christmas type stuff here,so right out the gate you have holiday,landing page email capture okay,so here's an email capture and you can,see here that there's a bunch of these,here so we'll navigate to the next one,let's see what that one is this is your,mobile email capture all right that,one's pretty good then you have a banner,this is a top bar,that is for desktops specifically you,have a holiday exit offer then on to,your New Year's email capture New Year's,mobile email capture your banner your,exit offer all right and next is a gdpr,banner for your desktop so gdpr if,you're not familiar Europe set a new,policy that went live this year to make,sure that privacy of online customers is,protected even more so than it already,was being protected and that policy is,gdpr so if you have customers in the,uten and europe period you're going to,want to make sure you have something,like this gdpr banner you don't,necessarily have to have a banner to,this extent but you need something that,talks about your GDP our policy of your,company so there's a couple of those in,here there's a mobile one here next is,this is a generic email capture,next it's a mobile generic email capture,then there's an exit to offer a spin to,win if you have ever seen this thing,it's rigged from the get-go I know this,because I use tools just like this so I,already know what's going to happen and,then here is the next one this one pops,out of the side and the previous one,takes up your page but those are good,tools this here is your mobile version,and then this is your new visitor,discount visitor for mobile and your,exit offer all right so these are very,popular the first two or three styles,are always pre-built by just you know,team members and very powerful some of,these have more power than others and,some of them are pointless to an extent,so for example I never use the bar,because I use other plugins to do the,bar so I never use a top bar or bottom,bar I always use the pop ups that are,presented so for this store let's do,your holiday email capture so to begin,this you're gonna click in the middle,here add this now,and that's going to generate your,it's gonna generate your promotion so,right out the gate this is exactly what,happens when you do it so just click on,let me play and we'll go through this so,there is nothing on this page that you,need to change at all because it's right,out the gate it's it's pre done for you,so all that we're gonna do is we're,gonna click here in the bottom right,hand corner you can click Next or up at,the top you'll see these tabs and right,now we're on the pre engagement screen,you can also click post engagement,screen and it'll take you to what,happens then,so the pre engagement is where they,input their email the post engagement is,where you say thank you and they can,continue shopping so oh so in order to,publish this you're gonna well first of,all if you make any changes you have to,click Save every time since this is a,pre-built theme template pop-up which by,definition the coding developer term for,pop-up is called modal that's mo da l so,you might hear that as well so this is,already pre-built so there's nothing to,actually do here so we're just going to,click on publish in the bottom right,hand corner,and would you like to activate this,promotion yes,all right it's supposed to take you out,of here so alright well we do need to go,into our integrations so click Next on,the bottom left bottom right hand corner,and that takes you to the fun part,so this is the rules so you can see here,the rule same says the rule name says,new visitors now we can change that and,do it for everyone and so that's up to,you I will show you how to change it so,on the right hand side we're going to,click action we're gonna head edit,now one way to do it is to just come in,here and say every person and another,way to do it is to build two separate,ones have one specifically for new,visitors and one for everyone or not new,visitors so here at the top this is when,you can,show the popups oh excuse me you,basically just have to take this piece,one step at a time okay so here's your,title for the rules on when to take the,action alright on the left hand on the,right hand side you'll see the action,and it's show pop up or show on page or,what not show pop-up is what we want to,stay with alright so show pop-up when,they're on a specific page they look at,three pages when they're trying to leave,the website or when they scrolled 30% of,the page so I prefer the 30% of page,because it can be any page well you can,also set it you don't want customers,that are never going to purchase from,you that are never going to interact or,buy anything you want quality customers,because you're trying to build that,customer lifetime value so by them,scrolling 30% of the page that's going,to trigger that they're actually,engaging with your website and that's,why I prefer this one another good one,is after three pages so this is two,different levels of marketing of course,but this one is basically I'm sorry,anything on a specific page here on the,left-hand side is just blasts marketing,you just want to blast it out there to,anyone and see what happens,moving on to the scrolled 30% of a page,this is for customers who are actually,interacting with your website you're,actually looking at your website the,next one after three pages this is for,customers who are showing more interest,than just a regular page visitor and,then when exiting that is for your exit,offers so I don't like to use the,initial blast for everyone on any page I,like to use 30% scrolling because this,actually produces the qualified I'm,sorry the quality customers so it's,easier to establish and build that,customer lifetime value excuse me so,going to the next section refined by,options this is important okay,so to show on a specific page we want to,actually select any page because your,website can contain anything from an,array of blog postings they could find,you from Google search through images,they could find you through social media,and links to specific products that they,are interested in so putting this on any,page is substantially higher than just,putting it on a specific page for,example the home page it will limit,exposure and you don't want to do that,don't show on pages don't ever do that,you want this to show on any page,regardless any page product blog post,everything and based off the rules that,we've already predetermined here,scrolled 30% of the page that's going to,be our big ticket there on the,right-hand side you want this to show,once per visitor session all right this,is very important so if I go to a,website and it shows the pop up I can,close that website go and open that,website back up and it'll show that,website again it'll show that modal,again that pop-up okay so you can change,it to anything that you like but the,visitors session is the biggest biggest,ticket there for you guys so you when do,you want it to stop showing all right,and at any time if you have questions,there's these little question buttons,that you can click and it'll answer what,these are so if you click on the show,it'll tell you okay so actually just uno,has established a timeline a session is,thirty minutes which is actually not,normal,but it's usually anytime that they close,the website and reopen it back up so,just you know has established a session,as every thirty minutes that's pretty,good,stop showing will open this up yep so,right here if you choose never it will,show every time a visitor returns to,your site that's something to keep in,mind so that means if they provide their,email address and they hit submit right,if they provide that interaction that,engagement that you're wanting and it,still shows up that's going to be very,annoying for them so you want to select,after engagement with this promotion,because what that's gonna do is it's,gonna recognize that they have put in,their email address for this specific,purpose that you're building right now,so that's definitely,that's definitely the the answer that,you're gonna want to use if you're,running multiple lead captures let's say,that you're running two different types,one on desktop one and mobile you can,select after engagement with any and,that'll kind of mitigate any issues with,the person if they're let's say that,they put in their email while they're on,their desktop and then they're out it,works the next day checking your website,from their phone so it's still going to,likely populate but if they're on the,same Wi-Fi with the same ip it's not,going to open that up again which could,push your customers away and that's not,what you want at the bottom here choose,who I actually want all visitors for,this one I do something different for no,I do new visitors and then I do all,visitors returning visitors since three,days ago is also an option you can,change that timeline you can change it,to seven you know once a week that's,pretty good idea,in this instance though we will select,new visitors because that's what that's,that's what it's for,I'm so add delay well we missed one,target traffic source so if you want,people specifically from Facebook to see,a specific ad modal pop-up then you can,actually identify that here so Facebook,and you can even narrow down by the,campaign so if you if you're running,multiple ads on Facebook and you want,people to see different advertising by,different,different ads I'm sorry different,modal's for different ads that you're,running then you can do that here this,is super super powerful I actually don't,have any current ads because this is a,temporary store that we're using just,for this training purpose if you have an,email that you want that you're sending,out an email blast and you want them to,see a specific modal you can do that as,well you can also do Google Google,AdWords and you can actually dive into,other specific URLs so for example if,you're using a funnel system and you,provide them a URL to your store you can,actually use the landing page URL or a,referral URL and generate a specific,modal or pop up for that purpose and you,can have all of these running at once,it's it's pretty amazingly powerful,since this instance for this example,we're not doing anything crazy like that,we're just gonna select all which is by,default selected and then finally the,delay so since we are waiting until they,scroll 30% of the page we don't want a,delay if we were using delay the,original one which was any page then we,probably could use this this delay,button so it's actually I'm actually,changing that to show immediately,because once they hit 30% of that page I,want it to show immediately and after,this all of our changes we're gonna,click Save all right you'll see there,you're targeting rule has been saved and,now we'll move on to the funds,so we'll click done and now we've exited,our rules on who sees what now we can,click in the bottom left hand corner,next and this will take us to our,integrations now if you have not used,any type of integrations before this,sounds pretty powerful so keep in mind,that just you know is for Shopify so,obviously things like kit are going to,be included and in Google Analytics if,you already have it configured with your,store it'll automatically work so in,this instant we're looking at emails,because we're capturing emails so I'm,going to go down to MailChimp which is,the email platform that we're using in,this instance we're going to click,connect and this is very simple you need,your MailChimp key your MailChimp list,ID and then your segment ID if you have,one ok so what I'm going to do is I'm,going to open up MailChimp and then I'm,going to log in to MailChimp,as soon as I get there login to,MailChimp so I'm gonna pause this for a,second alright so I'm logged into my,account here this is my test account,that I use to train people on how to use,MailChimp it's always got either a lot,of stuff or almost nothing,I call it Jarrod's house that's pretty,exciting stuff so from here going back,to Jes uno we need the API key so from,the MailChimp dashboard we're going to,hover over our name here in the top,right hand corner and click then we're,gonna navigate down to account and click,on that from there we'll see overview,settings billing extra integrations and,transactional right out the gate if,you're not familiar with MailChimp,you're gonna want to go to integrations,just because that's the we're on the,integrations tab here inside of just oh,no but actually we're gonna go to extras,so click on extras navigate down to API,keys and click on that and right here,about a few inches down you'll see your,API keys and you'll see there that,there's an egg that says you don't have,any active API keys so click create a,key and that's gonna actually generate,your API key alright so the next part of,this is probably the most important part,that you'll ever learn especially for,MailChimp anytime you're using MailChimp,you're always gonna come across places,excuse me places that require an API key,so using this label is probably the most,important piece of everything so what,we're gonna do is we're gonna click on,this label and we're gonna apply it,we're gonna type in a label something,that's very unique and hard to get,messed up all right something that it's,it's too easy to never forget what this,is and the reason that we're gonna do,this is because anytime you need another,API key for MailChimp you're gonna have,to come in here and create another key,and if all of them are listed as none,set for your label and if I come in here,a year later and I have five API keys,and I don't remember when I created them,that's gonna create a problem because,you can only use one API key for each,application that you're doing it and I,mean you can use more than one but it,makes things substantially better for,you because MailChimp will actually,reject your app if you're not using them,properly which is one API per,integration so we're gonna add a label,here we're gonna call this Shopify just,uno all right and this will,automatically save it by the way so,click on the API key it's gonna hover,everything and then you can use,control-c or right click and copy then,navigate to your just uno dashboard and,click in here and you can use control V,to paste or right click paste now that,that is here we're gonna go and look for,our list ID so navigate back to,MailChimp and in the top left hand,corner you're gonna select lists and you,always have at least one list so I'll,click on the subscribers list here,all right and so from here we're gonna,click you'll see stats manage contacts,add contacts signup forms and settings,click on settings and go to list name,and defaults and on the right hand side,you will see your list ID right here so,this number in red is actually the,number we want so copy,navigate back and paste now that we have,our list ID in there we will hit save,because did in this instance we don't,have a segment where where our list is,broken up into multiple variations then,we can skip that part so now that we,have our settings saved we'll close this,and you'll see that MailChimp is,connected the reason why this is so,important is if you do not connect,MailChimp or HubSpot or any other email,platform you're gonna have to download,the spreadsheet every time you want to,know who has interacted with this and,that is a waste of time it's it's great,if you're not using something like,MailChimp or HubSpot or get response or,any of these other email blasts type,systems but at the end of the day you're,wasting your time if you're not using,something and I know for a fact,MailChimp is free up to 12,000 emails a,month or 2,000 subscribers,throughout all of your lists so if,you're just starting out you're new in,business MailChimp is perfect for you,and that's the reason why I promote it,so much because it's perfect for people,starting out so now we've integrated all,of our tools let's go do a quick check,make sure we got nothing else in here,awesome,we're gonna click on save and once that,saves we're gonna click on publish and,now that it's been published we're gonna,click on the top right hand corner of,the entire screen here we'll see,promotions so click on that and that'll,take us to where the fun part begins,so in this instance we do not have a,coupon should be applied so there's,nothing to worry about here so priority,determines in which order things are,viewed and obviously we don't this is,our first one so this was priority one,status is on or off archive so we are,live here's the preview this is what it,looks like last modified promotion name,if you're using a pre-built promotion,there's no actual need to change the,name you can if you want but it's kind,of wasting your time and time is a,precious commodity so it's up to you,impressions engagements conversions this,is where your initial data will be but,you can click the bar graph icon to view,reports and so since we have nothing,here and there's no reports to view but,I will still go to that let's go to view,reports so here you can select on the,left-hand side all of these different,options you can select your source your,landing page specifically you are your,specific URLs your promotions your,country's country of origin for the,clients customers conversions carts,emails and performance etc etc you can,take all of those and,you can narrow them down by desktop,mobile everyone new customers returning,customers and on the right hand side you,can select your time line these reports,are quite profound,they're they're very good if you are not,if you are engaging well if you're at,least getting a lot of traffic you'll,have good reports if you're getting a,low number of traffic and a low number,of interactions with people it's not,really gonna help you out but if you do,have a high number of traffic you will,at least see some legitimate numbers,here so back here we're going to add,this into a folder we're gonna call this,folder 2018 Christmas so create that,folder we're going to take this and add,I'm sorry so now that that folder is,created we're gonna select this,promotion and then click on this folder,button right here add to folder and then,we're gonna select 2018 Christmas Add to,selected folder now the reason that,we're doing this is because we're gonna,go back we're gonna create more and,we're gonna build you can actually build,out the whole year and set them into,separate folders and whatnot and it's,easier to manage because you just click,on your folder ok Christmas is over,click on your folder select all and turn,them all off then navigate to your other,folder select all turn them all on and,that's how fast it is to switch from,Christmas to New Year's promotions and,that's why these type of tools are very,power,but here in this instance we have your,desktop so now we actually have to go,back and create a mobile version as well,so let me do that real quick let me I'm,actually gonna skip the MailChimp,integration so we're gonna click on new,promotion and then choose a prebuilt,all right here's your desktop now we're,gonna go to your mobile ad this now,this rapid version all right that looks,good,next you have unsaved changes okay,save I didn't save anything but okay I,didn't change anything,our rules should still be applied but,we'll double check them 30% of the page,every visitor session after engagement,with this showing any page new visitors,all visitors and show immediately save,there you go done,okay it's moving slower than me alright,so we'll move on to the next one,integrations MailChimp is not connected,I'm gonna skip it this time,we're gonna go to publish yes I would,like to activate it and promotions so,now here we have our mobile version as,well,now this mobile version as you might,notice is not part of our 2018 Christmas,so we need to go in here and add it to,the folder add to folder 2018 Christmas,so now we have just Christmas so when we,go in here we add I'll go ahead and,rapid-fire two of these New Year's,versions alright so we have it here,we've built the New Year's desktop in,the New Year's mobile versions so what,I'll do is I'll select both of these now,I'll add them to a new folder and we're,gonna call that one 2018 2019 New Year's,create folder so now we have two,separate folders here so it's just as I,described before when it's time for you,to switch obviously we have to turn,these off okay so when it's time for you,to switch between Christmas and New,Year's it's literally this fast I click,on the Christmas folder i select all i,turn them off they are now off i click,to the new year's folder i select all i,turn them on they are now live it's that,fast it took me a total of five seconds,to do all of that and that's what's so,beautiful about just to know is that you,can rapidly switch but,multiple instances of your promotions,and switch to the next one and you can,prepare the majority of these months in,advance and if you get into the part,where you're building these out for,yourself you're doing all of these,manually these are ridiculously powerful,another feature that we did not use was,which I'll actually I'll go over it it's,the how do you say it is the new visitor,sign up with your email for a discount,code it's hard to put into words so,before we start this we're gonna have to,navigate to our store and on the right,hand side navigate to discounts then,we're gonna click create discount and,this one is our first one so we'll just,call it just you know 25 so that,discount value is 25% entire order,everyone no requirements limit one use,per customer,that's a good idea limit number of times,this discount can be used in total now,let's say 100 people and then start now,so save that discount just uno 25 so,we'll copy that alright so we're gonna,click on the just uno dashboard under,the promotions tab we're going to go to,the right-hand side and click on new,promotion then we're going to choose a,prebuilt promotion and we're gonna click,on this the bubbles at the bottom of the,circles we're gonna click on the very,last one all right cart abandoners,you can actually add these to every one,of those email captures it's excitingly,complicated it's exciting and sometimes,complicated to do that but it's,definitely worth your time to have the,extreme graphic set just uno uses and,also apply a discount coupon to that so,we're gonna click Add this now,and this was actually for a 25% discount,so I changed that huh 25% off and notice,here that there's a shortcode all right,you don't have to do anything here so,we're gonna click Save and navigate to,the next page and we're gonna hit,publish now this says you haven't set up,your coupon codes so you can click here,but I'm not going to do that because I'm,going to show you how to do it on the,promotion's page so click okay and then,back to our main promotions page so,under this gear box on the right hand,side for that promotion we're gonna,click on it and it's gonna open up edit,coupons so click there and I'll pull up,your coupon entry there so we're gonna,click there's three different type of,coupons,there's your multi-use which is what we,just entered there's a unique coupon,codes which means you have to enter in,every one of them individually so if you,wanted to do 100 set their separate,coupons right so let's say it was,Shopify one well let's say zero zero one,Shopify,zero zero two etc etc you would have to,enter in every one of those which is,easy to do if you have Excel pretty,handy but it's kind of a waste of time,because you don't need that the next one,is fetch coupons so this will actually,pull in coupons that you have in your,system so we're actually using Shopify,so this will actually this is a whole,new ballgame this is actually new so,I've never used this but we're gonna,click on multi coop multi use coupon and,paste in our coupon and hit Save Changes,I'll have to come back to the the new,fetch coupons and do something,specifically for that but once we've,done that we can click on the status,drop down bar and click on and that will,actually publish nope it did not and the,gear back to the right hand side click,on that and click publish and now our,campaign our campaign is published so,you don't actually have to enter in a,coupon code there what's gonna happen is,we're gonna go to our store,and this is a generic store and then,only try to see here's a collection oh,there's no products in here,we'll reset our profile,anyway so what's gonna happen is that,coupon code is automatically gonna be,entered into that field after they,provide you their email address so it's,pretty amazing that's all I have for,this time for just you know if you have,any questions which I'm I'm sure you,guys will you can reach out to fighter,solutions or comment on our dev guys,podcast we're listed on Google on iTunes,and you can also watch this video on,YouTube thanks guys that's just you know,amazing Shopify plugin that's all we,have for today,have a good one
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