shopify whatsapp button

How to Add Shopify Whatsapp Chat Button Icon (2022) | Shopify Tutorial what's up graduates so today


Updated on Feb 24,2023

How to Add Shopify Whatsapp Chat Button Icon (2022) | Shopify Tutorial

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How to Add Shopify Whatsapp Chat Button Icon (2022) | Shopify Tutorial

what's up graduates so today i'm going,to show you a really cool feature it's,called the whatsapp app chat box and,basically it works like this,so on your store it's going to be,located at the bottom right hand corner,and if a customer lands on your website,this will pop up and you just click on,it and you can change out the image you,can change out the text here and then,also you can change out this,first,first response so if i start typing hi,hi there,then this will automatically open up to,the whatsapp chat and it will be,connected to whatever phone number you,assign in the back end of your setting,so this is very simple copy and paste uh,it did take a little time to get it,perfectly right for you guys i hope you,guys like it let's get right to it three,two one here we go,what i want to do is,it is on this right here but i don't,believe it is on here so,we will just add it to this theme,what you're gonna,get is of course you're going to get the,the zip file that has the rtf and then,you're going to have the html so when i,open up the html it's going to give me a,readme file and this will be changed out,it's the whatsapp chat box,and the first instruction is it's going,to,ask you to install the eg whatsapp,button,and it's going to ask you to create the,new section that's what we'll do we'll,go into here and we'll go and in the,backend of your shopify we're going to,go and edit code,so once i'm in there i'm just going to,open up my rtf file,and it should look something like,like this,so i'm going to go into my sections here,and shopify has been having a little bit,of their update um especially in their,theme editors,and also in their code so it might look,like this and it might still look like,the old version so i'm just going to add,a new section and i'm just going to call,it the eeg,what's,what's app,i believe that's what said eg what's,that button,so,what i can do for example i didn't,remember so i'm just going to add that,right there and now i'm going to go back,into my,rtf file i'm just going to copy and,paste this whole section,i'm going to save this now i have a,section and that's all i really need to,do i believe besides going into my,theme.liquid and find the section footer,i'm going to go into my theme.liquid,which is at the very top always i'm just,going to do control find,and i'm going to find that,right here so now i'm going to add the,section i'm just going to copy and paste,i'll put it right underneath,now i can get out of this and i'm just,going to click customize my theme,it might take a little bit for shopify,to update in the back end but i am now,in my theme you'll see that there's now,a chat with us when i scroll all the way,down eg what's that button,i'm going to put in my number,and that is our number to support um,and you can choose your primary color so,you can choose whatever your theme is or,you can choose the default of whatsapp,so they can kind of so your customers,kind of can recognize the color or you,can change it to red,but i think green because it's inviting,and then secondary color that will be,this right here so you'll see that,there's a blank image right now and john,doe,you can position it right or you can,position it left,so there's positioning settings and then,chat with us you can change out the text,as well,and,we give you a lot of settings so you can,kind of play around with that,and then right over here show dialog it,basically tells you if disabled it will,open up directly the whatsapp um,whatsapp app,on button click if not then it won't i'm,just going to choose that image,now this image populates,and john doe we'll just put ecom,graduates and now when anybody uh goes,and clicks on to this it's going to,direct us to our personal link,don't spam us,our personal link and it's it's a great,way to also help with the support,tickets that you have with your stores,as well and then here you can change out,the text here as well and then message,how can we help and button text we have,a lot of cool settings here,and it works really well it connects,right to your whatsapp just get that,nice and connected and if you don't have,whatsapp um definitely,definitely uh get this get the whatsapp,if you don't and that's this is not for,you but,we hope you like this let us know if,there's you know any bugs or comments or,what you'd like else for this section,i'm just gonna save this,and,now i have a whatsapp and it looks,really cool,thank you so much for watching

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