show line item properties on shopify giftcard

EP 22 Setting Up Gift Cards (part 2) (products) in Shopify what's going on y'all welcome back to,the

Cosmos Ink

Updated on Mar 05,2023

EP 22 Setting Up Gift Cards (part 2) (products) in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to show line item properties on shopify giftcard

Let's move on to the first section of show line item properties on shopify giftcard

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show line item properties on shopify giftcard catalogs

EP 22 Setting Up Gift Cards (part 2) (products) in Shopify

what's going on y'all welcome back to,the next part of our shopify series,and in this video i will be going over,the gift cards section,within shopify so of course my name is,angelo,be sure to hit that subscribe button,down below that way you all will be,notified,every time i post new videos after you,do that,go ahead and click the link down below,in the description and join my facebook,group sublimation cove,where we cover the topic of sublimation,and then,after you do that if you need any type,of sublimation ink or pigment ink for,your business,be sure to hit the link down below and,we'll get it sent out to you,asap directly from the owner of cosmos,inc,so the very first thing you want to do,is when you are on your home page,come down to where it says products,and then come down and click on gift,cards,so since this is a brand new site and,more than likely your site is going to,be brand new as well,and or you don't or and or you haven't,added any gift cards just yet,you're gonna have two options the first,one says,sell gift cards which is a make a gift,card product for customers to buy,and this will be directly on your site,or you can click on the other option,which says send gift cards issue a gift,card code,directly to a customer so the first one,we're going to do,is we are going to click on sell gift,cards,so once we click on sell gift cards it's,kind of going to look,just like a product listing so you have,your title,your description a spot where you can,add you know like your,gift card photo you know whatever you,want to add here and then underneath,that you have a few other things that,are new like have denominations that's,new,actually that's the only thing that's,new is not a few things and then you,have the other regular stuff as well,so of course our title i want to name it,something that,i feel like people are going to get on,my website,for so for instance since this site is,gonna be geared towards uh,uh newlyweds i'm just gonna put,newly wed,gift card space and of course we're,going to do our shift and,click the button that's right next to,the enter key that has the slash,well they are forward slash and then it,will give us this line,we're going to hit space and we're gonna,add,our company name forever song and then,alt,zero one five three for the tm,so after that you can put a you know a,little description there,uh of course i'm not gonna type it out,you know fully or anything like that,i'll just do our,whatever language that is all right and,then after that,we are gonna come down and if you have,any media you can go ahead and add it,here i don't have any media but if i did,i would make something kind of similar,to,what a lot of gift cards are going to,look like like they have a,you know nice background to the gift,card um,after the background they're gonna have,their company name on the gift card,uh if you are only selling one certain,amount,you can put that amount on the gift card,or if you're selling you know a few,different amounts you can put you know,for instance we're doing 10,25 50 and 100 i can put 10,right here 25 here 50 here,and 100 here so that way they know hey,those are the different increments that,you know we sell them in,or you know however you want to do it,that's how you do it,so you can also add another denomination,you can add another one and another one,and another one so yes,you can add you know a nice amount of uh,different,um amounts for the gift card that people,can be able to purchase,all right so after that of course,i'm not going to go through this down,here we already did this but if you want,to do it,again you can just hit edit web seo and,then you can be able to edit it just,like we did,back within our product listing within,our previous tutorial,we'll scroll back up to the top we have,uh,active or draft active when you click it,on,when you click it as active it's going,to show on your website,uh within that certain collection that,you have it in,or just you know within the all products,tab but if it's on draft,it's not going to show however you can,still edit it on your,backend uh within your products section,right here,which once we save it that's where it's,going to go to,of course we have our sales channel,we're going to leave it on online store,product type so we're going to uh select,gift card but more than likely if it's,your first time,doing this you're not gonna have this,option right here so you can just type,it out,gift card and if you don't have it once,i hit this d,this down here is gonna say add gift,card,and then you just click that and it'll,add it to it all right,so we have a gift card vendor,we're gonna leave it at forever song,which is us,collection uh we're gonna add this to,actually we're not going to add that to,any collection just yet,and then tags,we're going to put in,we're going to put in gift cards or gift,card,and then click that add gift card and,then it adds it,so once you're done with all of this you,are going to hit,save gift card product or click save up,here in the corner,and it is properly saved and if you want,to i can just go up here to switch this,to active,and hit save and you are good to go,if you notice when you look at the,variants yes you can add an image for,each,individual variant which of course is,going to be the denominations,and you know the price of that variant,um when you scroll over you notice there,is no quantity all right and that's,because,shopify doesn't track quantities of your,gift cards,so there's no need for you to panic,saying oh i don't have i don't know how,to check my quantity,you can't track it alright there is no,quantity all right it is pretty much,unlimited,all alright so for denominations,um this is how much your gift card is,valued at,and then the price is how much you sell,it for,so let's say if i want to sell you know,a 10 gift card let's say hey you if you,buy the gift card i'll give it to you at,50,off so i'll give it to you for five,dollars,and you can hit save,and then now this should remain,five i mean ten dollars yup see it's,still a main ten dollars,so you can give away a gift card to your,customer that's,you know five dollars and like hey if,you just buy a gift card,you can just use you know ten dollars,worth for five dollars,which you know will definitely be a good,deal on you know,therein and possibly on your end to,attract more customers,but if you want to change that back we,can just change it back to ten dollars,hit save and then boom it'll save it,all right and just like i said earlier,if you want to add your multiple um,uh multiple uh denominations up here in,the corner,as far as when you design your image you,can,however now that we know down here we,can add pictures to each individual one,kind of like how we did with our other,product listing when we had multiple,pictures,and then we assigned each picture up,here we just,assigned each picture to each variant,down here,you can do that as well so you can just,do one gift card right here that says,ten dollars,and then upload another image that says,25 another 150,another one 100 and then come down here,click on this picture,and then all the pictures that you have,up here in this media section,they will show right here and you can,select each picture for its,corresponding,variant so once you all are done with,all of that,of course you'll hit save we'll have to,hit save because we didn't change,anything,but we did erase a period just for it to,come up,hit save and product save and then we,can hit the back button,so when you hit the back button it's not,going to take you,back to gift cards it's going to take,you to all products,and then it's going to lift your list,your gift card,right here however if we go back to,click,back on gift cards as we notice,it looks completely different so now you,don't get to sell a gift card option,you only get the issue gift card however,if we are to go,back to let's say all products i'm sorry,go to gift cards,and go to gift card products right here,instead of showing all the products it,will show only,our gift card that we have of course,it's gonna show it as a product but,let's say we want to make more gift,cards so we have a newlywed gift card,let's say we want to offer a,uh black friday gift card we can click,right here,or duplicate,and instead of putting a copy of,newlywed gift cards,let's put black,friday gift card,or better yet we're gonna do anniversary,gift card because i'm gonna use a black,friday,later on i'm gonna show you all how to,set that up so,let's say anniversary gift card,and this will be perfect for of course,wedding anniversaries,so we can hit duplicate product,and then of course you would put our,anniversary gift card,down here in the description um you know,make sure you type that out yourself,like i said earlier don't use templates,just do everything original within your,description in your own words,after you do that come down uh you can,add anniversary right here if you want,to but we're not going to do that,and then we just hit draft is good hit,active we can hit save we're going to,keep everything the same the,denominations the prices,uh as you can see our search engine,listing preview did update right here,if you want to if you want to edit that,you'll hit that button and come down,here and edit it,of course never touch your url and,handle never change that,and then we hit the back button and now,if we go to gift cards go to gift card,products,as you can see now we have two different,types of gift cards,so from here let's go back to gift cards,and then we're going to try out this one,which is called issue gift card,and when issue gift card it says when a,customer buys the gift card from your,store,or you can uh issue one to them,it will show up here so of course that,will show up here but of course we want,to issue,a gift card so,with this i recommend not changing your,gift card code,leave it exactly as is all right and,this,option is good for if you have uh,uh value customers uh repeat customers,people that keep on coming you know back,to back to back or,if you're doing a giveaway and you want,to give away gift cards to random people,who you know entered in your contest,uh of course they have to provide their,email address and then,once they you know when you take down an,email address and you enter it right in,over here,and it'll send them the gift card so for,us,uh the initial value was ten dollars uh,let's do it to uh,let's see one two three fake,street at,at,and also i can create a new customer,from that but we're not going to do that,um but if you do have a customer of,course you will come over here to your,customers tab,you will open that and once you click on,that,uh of course we don't have any customers,right here just yet because like i said,we're still in the design process of the,back end of our website,but once you start to get customers,whether they are buying something,uh whether they sign up for your,newsletter uh if they go anywhere where,they put in their email address,uh and their name is going to add them,to this list,all right and this list is extremely,valuable so you know,protect it all right so come back over,here um you'll be able to type,you know their stuff in right here and,it should pop up and you can click on it,if it don't pop up then you can add them,if you want the choice is yours,next thing after that you have,expiration date so it says countries,have different laws for gift card ex,uh expiry dates uh check the laws for,your country,before changing this date so definitely,check the laws of course within your,country,before doing this uh you can set it to,no expiration date,you know but that's up to you if you,want to do that or you can do set,expiration date,so for me i want to do let's say six,months out from now,which will put us at i want to say,july 10th,so we'll change this to july,due july 10th,uh set expiration date july 10th that's,good this year,and then you can be able to add notes,right here if you want to and it says,these notes are private,and won't be shared with the customer so,that's just for your back end,so once you do all of this you hit save,and there you go so now it shows the,current balance,which is ten dollars out of ten dollars,and,what else you change this expiration,date from never to july,10th so it marks down all your history,we can hit back so now when you hit back,in your gift card section and if i,refresh this page too just to make sure,and your gift card section is going to,show the gift card that you gave out,and what it's ending in and of course,how much money is left so if somebody,want to come in here and make a purchase,they can either do a full purchase or do,a partial purchase,and then it'll show you know how much,money they have left if they have any,left,after that purchase and you know pretty,much their um available balance,on that gift card all right,so since this was a fake one of course,we are going to uh,select it and go to,disable gift card disable gift card,and if we have to delete it hopefully we,can,but it don't seem like it so,of course we're not going to worry about,that because this,is for once again tutorial purposes,all right so from here,that's pretty much everything we got,gift card products,right here and if i were to go back to,all products,it's going to show the gift card we,added earlier which was newlywed gift,card,and it's going to show the one that we,added after that,which is the anniversary gift card,so that is pretty much it that wraps up,this tutorial,on gift cards within our shopify series,of course so please continue to watch,the series i will have more videos,coming up,right after this one so of course before,we head out my name is angelo,be sure hit the subscribe button down,below to subscribe to my channel,after you do that be sure to join our,facebook group sublimation cove which is,where we cover the topic,of sublimation you can hit that link,down below in the description,as well and after you do that be sure to,check us out on,so you need any type of sublimation ink,or payment ink for your custom printing,business,be sure to hit that link down below and,we'll get it sent out to you directly,from our warehouse,asap so that is it i will see you all in,the very next video,angelo out

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