show tracking information shopify

How To ADD Order Tracking Page For FREE On Shopify | In Just 2 Minutes! hey guys welcome back to the

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Updated on Mar 07,2023

How To ADD Order Tracking Page For FREE On Shopify | In Just 2 Minutes!

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How To ADD Order Tracking Page For FREE On Shopify | In Just 2 Minutes!

hey guys welcome back to the channel in,today's video we're going to go over how,to add tracking your Shopify store this,process hundred percent free no need to,download any apps or anything whatsoever,so without further ado let's go straight,to the video alright so once you've log,in inside your Shopify store the first,step is to create your order tracking,page so to do that click online store,then click pages then click Add page so,now we have to name our page type in,track your order then click Save so now,that we are done with creating our order,tracking page the next step is to edit,the script for or order tracking page so,to do that you have to copy the script,from the Google document which I'm going,to link below in the video description,all you need to do is click on the link,below and save it as your own copy so,inside the Google document you would,scroll all the way down on the tracking,page script click over here and make,sure you copy all of this too right,click copy so let's go back to a Shopify,store click show HTML right-click and,paste then click Save alright so now we,have to go to our store to make sure,that everything was modified and updated,properly so click view page ok good so,now as you can see this is our new order,tracking page where our customers need,to add their tracking number click track,here are going to see all the updates,for a package straight from this page so,before we move onto the next step what,we need to do is copy the direct link,for the tracking page copy and open a,new tab click here right click paste,just leave it here for now you're gonna,see why in a second let's go back to a,Shopify store ok so now that we've,created our order tracking page the next,step is to add or order tracking link in,our main menu so to do that,click navigation then click main menu,then click Add menu then click over here,on the link click pages click track your,order and then as you can see it,automatically generates the name for us,click Add click Save and now let's click,on our store to make sure that the link,is shown properly so click here and as,you can see there it is now the last,step is to modify the scrip for order,shipping confirmation email so to do,that let's go back to a Shopify store,click settings click notifications now,scroll down all the way to shipping,click shipping confirmation so this is,the original shipping confirmation email,that our customers get before we make,any changes to the script so let's click,preview as you can see this is what it,looks like,let's close so now let's update an ad or,new script so let's go back to our,Google document scroll all the way up as,you can see in this section right here I,have this part highlighted as your store,comm so this is the reason why we needed,to save the direct link run or auto,tracking page earlier so let's go back,to where we save that link click here,right click copy and let's go back to,the Google document select all of this,over here and do control V ok so now,that we've added the direct link for,auto tracking page let's go back down,and select here from the bottom and go,all the way up until you reach on the,replace confirmation email right click,copy let's go back to a Shopify store,click inside here to control a or,command a if you're on a Mac or Apple,computer and delete then do right click,then we go into paste or new script,scroll all the way up click Save,okay so now that we've added the new,script,let's click preview and see how it looks,okay so this is our new order shipping,confirmation email as you can see it's,showing the new tracking number and this,is the track your order length once they,click that link from the email is going,to send them directly to our order,tracking page at the bottom it reads if,your tracking number isn't working,please wait five to ten days and try it,in in most cases your order is underway,but the system information is delayed so,before we end this video we just got to,go back to our website to make sure that,our customers can track your package,without any issues so right click open,like a new tab click over here let's,click on track your order so ok now that,we are inside or order tracking page I,have a tracking number over here that we,did test right click copy let's go back,to our auto tracking page click here,right click paste and then click track,and then as you can see everything is,working properly with no issues this is,very convenient for you in the customer,once you fulfill their orders and,they've received their orders shipping,confirmation page you can just click on,the track your order link straight from,the email it will go straight to this,website paste in their tracking number,which is already showing in the email,click track and they could see all that,information straight from the page also,always make sure to send yourself a test,email just click send test email and,it's going to send it straight to your,email and make sure they click track,your order go through all the process to,make sure that everything is working,properly all right this video is so make,sure to smash the like button and,subscribe hit the notification though,see don't be silent or videos really,obsessive the YouTube algorithm is free,also make sure to comment and come slide,in economies and come scribe for a,chance to win a free one-on-one call,would be Chris where we're going to go,over your store if your amazing tips,income secrets and much more also you,can let us know below in the comments,without like to see on this channel we,have a lot of amazing fire video coming,up from the best part of research that's,working right now in 2022 a proven,Facebook ad and much more,all right guys hope you all staying see,cancion nsv

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