hello everyone so welcome back to my,channel so,um if you guys caught the part one this,is the part two so now i'm going to go,over how i actually,package my order um well i packaged my,order already but now i'm getting ready,to ship it out so,um like i said i use shopify,for my actual orders when i do,um my printing i love shopify,so like i said um i do have t-style,t-styles collection which is,um a cosmetic line also was a hair care,line as well so i,i do offer wholesale with that and so i,already packaged up and shipped,and um packaged up my hosted orders and,also my um,order just for my customers and so now,i'm getting ready to,actually create the the posters the,postage for it,because now i have a at home postage and,i have my demo printer,i have my scale and i have my laptop you,guys can see right here,and i have my printer that's my space,right here,i am getting a bigger desk but up until,right now we're gonna make,zoo what is zoo you know so um,i just filmed the part and i moved it,and did something now i gotta do it all,over again but that's okay,where we going we independent nowhere,you know what i'm saying so anyway,so i love shopify um like i said i'm,going to get into a video of,talking about business essentials um,what you need to use for your business,and how you post your,um post your um not post but,ship your extra um products off you know,instead of waiting in long line because,i used to write in that long line,i used to hand write everything but now,i said uh,um like that so now i am up um you gotta,upgrade your you gotta invest in,your business so now,i have this i am getting ready to um,do it at home now and i'm gonna enjoy,that to just walk up there and just drop,it off in a drop box,like okay i'm gonna love that but to,those who know i do offer,mentorships um marketing mentorships,branding as well,um if you want to start over or expand,your business no matter what you want to,do if,you want to have a food truck or lawn,service uh uh um,your own piece of hood whatever you want,to do you don't have an sw business if,you want to do a t-shirt company a hair,care line a product line a skincare line,just the business centres appear like,all the structure,is still within the same thing like to,help everyone across the board and i'm,here,for that and to also help inspire you as,well,so let's get into this video so what i,love about shopify is well i actually,made my own i actually,designed customized um shopify,um i also have um different marketing,here um i have like text message,marketing email marketing,different types of automation um you can,put whatever kind of color you want,backgrounds your templates you want,pictures you can always change it,and also you can um ship as well from at,home you don't have to go stand that,long line,um you can put different collections on,there it's just so much and i'm going to,talk more about that,um on my upcoming video talk about,business central,so let's get into this so now one of my,products here,which is the pomade is in here i am,going to,create my poses for that now since i,already input the weight which is a,great thing you can put in your ounce in,your,you can put your your pounds and your,ounces so since i already put that,inside the website under each product,then i don't have to use the scale for,that,not for this right here because i,already inputted it i already put the,weight in there for that,so here we go so now,um which i like about it is what pretty,much what it does right now because i,want to show my cooking information i,really just talk you through it,so basically what it says create,shipping labels you click on who,which order you want to select you can,select multiple at a time if it's the,same,you know simultaneously order or you can,just click on one at a time,and so i clicked on two orders because,they both had just order one of it,so i clicked on my two customers i,already input the weight,and i already put in how much ounces it,was and then here is it shows the detail,of the order,and then it is say the shipping date is,going to say the shipping day is today,you can change if you want to,um but then if you click and you keep it,on email,shipment details to clips today so they,would automatically get their,tracking information today like soon as,i pray for them click on they're gonna,get it,and then it's gonna say summary from t,stats her studio,and it's also i'm buying two super,labels right now,so the total is 697 so it is like 346,a piece i believe yeah so it's three,four to six,three four to six a piece and one thing,about this you can also save money,it's other things too i'm looking to,that also saving money a lot,with pirate shield a shipmate it's,different things you can do where you,can save like big discounts but shopify,do give you give you discounts on it so,right now you tell me i'm saving 273,for the shopify discount so i'm gonna go,ahead and,buy two shipping labels,so now it's um processing and,creating my shipping labels,so now it's a um so it's first class so,now the next step is two label system,purchase,so it says um so they,one customer is going to,union city georgia the other could be,going to meadow right louisiana,and it shows the tracking number it,automatically gives them the,ups first class package like i love that,you see i ain't even have to touch this,because see when you,like start to memorize the weight i,think it's,good to just go ahead and put the,weighting of each product by itself,that way you don't have to go back and,double work yourself but that's fine,so it already tell me usps first class,package,you in this in the first package is 346.,the next page is 351 so,boom so i'm paying for i'm only paying,6.97 so,i'm printing two shipping labels,so now we're going into the print,shipping labels,like i said i love this and then boom it,already pulls up,the shipping labels it tells me they can,how i look it already has,elf as a usp as first class um,first class it got my address,t stands for studio mail from the,address,first class shipping postage from,shopify,um it has the customer that is going to,and it has the shipping labels so when i,ship,when i print it i'm going to show you,how it look like i just love this,it just feels so good to level up your,business and i would love to,show you guys this like for real,so now i'm going to print,so it's loading those so now the next,so now i'm going to change,um,um you can change the sizes,you can change um,you can put the quantity in the quality,how many you need,um,oh,so now you also want to do print to size,because the actual postage that i have,in here they don't have the number of,what actually the postage that i have,with the thermal printer which i have,the dymo thermal printer,um it comes like the one that i that i,have it gave me four,um for free paper um and so you can like,pick and choose what kind you um,you want they got different things um,also i have the label rider 450,as well um i'm going to talk more about,that and also my printer because i,am going to have some big announcement,about that as well i'm getting to this,in the um,in a second but um,it comes with paper so you able to buy,more paper of it,um and each row i think can do like 300,sheets,like per roll like 300 sheets so,so yeah so when you actually print it,actually going to say,paper size so even though the number,all of them come with a number so even,though it might not have that number,exactly on there you can still find,something that's similar to it then if,you know close to what you have and,sizes but you can always do,click on print to printable area,so it can cut so i'm just going to go,ahead and just print them off so you,guys can see,and i'm going to turn the camera on just,a little bit now so you can see,it print,and you can do one or two but i want to,do,another thing what i do is i want to,print off,two of each because i like to keep them,in my folder,just so i can keep record i like you,know i do paper trail hunting so,i want to keep a dream cover so now,we're getting ready to print,let's see,boom oh my god did you see that,did you see that so exciting oh my god,so i like to check it,okay boom she,so that means she got it she got her,email tracking,they let her know that i'm working on it,you know um,i was stuck in the mississippi snow,storm,like i said i'm from louisiana i live,from different state to state and i've,been in mississippi,um from like middle school up,to adult and so now i moved to,dallas about three years ago now i'm in,atlanta georgia so out atlanta,atlanta hit me up so now,i went back home because i had my,product line sold inside um,beauty supply stores um actually i had,two cases to the field to the store but,they bought them about a case,about a truck long period so now,you know so that's the whole stores i do,sell them inside beauty supply stores,yes so you have a store or want to,expand your business or,in your mobile business or whatever you,want to do,we can do that we can anyway,so i was stuck in a snowstorm i just,came back yesterday i was stuck for a,whole week with it so,i'm getting right to it you know what,i'm saying like still no excuses like i,was gonna make it happen out there but,they actually closed,the post i was down there because it was,that bad so i'm back so anyway,here we go,cover up her name,i don't know if you guys can see or not,but,they got the elf for the pulses so,that's pretty much how they come,out so yeah so boom,we did that,now we go back to shopify,um,okay chad it's great so now,i'm back on my website back on shopify,so i'm finished with this one,so i just paid for that,oh correct,and then you can go back to orders,so now um,that's finished so then now,i'm loading orders so now we're saying,that their order,so now it show is not um it's it's great,now so it's not black anymore so now,it's saying fulfilled because when it's,not,it don't have tracking number it's gonna,say unfulfilled but now,it's being fulfilled so it's one item,one item so now,what i can do now i'm gonna take these,two,i'm gonna keep two because like i said,they're just me you don't have to do,that but it's me,i can always track it but i keep,envelopes of these so,i keep them extras i got a printer,i'm gonna keep extra copy so i'm gonna,keep that so,this is the order here,so they both the same so it really don't,matter,who you would because they both the same,all right,so,and that's how they are oh my god it's,so exciting,and i'll just tell everybody thank you,for all the support the orders big or,small,you know that you've been supporting my,brand,and you know that you guys love my,products and it's working for you,and you love it and i love it and just,you know support the home team i really,appreciate it,so there we go was that hard you know it,wasn't you know so now another thing too,so when you purchase it,it don't automatically come out your,account now,is i learned that as well so it comes,out,actually when your shopify,i could charge like 29 a month for,shopify,so this six dollars is going to be added,to my,29 so all that so,the bigger your order is that's going to,come out then it's not going to come out,right now,so you can look at a good bad thing i,mean either way,you know hey you're still getting paid,but just know that it's not going to,come out right exactly then,okay so now the next order,she has three so typically we will put,it up here,and i'm gonna show it to you so i'm,gonna click on it,my next customer so you just click on,this customer so,typically you just put it on the scale,so that's on the scale and it's 11 it's,dead on 11 ounces right,so this dude i'm 11 ounces so now,i'm gonna click on so you click when you,click on it's gonna select it,and then you're gonna hit create,shipping labels,so that's the next one she ordered three,pomegranates,so we have three pumice one two three,okay,so she has three pomades so then,next is gonna go to,um,no,that's not right i wish it would be,but i gotta change it to the ounces,because i know it's not gonna be no,three dollars i wish it was,but i,so you can always change it even,if it's not right,so now i'm paying for 12.,so that's still not bad hey,and i say because see if i was in the,post office i'll be paying like five,something like,almost fast it's like five forty five,sixty,but now since i am doing it at home,and i get a shopify discount,see now i'm saving and 48 cents,so like i said there's plenty out there,that you can still integrate,shopify because shopify like you have,apps there's,conversion with your website so you can,use,other apps that comes built inside your,website to save more money,so i'm gonna look into that as well but,as of right now,we're gonna handle this right here so,i'll take that little dollar 48 now if i,you know i can say more,than i'm definitely going to look into,but i have heard of great things like,pirate ship,um i'ma look into that as well so,boom so again so now i change that,so i'm paying 412 and it's still,first-class shipping,and then two it'll tell you to it'll say,first-class shipping,it's going to it's going to tell you,three days you can click if you want,signature to,it which is an extra seventy 2.76 usp is,priority mail,it would have been seven dollars which i,know my next pack is gonna be a little,more,and then you have ups ground shipping so,it gives you all those details also when,you,don't have the thermal printer and you,and you actually going to be waiting in,line,you can do it through that way as well,and you can select,usps so now we got our information,so again i'm going to ship up two labels,but,so may you know all her information is,in there,so i'm going to buy one label,so now it's going to the label,now this is the next,order y'all know this is going to cost,there was about about 15 dollars right,here,now if i was let's see let's see because,when i'm in the line walking the line,like,i'm paying about,17 15 to 17 dollars in the line,let's just see what i how much i'm gonna,save i don't know,this hey we gonna see together but let,me see how much,what's this weight is first,before i do out of it,you gotta make sure you go on zero,further,how do i need ounces so i can click on,this to get,it's at three pounds,3.8 so this is 3.8 pounds,so we're going to get to that later so,see how they came in handy so i know how,much it is,okay and this is short order 12.,so this is 12 homemade this is a,wholesale order,so you guys want to order wholesale you,can do that,okay so now it's a first place shipping,i'm paying for,12 um for 11 ounces,it come with tracking all that good,stuff yes,so i'm ready to print,generator okay,so now it shows me the same thing it's a,first-class,postage page shopify e-postage she got,the l for first class i got my address i,got her,address and it has the order number,the tracking number at the bottom and,everything,so i'm go to my print,and so like i said over here when you do,your printing,you know make sure you check your sizes,make sure it says the fee,and check the paper so it's going to,show you how it's going to look but what,i'm going to do is because i'm,i want to because i want one for me,and then my sizes and then,says to print printed area,so now i'm going to print,let's see let's see,i see that oh,boom,okay i like something,there you go turn the light down so,that's how you look,c cc oh my god he's so excited like i'm,excited,i hope you guys i just want i just hope,this inspire you guys motivate you guys,to don't give up to keep going keep,pushing,you know to always level up your,business level up your brand,boom there you go you know what i'm,saying,i'm excited keep that same energy,relevance one,no matter if it's one order over two,orders or fifty orders you know what i'm,saying,and always um get with people who's,going to motivate you,who's going to inspire you you know,somebody who wants to show you the way,you know somebody who wants,to help you you know what i'm saying,and like i said i'm you know i'm the,girl,you know i'm your girl,so now this,nice so now it is dropping down,so we got one more i'm gonna do here um,good what'd he say three pounds and hey,check out i forgot what he said,i think it said three eight but let's,try it one time so i'm gonna show you,how it works,three nine okay so it says three nine,i mean i said i pay if i'm staying in,line i'm paying about 17 dollars,so let's see now,and then a good thing is every last,order that,i just did they get in their email,instantly or if you have your test,message marketed in,they'll get that text message like hey,you're you're,you know your order has been processed,blah blah blah,you know so that's a good part about it,you know and i get inspired too when i,see other people brands,i watch other companies and stuff i'm,like hey i'm gonna do me a video,you know i'm saying um,when you see other people who um,you know doing a big order no matter if,it's one the medic is two no matter if,it's three,you know you you know you still get,inspired,no matter what,you are getting in inspired,so i'm trying to put it in,oh wow,3.8 okay,whoa yo what did i just say,i'm excited,wait a minute come on shopify like y'all,i'm telling you,me standing in line,me standing in line in the post office,with my,orders packaging my orders on a big,wholesale order like this,like i start wholesale at 12. this is,the minimum of 12 for wholesale,of my pomade snatch edge primate is,going to houston texas thank you so much,for this order,and i sold all my orders thank you,guaranteed,but what i'm saying is i would pay by,17 for that and i just said that on this,video i'll pay between 15 and 17.,17 yo my order,this is 12 and three cents,what i just it said your savings,is 5.89 uds,with a shopify discount,do you see what i'm saying like this is,my,raw reaction because i used to always,write down my like anybody who could,tell yeah i used to label it,when they see this they gonna be like oh, i stepped her business up child,yes because i used to pay,way more money oh and now i can just,drop and put a little level down,and then i'll be pushing my basket you,know what i'm saying so this is what i'm,saying it feels so good to,to save money and like i said there's,other apps that you can help,save money as well even more than that,but i'm sure they're going to find a,line,but i'm going to take this fan out this,game oh my god,oh what now,it says okay i gotta prompt the,rest of you okay,shopify you must confirm your you will,will you be shipping,regulated items including but not,limited to tobacco,oh okay okay,okay so y'all know when they when you go,up there and they actually do you have,lithium batteries perfume has a little,this is what they asked me so look this,my robbery ass cause,i'm you know so they asked him any,questions because now,these were first class now this is,priority mail,so okay okay come on shopify,okay usb use address,okay so you're literally answering me,question man,hold up listen this is my robbery at,your honor,so basically just asking for my,information,you say you can skip it but,i'ma go ahead and do it,oh,girl shut your mouth,b how long y'all,how long,yo why my prices just drop,y'all better stop playing now it's 10,43,wow i'm paying 10.43,now,oh we also tell you um how much your,customers paid,um like how much they ship and pay,in a show like what they're getting she,ordered 12 pieces of pomade,packaging weight total weight was 3.8,um pounds and now it's,yo now it's 10 43,and i used to pay 17 yo,stop playing,and they don't get it in two business,days it's,a usps priority mail usp is tracking,and they get insurance up to a hundred,dollars,buying it,yes,everybody message,and we get to the money okay so now we,say one label,successfully purchase usps um,priority mail it already has a tracking,number it shows how much i,paid um 1043 now,did you hear what i said i was paying 17,it went down,baby come on get this mentorship come on,get this mentorship,so edge pomade wholesale she you know i,do have it on my website if you want to,order wholesale it is on my website as,well,so she ordered straight through my,website,so yes let's go ahead and pay for this,time and remember,me i do too i suggest you do two as well,so you can just keep up the trick,so in a minute i'm gonna show you my,envelope that i keep,everything in so it's just showing,everything how it,looks and here's my printer,so now it's loading so yes i'm just,happy man i i just,just so much gratitude i'm so thankful,and for the connections i have like more,people who want to invest in my business,and also,for me to invest in their business from,partnership from retail,entrepreneurs like it's time it's 20 21,it's time to get like what i'm doing now,different behind the scenes different,look,so it's just time man it's just time,we not been through too much,so okay,okay so it's fit to print make sure it's,a,fit to printable area regardless of you,don't have daisy paper size it doesn't,matter,you can find one that's close i okay so,i have,the paper size oh let me show you two,dymo has the paper size when you buy the,printer,it says two and one eight by four,and it has a diamond number three oh,three two three so that's a good thing,it does show you that,but that's not on here,but what i'm using to collate,that match this is 99014,shipping so you can click on paper size,and you can scroll down it has like a,whole list,what you can use so whatever one that,fits your,part your paper size your type is fine,now most people have those big 4x er,i don't like that big bulky paper on,there like that,i they're just my preference um i just,have the 450 label router,or you get the 4xl with the big old,piece of paper i think you take away,from your packaging from your branding,and i have like,customized bubble millers and millers,and polymerellas as well,too so it takes away and i don't well,now there's too much paper,let me get something so anyway so,you have that and make sure it's print,so i'm i'm gonna put in,um two like again if i want two,and then i'm going to print,boom,thumbnail,so and it's going to texas,so and she got her email,and boom there you go,i'm so excited i'm so,excited so excited so now i have the,extra labels from the too early from,that in that,like i said i already i gotta make two,handwritten because,they pay cash out,and um i got to pay i got,another wholesale order,so i have another wholesale order,so i had two big wholesale orders,and then i had two boxes,delivered to the beauty supply store,because i do still miss our beauty,supply store so,i had two boxes going in there um like i,said the blue supply store now,they they bounded by the cases like two,three cases at a time and i really,really appreciate it and it lasts them,probably like a month and a half,and they have four stores so each store,get two boxes they get two boxes and i,got somebody else when i get it,get a box i had a car with somebody else,who want to um put,my products inside their busy supply,store so instead of growing so if you,wanna,be able to be a part of my wholesale,part of my mentorship support of my,business my branding you can email i'm,gonna have everything linked below,my website as well you can also order on,my website you can also email me to talk,more discuss because i only have like my,virgin hair,and my pomade but i wholesale like,pretty much my whole line but i rather,be personable with you so you can email,me,so we could talk more and discuss more,about that but right now i just have my,my pomade in my virgin hair wholesale on,there,and these are my customized bags that i,have,so we're going to talk about branding,these are my other bags that i had my,other boxes that i have,for my lip gloss business,um for my live life business i have i do,homemade handmade,and lip and body scrubs is that,so yeah we're gonna talk about that in,the business essential videos,so this it right now for this video i'm,so,excited i'm so happy i'm so blessed i'm,just,thankful and yeah god is good,so yeah you guys thank you for tuning in,thank you guys for enjoying my video,i want to continue to motivate to aspire,and i hope these guys,motivate someone else to keep going keep,push keep going with your brain,put god first no matter what you do and,it's gonna be okay we're gonna make it,even though it is pandemic guys still,bless,god just just trust in your vision put,him first,everything that you do and you know,connect with the right people connect,with the,the right people to help build your,business to help bring in someone who,not only you believe in yourself but,they believe in you as well you know,what i'm saying so i will put my,information below and i thank you,so next time i have this is a two-part,video,and then also i'm going to put in the,business essential video,yeah so till next time,peace,oh don't forget this hair baby,still wear oh
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