shopify wholesale handshake

What is Shopify handshake ? the things you do,when you work by yourself and you don't,have autofocus

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Feb 13,2023

What is Shopify handshake ?

The above is a brief introduction to shopify wholesale handshake

Let's move on to the first section of shopify wholesale handshake

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What is Shopify handshake ?

the things you do,when you work by yourself and you don't,have autofocus,sound check all right let's do this,thing,hey guys welcome back i am in my,studio today and i need to tell you so i,built this studio,in my garage and uh i live in western,canada,and typically western canada it's not as,cold as the east,um and vancouver's particularly is,pretty pretty temperate,but let me tell you we are going through,a cold snap and it is minus,three in here so i had another video,planned that was going to be a full,tutorial,i'm pushing that back a week because it,is freezing,cold so this week we are going to get,just a quick one,that's going to go over something that i,found out that shopify did,that i think is important for all you,wholesaler customers out there,all right so if you've been watching my,channel for a little while you know that,i'm a big fan of using,shopify regular just a simple,installation of shopify,as your wholesale portal so instead of,using the shopify plus,plugin that gives you wholesale access,which funny enough is really just a,proof of concept,to make sure that wholesale for a,company that is just trying out,wholesale,for the first time wants to try a few,things great solution for that that may,already be on shopify plus,it is not a reason for you to just,upgrade to it the solution that i,usually give is you set up a,shopify store you do some modifications,to,the way that users interact with it and,then you get a premium wholesale,experience,i will link to the video up here so that,you can check that out,but one of the things that i came across,last week when i was going through my,dashboard,was this website called handshake and it,turns out that shopify purchased,handshake a couple years ago which is a,marketplace,for wholesale specific businesses so,let's go and check out what handshake,looks like,alright so first off handshake pretty,simple website,um it doesn't even actually look like a,major brand website i kind of kind of,glossed over it the first time i saw it,but when you go into it and you have a,look at what they have listed on here,you can actually go and find state,specific,wholesalers where you can go and buy,things in bulk,now the sign up process is pretty simple,straightforward you head over,to uh the sign up you enter in,your email address and then they will,contact you and you can go through,and set up a uh a wholesale account,um but what this allows you to do as a,small independent that maybe would,normally go to trade shows,as whole a handshake grows um you'll be,able to,push your product out there for so for,as like a simple sales channel to really,boost your wholesale,uh exposure i would definitely recommend,checking it out i'm going to be diving,into wholesale a little bit more over,the next coming weeks,and if i find some interesting stuff in,there i will i will let you guys know,but i thought it would be a great idea,just to quickly send out a video showing,you guys,about handshake and how it works because,you know,i heard this morning that they purchased,it a few years ago and until i saw it,show up on my,shopify dashboard i never even knew it,existed,so in typical shopify fashion they tend,to roll things out quietly,and then let the internet discover them,until they're ready to actually push,them,and really make them into a thing so,this is definitely,a new venture that they're going into,and i think,i think it could be a very profitable,center,for those small businesses that are,looking to push out their wholesale,items i'm going to be recommending it to,all of our customers that have wholesale,channels,one last thing i should mention,handshake is unfortunately only,available for us merchants at this time,so if you're located in the continental,usa and you have a wholesale site,i definitely recommend you go through,the sign up process check it out and let,me know how it goes,um i'm going to be signing up some of,our customers and we'll see how,the experience is but i'd like to hear,from you guys about what you think about,handshake and how it's worked for your,business,or maybe some of the stumbling blocks,that you come across so that we can,share it together we'll make it a,conversation,all right like i said super quick one it,is freezing in here,um i'm gonna head off and start working,on that other video,you guys have yourself a wonderful week,and we will catch you,next week

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