hello there YouTube it's Samuel from,Larsen consulting dot if I hear again,now I wanted to share with you a quick,tip that it's very good for the cart,page and will let your visitors know if,they are getting free shipping so on,your cart page this is typically where,people starting in about like how much,the shipping would be and if you don't,display this kind of thing on your cart,page you are actually missing those,customers that would get a free shipping,but they have doubt folks about that and,they are not like fully understanding it,so that's why we want to feature this,kind of thing on our cart page if they,are getting free shipping now this,particular example also shows if they,aren't getting free shipping which might,be a little bit of a tricky thing,because you're basically telling them,that they have to pay upfront however it,is also honest and it will make sure,that there is no surprises on the later,phases however let me update this and,let's see what happens here so I'm going,to update the amount here and you'll see,that the exchanges so now we are showing,that we actually qualify for these free,standard shipping if we do live in the,United States and I'm going to show you,how it looks on the back end and how you,can actually make this exact same,customization rather easily so what you,will need to do is log in to your,back-end and go to online store and,themes and you would just that exit,themed and you're working on or usual is,your live team so you would click on,here but then this team is not yet lime,so I'm just going to click Edit HTML,ss over here okay so here we are on our,back end now if your first timer it's,going to look a little bit scary and I,wouldn't necessarily recommend doing,this on your live team you can make,duplicate team and test this out but,that's all different tutorial for now,let's just assume you know the basics,and continue so what we want to find is,the court dot liquid it's in the,template file it's in every theme so,this is basically the page that renders,on every card that you have so over here,we have a lot of text but what we really,want to find is the spot where we want,to add our our snippet so here we have a,little bit of a progress bar so what we,want to do is have this it's just under,that so this is our spot this is where,we want to add our our thing here so I'm,going to use so called liquid logic okay,so let's take it like a really slowly,and here on the row 37 it says if card,total price is more than this is the,more time mark 5,000 so why is it 5,000,- $50 well it's incense and this is your,stores default currency so in your,stores default currency it's under 5,000,okay so what I did here basically is,used liquid logic okay and,here is a kind of quick cheat sheet you,can use to find out everything you can,use with liquid so you can just google,Shopify cheat sheet and this will come,up and as you call it it's cheated mark,Donnelley calm all right so here we are,and right here we can see liquid logic,and this is the one I'm using,so if statements let you determine if,something is true or not okay so what,this means that if card total price is,more than five thousand so that means,it's true that the card total is more,than five thousand okay so you can see a,similar example if user dot name equals,Elvis then display the text hi Elvis and,and if okay now basically what we,combined here is if statement with the,card total price okay so we can see that,there's another liquid filter here on,the card section that has the card total,price so this statement here returns the,total of all the prices added in your,shopping cart and that's exactly what we,want when we are offering free shipping,for orders over $50 for example okay so,basically if this is true if it's over,five thousand cents then we are going to,use this divider and have have our code,here so basically we are going to have,this icon appear now you don't need the,icon necessarily we just made it here,because it looks kind of better so this,is just a Shopify's back-end we have,this free shipping icon well what you,really need is this text,okay so couple of spanners and,the text ship you qualify for free,standard shipping to contiguous United,States and then we're going to end it,okay so it displays this text basically,on the allotted space then one divider,and here comes the other part so if this,card total price is under five thousand,we are going to show a different text as,you can see it's the same thing here you,can subscribe it word for word we are,going to use the same image same spans,then plus just a different text okay so,here we're going to tell that if they do,order over fifty dollars they're going,to get free shipping and we're going to,end it the same way and notice here it's,also in if so this ends the statement,this is the whole statement from thirty,seven to forty five and then we're going,to go to our cart items so this is,basically what you want to find this,class carte items spot and have your if,statement above it okay so that's the,super simple way that you can use if 10,statements and have this card total,effect how your page actually shows up,in your card space okay,and now if I'm a customer I know I'm,going to get the free standard shipping,and I'm really happy to go ahead and,proceed to checkout alright thanks for,watching and hope this was helpful if,you do implement this I'm sure your,kolver charade will like boost that ever,so little that it can now in crow it's,always a combination of things so this,will not have a big effect on your store,on your conversion rate but what you're,really looking to do is have a bunch of,these small things and kind of like each,forward,as much as you can so one of the things,that you can do and go ahead please do,this on your store very good thing and,if you liked this video make sure to,like it on YouTube and if you do have,any questions any comments you want to,say thank you I appreciate it just,comment down below I read every one of,them and also reply personally ok thank,you and please subscribe for tomorrow's,video Thanks
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