shopify whatsapp integration

How to Add Whatsapp Chat in Shopify 2022 hello everybody welcome back to the,channel this is ani her

Ani's Learning Class

Updated on Feb 05,2023

How to Add Whatsapp Chat in Shopify 2022

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How to Add Whatsapp Chat in Shopify 2022

hello everybody welcome back to the,channel this is ani here from the,learning class today's tutorial is on,how to install a chat button or a chat,feature on your website chats are great,because it gives you,uh the ability to connect to your,clients in real time,uh the one that we gonna use today,uh is a great little app because not,only it has the live chat feature but,it's got email feature it's got whatsapp,everybody knows about whatsapp how great,it is uh it's got facebook messenger,telegram i mean i think it's got,everything,so one app will do all your job,so without further ado let's uh get into,a tutorial uh but before we get into,tutorial guys uh,give us a like,share comment,uh it just helps us we have a brand new,channel so yeah just support us anyways,uh let's uh let's get into the uh,tutorial so the app that we're gonna use,is called whatsapp chat and share as you,can see this one,so just go to your shopify store,and then just,just type in whatsapp chat telegram and,more so you'll see you'll see this app,that comes up click that,and then as you can see i've already,installed the app uh but just go ahead,and install it so once you install it,you'll be able to see something like,this yeah so this is installed so just,click that,once you have clicked uh,just scroll down,and just click on customize app so,before we go to customize app they have,like some other features as well they've,got pinterest they've got,page speed booster and some some other,stuff like tick tock and all of that so,not only did you know they have like a,chat,app but they also you also get another,features as well so that's pretty cool,anyways let's click on customize app,so once you click customize app,it's gonna ask you there are three,sections here chat style and share so,we're gonna quickly go through each one,of them,this is where you are able to add the,channel so first of all make sure your,whatsapp chat and share is enabled so,obviously i'm just disabling it so make,sure it's enabled,okay,the next one is you can add channels so,let me show you i've added whatsapp and,email,but just have a look,what all stuff they suppose so they have,whatsapp telegram,facebook messenger twitter,you can have a direct phone,you can have sms email gmail line skype,i mean,the list just goes on right so,pretty pretty cool,one app and you can connect,to your clients on so many different,channels,for this tutorial i've just put in,whatsapp and,email now let's click on whatsapp,so once you click on whatsapp you just,put your number there,and then i've just given like a sample,name john doe so you can write the name,you can write the label so,you can just copy the way i have done it,so you can just write support,you can use a custom avatar so if you,have like a,special,you know you know like a small graphic,you know or the photo that you want to,use you can use that,as well and then,and then we go to settings so,always available online,so i think it's always good idea to,leave that on it's always available,show chat box hello i'm john from the,support team of course you can customize,it you can write things like hello i'm,john from,the name of your business how can i help,you today,anything like that,okay cool so,that is your whatsapp,and then the same way you can customize,your emails as well,so you can write the email address that,you want,again the name,yeah,or you can just leave it the way i have,left it,okay,and uh and then as i said you can,add so many different uh,social media channels as well,okay uh,going back down,then it says settings open in a new,window so do you want the chat box to be,open a new window which is not a good,idea because you don't want your,customers to go away from the website so,it's always a good idea just to,have,the same window on your website itself,show online channels only channels which,are away according to schedule settings,will be hidden so,for example you have five channels,facebook twitter,insta email whatsapp right so if one of,if one or two is not active they,automatically,will be hidden right so if you want to,hide them you can check it if you want,to leave them on you just leave it okay,okay allow the customer to leave a,message for offline channels definitely,keep that check,show greetings message so here you can,write hi there,how can we help you,tap here to start so i'm just gonna,leave that,you can see it's giving you a little bit,of a sample message here,again you can customize this to suit,your business,when do you want this message to be,displayed after five seconds so you can,change that,immediately you know so you can change,that,show pending message increase your click,rate by displaying a spending messages,icon near your chat widget to let your,visitors know that you're waiting for,them to contact you,okay so this is again great so you can,you can just leave it just leave this at,one i would suggest,and then you have the option of,placement so where do you want this chat,box you know on the right side or left,side usually,normal standards are on the wire and,side,uh,distance from the bottom so here you can,actually,customize the exact location you know do,you want it how how much up do you want,uh how much right do you want how much,left do you want so that's that,and then on mobile also you can choose,the position so inherit left or right,okay and then you can customize the text,so,hi there description,so this is again,uh great way of really customizing the,way you want your text to be displayed,you know your chat box to be displayed,so that is all of that then we go to,style so in style uh,you can choose,the color of the,box so this one the chat box i always,advise that try to choose the color,which matches your website so if it's if,there is blue if that's the primary,color of your website then obviously go,with blue,uh if the primary color of your website,is green then go with green so i've just,gone with,black for the moment,uh you can also choose the icon so,there's quite a bit of different types,of icon which is available,so depending,uh what's your primary,chat option you know if you're gonna,have whatsapp as your primary chat,option then i think you can have,uh,maybe this logo,uh if you plan to have,skype as your primary option then you,can have this logo,so you can have this logo if whatsapp is,your primary you can have uh,facebook messages as you can see the,the icon is changing right,if you want,email as your primary then,you can have,so just so right now i've just selected,this one,but,you can choose,what you prefer right,okay and then uh you can also choose a,custom color,okay and then moving on uh,sharing so,do you want uh people to be able to,share uh,your website on social media which i,think is a great idea to have,so you have to enable,the sharing over here,again you can choose so sharing is some,this one right,and then you can choose,where you want to position it,and then again the mobile device is just,inherit or again you can choose left or,right,and then you can also customize this as,well so you can have the color that you,choose,you can write,the text i have just written share but,you can just write this,you can customize it the way you like it,so,i think that's it uh it's great little,thing,uh,i very very strongly recommend that you,should have a chat box it also looks,uh it also makes your website look,professional,and uh trust me,by having a live chat with your client,is going to really increase your sales i,personally can vouch that i have live,chat,all the ecommerce businesses that i have,run,live chat,the,you know i could say,the conversion rate of live chat in my,personal experience has been almost 50,so if i have had,10 chats i've been able to convert five,of them into actual sales,so and i'm not a great sales person so,you know if you if you are a good,salesperson uh definitely this is like,a great little uh,tool that you should have okay so,now that once you're happy with,all the settings,just click save,so now it's saved and let's have a look,how this looks on the actual,website so,just gonna click this and,so that's the website i'm gonna go on a,different browser,let's just go here,okay so that's the website and,there you go,so here it is,i'm just gonna click that and as you can,see,we installed the whatsapp and we,installed the email so we've got these,two,of course you know if you install,messenger twitter so you know you're,gonna get all of those as well,but,yeah this is this is pretty much how you,install,uh,the chat button so if you enjoyed this,video uh and if you learn something,really appreciate a subscribe,like comment uh,yeah just help us and,we'll look forward to,having another video for you soon take,care and goodbye,you

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