shopify what is my ups account

UPS shipping rates Shopify as a shopify merchant you often struggle,with complex ups,rate charts and


Updated on Mar 16,2023

UPS shipping rates Shopify

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UPS shipping rates Shopify

as a shopify merchant you often struggle,with complex ups,rate charts and end up configuring free,shipping or flat rate shipping,as you don't have any other way to,charge actual ups rates during checkout,the good news is that carrier calculated,rates removes guesswork completely for,shopify merchants by providing real-time,ups shipping rates at checkout,the shipping cost will be calculated,automatically based on the address,provided by the customer at checkout,and the warehouse address configured by,the merchant,a lot of other factors like product,weight and dimensions,insurance and special services like,adult signature,are considered in calculating the,accurate shipping cost that saves you,from overcharging or,undercharging your customers in this,video,we'll see how the ups carrier calculated,rates works with the shopify,multi-carrier shipping label app by,plugin hive,the first step is to add your ups,account,since plugin hive is certified under the,ups ready program,integrating your ups account is a,hassle-free job,once you add your ups account you can,select your preferred ups shipping,services,which you want to display at the shopify,checkout,if you'd like to add an additional,handling charge over the real-time ups,rates,you can add that also if you'd like to,provide,discounts on the ups rates you can,configure that,as well now you need to configure your,store location,that will be your ship from address also,if you have multiple warehouses in,different countries,you can configure that as well,the next step is to choose the packaging,method,the easiest and the most common method,is to choose the packaging method,based on the product weight but if the,volumetric weight of your product is,higher than the actual weight,choose the box packing method,if you'd like to pack your products,based on quantity you can choose the,quantity based packing method,also if you'd like to pack your products,based on product height,you can choose the stack packing method,based on the packaging method selected,ensure that you've configured the weight,and dimensions for each of your products,that's it now the accurate ups carrier,calculated shipping rates based on the,customer address,will be displayed at checkout,not just that the app also helps you,display carrier calculated rates for all,ups domestic,and international services using ups,shurepost,ups freight and many more isn't that,amazing,and there's more the app not only helps,you in displaying ups carrier calculated,rates,but also helps with one-click ups,shipping label generation,automatic shopify order fulfillment,along with the ups tracking number,automating ups tracking and ups shipping,insurance,with all these features you can automate,the entire shipping process,and reduce the order fulfillment time if,you have any queries or require any,assistance in setting up the app,don't worry our team is here to help you,please reach out,at forward slash support

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