a smart collection,and it's going to be for,callers and leashes for cats let's see,that you change that one which is cool,so right now this is a manual collection,okay,so,products collections,collars and leashes for cats,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,click on this manual collection i'm,gonna go ahead and click on collections,again and go ahead and right click open,up a new tab and i go over here and i'm,gonna go ahead and click on collections,and click on create collection,and then what i'm going to do is copy,the same name,put it here,let me go back over to the old one copy,all my information,put it in here,okay i'm gonna leave it as an automated,collection,all right and then um you can decide,whether you how you want the tags to be,right so or if you're going to do it by,product type or if you're going to do it,by,tag when you make the smart collection,if you notice on this url it's callers,leashes for cats,and then if i go over here and you'll,see,cat,cat supplies,click on this guy,callers leashes for cats okay so now,when i create this smart collection it's,probably going to put a number one at,the end so if i scroll down here,and right now it says colors leashes for,cats,but it's probably not going to let me,keep that,so i'm going to,set this up by,product tag is equal to,um let me grab the first product over,here,so i'm gonna grab this product right,click on it go over here and go to the,product itself and you probably want to,do it i think that's why you're setting,up the,product types right so pet collars and,harnesses,right,if i do pet collars and harnesses that's,pretty generic it's not cat right so i,want to use this one,as the product type,and then i'm going to go back over here,to the,um sorry to the smart collection i'm,going to say product type is equal to,right or is not equal to or contains,whatever you could put that,collars and leashes cat collars and,actually i'm going to put it as equal to,because that's what you're putting in is,cut and then i'm going to also put any,condition right so that if it's equal to,that or if it's tagged and then i'm,going to put in a tag here too just to,make your life easier right so,if the tag is equal to,and then let me find that product so,there's a product and then i had added a,tag earlier called cat collars to this,one so cat collars right cat collars and,leashes so the product tag has to be cat,collars,or or it can be cat collars also right,so underneath my smart collection i'm,going to type in cat,collars okay there it is,all right so now if it's,a product type or if the tag right it'll,throw products in here so now i'm gonna,go ahead and select save,so that's gonna save the collection and,if i scroll down i'm going to see some,products coming on here now so anything,with cat collar cat collar so anything,that you have the prototype,cat right cat collar cat leash,so you already have a lot of that stuff,for the product types is pulling it in,already which is cool,good job boom boom cat caller guy caller,so notice what this url did right so it,ended up creating it so it's a dash one,now,so if i go back over to the collections,i'll click on collections,and you're gonna see it says can i call,it this is my,smart collection because it's got my,product conditions and this is my manual,one,so,i can do two things one is i can,change this,to be something else or i can deactivate,this right so i probably want to click,on this guy,and then i want to go into manage just,just for this one the other ones you can,delete when you feel comfortable with it,but you're going to go ahead and go,ahead and click on manage,and i'm going to take them off all these,point of sale stores okay,boom boom take them off all this guy,and hit done,so now that i did that i'm going to,select save,so,on the front end now i have this,url here right,so if i go over to the smart collection,and i'm going to change my,url,to be this guy let's see what it does,click save,handle has already been taken,so,the handle,for this when i mean my handle,which one did i do,yeah okay,so the handle is this thing collars and,leashes for cats,right,so,the best thing for me to do would be to,actually delete this category okay so,that you don't have the handle issue so,i'd probably recommend you do it that,way and then create your smart,collections right so i'm gonna do that,just for this product,this one,you have some other you have 17 products,on here and let's see what the smart one,has so the smart collection has,16. so it's missing one whatever right,so i'm going to go ahead,and i have this disabled right now so if,i change,just change this,url right here,it's going to make a forwarder and i,don't want that because it's going to,mess up the links and everything so i'm,going to want to delete the collection,so i'm going to go ahead this can't be,undone delete collection,so now i just have cat collars and,leashes i'll scroll down here,and then i need to change this,to be that it's like save,and now i'll go back onto the front end,of the store the reason why i did that,is so that i wouldn't mess up any links,so let's see if it's still linked,here cat supplies,and see it took it out of the menu,because that link was to that old page,so you're gonna have to go into the,navigation items and you're gonna have,to re-add,you're gonna have to re-add this,so you have to go back into online store,navigation main menu,cad supplies right it's not in there,here's my collection,cats and leashes for cats whatever,there's it at the bottom i'm gonna have,to drag it where i want it right there,and save,so now back to the front end of the site,i'll refresh,cat,cat supplies,it's not loaded yet because you got to,wait for,shopify's cash to catch up,give it a few seconds,oh yeah,and there it is,so now you have the same url and it's,really important you create these same,urls the same you call the same exact,names right callers and leashes for cats,you call it exactly the same otherwise,you can mess up some of your search,engine stuff okay so you just gotta be,careful so now technically this one is a,automated collection so if you add,anything in your,um your tag or your product type it's,gonna now put it in there so you're,gonna have to do that and rebuild each,of those as you go through and do those,that's the correct way to do it so that,you don't um,break the site completely so always,remember you're gonna create the smart,collection you can delete the old manual,collection,right you're going to put your,information in there and how you want,the stuff to be whether it's a tag or a,type and then you're going to want to,add it back to the navigation menu,because it is going to remove that old,navigation item from where it is
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