shopify metafields are finally here,uh they're part of the overall shopify,online store 2.0 update,um which is a huge update that shopify,rolled out about mid 2021 okay so it's,been six months now,uh we've got a lot of new themes that,are on shopify online store 2.0,uh architecture and one of the most,important features that i want to talk,about today is meta fields metafields,have been available for a while but only,developers could use them because they,weren't part of the actual shopify admin,like the interface now that we have new,themes on online store 2.0 regular,people store owners marketers you can,use them as well firstly let's talk,about what are meta fields okay they're,basically custom fields,for products and for collections,okay what i mean by custom fields i mean,that,when you're,creating a new product right in your,shopify admin,you have the title field you have the,description box right you have the price,and you can upload images,so these are all fields right but you,don't have you're not able to create,your own custom fields,are you,um you're not able to say,split the description into two parts say,you want like a title and then you want,like a subtitle like like maybe one,sentence that goes under the title and,then you want the main description below,that right you can't create your own,like subtitle field or you couldn't,before but now you can,with matter fields okay so that's what,matter fields are they're custom fields,uh for your products mainly,and for your collections as well,so in this video,i'm going to be showing you how,you can use them how you can set up meta,fields so how you can define them first,you define meta fields,through settings in your shopify admin,and then you can use them on products,and i'm also going to show you how i'm,using metafields now,on a real website so that you can have,like a real life example,okay actually let's jump right into a,real life example okay i'm gonna show,you this first how how this brand fresh,ego kid,they're a client of mine okay and i've,been working on their site over the past,year or so just adding little upgrades,just little features that they wanted,and,one of these features is this other,options thing right this other options,section as you can see it's just it's,the same pants in a different color,and they call it other options and they,have lots of products across their store,that have this other options,section so how do they actually add this,right because this isn't an app,um they didn't want to pay for an app,they'd rather pay me one time so that i,could um set this up for them,and then they have this ability and they,don't need to rely on an app or pay for,an app monthly or anything like that and,this is using meta fields okay,um,so let me show you how that,what that looks like,so let's jump into the product admin,um this is that same product,and if we scroll all the way down to the,bottom,look at this we have meta fields right,we didn't have this before we didn't,have this prior to like uh july 2021,you weren't able to see them like this,developers could use them but they were,hidden okay,um,and so here we have this field similar,products that's what i'm calling it in,the admin uh they're calling it other,options on on the front end uh it,doesn't really matter we've got this,field and this is where they add product,tags of um of the related products so,the bel air relax fit joggers in gray,that's what we're seeing there,and then they've also added another,product,but that product yeah in sage green but,that product is probably out of stock uh,and that's why it's not showing up there,but basically you can see how it works,they have this extra field,where the store owner or the store,manager can uh can add related products,right,um so we have,another section on the product page it's,called complete the look,and let's scroll down a little bit this,is complete the look right so they got,these uh these tan color or brown color,i would say,um joggers,and they've also got the same color,hoodie shirt and um,and a matching hat,right and this is called complete the,look and these products are all added,through,middle fields,so here's complete the look and here's,the handles of those products and,they're just separated by a comma right,so they just add a bunch of products,separate them by commerce,by commas,and it's pretty easy and they save and,that shows up on the product page a,pretty useful feature for them because,they want people to buy,you know,um a whole outfit right so let's jump,into defining matter fields,defining or creating meta fields is done,through,uh the settings panel in the shopify,admin so just if you're on any page,you're going to go into settings,and then you're gonna go,in the settings screen you're gonna go,into many fields,um,and then we're going to add a definition,okay so we're gonna create a new custom,meta field,and for this example what i'm going to,create is a,small intro paragraph,under the title okay so like in my,example the start of this video,um you know say i want under this title,i want just one sentence,um i want it to be right here under the,price and it's gonna be like these are,the best joggers blah blah blah and um,you know that's different from the main,product description,which is down here,and it's going to be longer and it's,going to be using the regular product,description field,so my field just gonna be one sentence,and i'm gonna call it,product intro okay,and,yeah i wanna have a different product,intro for each product,so let's add this definition i'm going,to call it product intro,product intro line,whatever,so namespace and key,this is basically just like an id for,this meta field,this is for the sake of organization,okay so instead of my fields let's just,call it like product,fields you know product fields,and then dot,so this is the name space and then it,goes dot and then this is the key so,product fields dot product intro line,so like if i was to make another one,um i would call it product fields dot i,don't know product,like,extra images or like extra info product,specs whatever i'd call product fields,dot product specs,uh description this isn't really needed,and then just select a content type,so in our case it's gonna be text,and these content types i'm also not,going to go into this now because it's,not that important it's mainly for,validation so like,so that you enter the correct content,type it's supposed to be a number,uh and you enter letters it'll tell you,oh enter a number here anyway,in our case it's text and in most cases,it will be,text usually i would say,and that's it,we're going to save that,and now we have this new meta field,product intro line,and now that's going to show up on our,product admin page,so i'm going to refresh the page,and you're going to see that,at the bottom of the page,under the meta field section,we now have product interline and now i,can fill this out,you know i can say,these are the best,jugglers,um,and then okay all that remains now,is actually,adding that meta field to the template,because,okay we've we've defined the meta field,and we've filled out the data in the,middle field if i hit save here,but how do we actually add that,meta field to the template how do we,tell shopify that we want it to appear,here under the product title and not,somewhere else,okay,that's the next and final part of this,tutorial,okay guys for this part of the tutorial,we're gonna have to say goodbye to fresh,ego kid,because unfortunately they are still,using a shopify online store 1.0 or like,the old shopify,theme architecture,we haven't yet upgraded them to an,online store 2.0,store okay so,the way that i've added these meta,fields here is by adding them to the,code okay this is pretty simple as well,but i'm not going to be explaining that,in this tutorial because this tutorial,is not for developers it's aimed for,store owners,for non-technical people so that you can,do it yourself right,so here's the most important thing,you're going to have to be on a online,store 2.0 theme okay,and that's part of the reason why i'm,doing this tutorial now and not six,months ago when it was released,uh because when shopify released meta,fields and and and shop fine line store,2.0,there weren't many themes,that were on shopify store 2.0 right,um so themes needed to update themselves,right release updated versions of their,themes,um,to to use these these features right and,so now six months later uh we now have,plenty of themes that are using shopify,online store 2.0 you can see them by,going to,and then right under collections online,store 2.0 themes right and and now there,are a lot of themes six months ago there,weren't that many,um now there are a lot and actually if,you are already using a theme that you,purchased from the,uh shopify theme store,like um fresh egokid is using impulse,um,and,it is now on os 2.0 you don't have to,pay for this theme again right so if you,already purchased a theme,you don't have to pay for it again to,update to,2.0 so,i highly recommend you update and get,the latest version of the theme i mean,and,yeah if you've been thinking about,getting a new theme now is the perfect,time,okay,so,let's continue with the tutorial about,meta fields,okay so now we're in my own development,store,that i use for,just for testing different things,and as you can see we're in the theme,editor,which you can go into by going to online,store then themes then,customize on the theme i'm sure you know,how to do this already,um,but,here i am i'm using a uh,an online store 2.0 theme okay,and it's very cool this is this is what,it looks like and as you can see these,are all blocks now,so like the price we can actually move,the price around this used to be,something that was quite static before,on uh on older themes right,um but now you can move everything,around and everything is a section and,everything's all the things inside,sections they're all blocks you can all,you can drag everything around this is,amazing,for so many stores,um,because it has so much potential you can,now completely redesign your product,page right you can you can tell a story,about your product on your product page,and you're not limited by the standard,uh shopify,layout of like the image on the left,the product info on the right followed,by a description followed by related,products and that's it right you can you,can add as much content to you as you,want to that page,but anyway that's a little bit off topic,uh but that's like,i'm just talking about shopify 2.0 and,how good it is,but let's actually add our meta field,okay,um,i actually have,an even better example on this store,which is the fabric,okay this is a metal fill that i created,earlier when i was playing around with,them,but i'll show you first on the product,intro line that i set up when i was,showing you on fresh ego kid,this product intro line i've already set,up this meta field exactly the same way,as i showed you,okay,so inside products we can now see the,product intro line i'm gonna say this is,a great product,i'm gonna save,and then how do we add that meta field,to the template okay,that's what,this part of tutorial was about so we're,gonna add a block here,okay,in the left,um,in the sidebar we're going to add a,block,and it's going to be a text block,because that's the content type of our,meta field right remember we chose that,it would be text,so i'm going to select text,and we can see that it's appeared here,text block okay,there it is at the bottom of this,section i'm going to drag it up,right under the price because that's,where we want our,our line to be,our sentence our subtitle whatever we're,calling it intro line,okay,and,see instead of this text we have this,button we can insert dynamic source,so what does that mean what what's a,dynamic source,dynamic,in this case refers to the fact that,it's different on every product okay,so if i was to keep it,like this text block the words text,block it would be like this across all,products,see this line here this divider,this like separator yeah,so this separator this is not dynamic,this is part of the template,and it's going to show up on all,products,but we want to insert a dynamic source,and that means linking it to a meta,field,okay,they could have said link meta field but,okay so dynamic source,here we're going to see our meta fields,so now,we're going to see all the meta fields,that we created okay so here's the,middle field we created product intro,line,right we're going to select that,click insert,okay,and it inserted it exactly where my,cursor was actually so this text that,was like text block,it's actually separated now but we're,gonna just remove that we don't need it,so here here is the field and you can,see that this is a dynamic source,and we can see it on the front end as,well this is a great product okay so,that's,that's the meta field that i that's the,data that i added for this meta field,here,now i also want to show you another,example this is probably like a slightly,better example,um i have this meta field for fabric,and this is probably a better use of,metal fields like a better example,because to be honest the product intro,line that's like not very useful the,fabric is useful like what if we want to,add a line somewhere that says the,fabric of the product,and we don't want it to be like part of,the the main description field we want,to add it somewhere else we want to add,it like we want to put some emphasis on,it right,um especially if a product is made of a,unique fabric say it's a 100 cashmere or,something we want to emphasize that we,don't want it to get lost in the,description,right,um,so as you can see i've already filled,out,the fabric metal field on this product,um and we're just gonna go add block,this this metal field is also a text,block,i'm going to move that,to the top under the price okay,so it says text block again,and then i'm going to insert the dynamic,source,i'm going to choose fabric,okay,and,here's a better example of how we can,mix dynamic and static content,so here we have the dynamic source which,is,60 cotton 40 polyester,and here i can just add the word fabric,right,and now it's like fabric 60 cotton 40,polyester so,now on every product you're gonna see,this this word fabric you don't need to,add the word fabric inside of,here like,right because if we if we wouldn't if we,weren't able to mix static and dynamic,content here then we would have to write,fabric sixty percent conifer percent,polyester inside the metal field data,which we don't want and so so this is,really useful okay,really useful,so i'm going to hit save,and so just to recap to use meta fields,you need to be using,a theme that is on shopify 2.0,okay and you'll be able to upgrade,themes for free if you've already,purchased the theme,at any point in the past,you'll be able to update the version for,free,alright and if you're looking for a new,theme,or you want to redesign your store,in the new year,now is the perfect time,because of shopify 2.0,and all these new features,and the fact that,it's been six months now since shopify,2.0 was released and so a lot of theme,developers have had time to catch up,right um and,release themes that are on shopify 2.0,architecture so it's like it's the,perfect time to get a new theme okay,uh if you're looking for some,recommendations,of uh which themes are the best ones,i'll be releasing a new video very soon,probably next week,about my top picks for themes,in 2022 obviously on shopify 2.0,so subscribe if you are interested in,seeing that video i'll also be releasing,videos very soon on,um there will be a video on bulk editing,meta fields okay so what i showed you,today is,how to edit meta fields on the product,page but what if you want to edit,um meta fields for a hundred products or,what if you have 500 products right um,i'll be showing you,some some tips some hacks,some quick ways that you can bulk edit,meta fields okay if you have a very,large store,and i'll also be releasing videos,more videos on the topic of shopify 2.0,so i'll be talking about,sections everywhere i'll be talking,about app installation i'll be talking,about the new filtering in shopify 2.0,these are all other features of shopify,2.0 that i haven't talked about today,all i talked about was meta fields right,um so if you're interested in those,topics and how you can better use,shopify 2.0 then subscribe alright if,you had any questions about meta fields,if anything wasn't clear,leave a comment,i might reply to your comment i might,make a whole new tutorial video,if if your question requires a video,that's all for today leave a like if you,found the video helpful,and i'll see you next time
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