smar7 shopify what is it

SMAR7 Bundle Review - Should You Buy? it's been proven over time that upsells,drastically increase c

Shopify Explosion

Updated on Mar 14,2023

SMAR7 Bundle Review - Should You Buy?

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SMAR7 Bundle Review - Should You Buy?

it's been proven over time that upsells,drastically increase customer value when,someone gets in the mindset of spending,money once they pull the trigger they,buy that first thing there's a,psychological trigger and that person is,much more likely to continue spending,money once they is open it's easier to,get them to take more out and that's,exactly what this smart bundle upsell,app does imagine someone comes to your,Shopify store and they find a nice pair,of shoes they go ahead and add them to,cart go to their cart and go to checkout,and all of a sudden they're greeted with,this beautiful pop-up and it says nice,shoes,add some socks to your order and get a,twenty five percent discount on your,entire order at this point they've,already said they're buying shoes now,they can get a huge discount on their,order by adding more products for their,carton hence increasing customer value,you're gonna get more of a return from,each dollar you spend on advertising so,if they go through and add one of these,socks to cart you're gonna see the green,bar shoot up and they get closer to the,gold and maybe they want to skip these,gray socks,and maybe I skipped that again oh this,is a nice shirt they go to select,options and select their size their,color and they click Add to Cart and all,of a sudden confetti goes off and they,get that 25% discount and they're,automatically redirected to their cart,or they can enter their information with,the discount already applied,you've taken someone from you know a,$379 product up to $1,400 subtotal with,a discount $1,200 now these are just,example prices but imagine what's,possible when you can take someone,through this process every single time,someone checks out on your store you can,easily take someone from just buying one,or two products to buy in for five or,six and really it's a win-win scenario,they're getting a discount and you're,ultimately making more money from every,customer that hits your store the smart,bundle upsell app works beautifully on,mobile devices you can see how,responsive it is I'll go ahead and have,this product to cart variations will add,one more product we reach our goal the,confetti goes off we get a 15% discount,and the customer is automatically,redirected where they can check out when,it comes to the smart bundle upsell app,we've literally thought of everything,including advanced reporting on your,dashboard so you can see how many times,your bundle has been viewed how many,items have been added total revenue,generated and remember this is all extra,revenue I mean without the pop-up you,wouldn't have made any of this money,it's all extra you get to see your,bundle conversion your SAS from,yesterday the past 30 days in all,now you can come in here and when you're,creating a bundle there are so many,different options that you can select,and specify for your bundles that you,create so you can select any products,that you want to show up in the bundle,for your customers and you can which,product strip and trigger this bundle so,that you can set up new different,bundles for each product in your story,or maximum carts you get to spend in all,that great stuff including the offer,headline it's totally customizable it's,been tested against every single free,theme in Shopify and lots of paid ones,and we're constantly adding new features,where the smart apps team and we can't,wait to see you inside

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