hey,everybody,justin cener here in this video i'm,going to show you how to take advantage,of gift lists for your shopify store,it's incredibly powerful we're going to,jump right into it and first thing i,want to talk about is the power of gift,list functionality,and you might be aware of gift lists,wish lists registries there is a ton of,power in offering giftless functionality,on your store it's really all about kind,of creating this shareable sales tool,and that's what i really want to stress,this isn't just a flashy feature that,you want to add this isn't a nice to,have this is a very powerful sales tool,when used correctly gift lists can,create huge amounts of sales for you and,we're talking about high conversion,rates very very low return rates and big,on store on-site engagement this is,really giving customers the ability to,have your products in their gifting,considerations and that's a really kind,of big thing right now especially kind,of in this ecosystem of gifting or the,gifting game as i like to call it,gifting is a really really big,percentage of purchases on e-commerce,and what we want to do is kind of get,our store and our products involved so,there's a ton of power when you have,gift lists on your site and there's even,more power when you can get your store,integrated with the leading gift list,site in the world and again the reason,that we do this not for a flashy kind of,addition to our site but we want to see,high conversion rates and low return,rates think about it these are products,that customers themselves requested on,their gift list they're not going to be,returning them they're not going to be,saying oh this isn't a gift that matched,what i want right it's literally exactly,what they want it's the ability to kind,of set up this very powerful,shareable sales tool and there are some,pain points that you might run into,first of all there's no built-in gift,list functionality with shopify so we're,going to use an app i'm going to show,you the one that i use we'll go over the,shoulder i'll show you step by step how,to set that up but i really want to,explain the difference between a gift,list a wish list and a registry three,totally different things in this kind of,gifting game as i like to call it or the,gifting overall market and you're,probably familiar with registries,they're for milestone events right your,baby showers your weddings right,gift lists are shareable and designed,for basically other gifting occasions so,you're gonna have your registry for,these you know kind of once in a,lifetime events but what about things,like birthdays holidays housewarming,events right things that happen year,round multiple times per year every,single year that's where a gift list,comes in and the difference between a,gift list and a wish list is a wish list,isn't inherently shareable it's really,for having those private,organization of products that you like,and you kind of have it inside your,account it allows you to kind of just,organize things in there we're missing,the shareability of it we're missing the,kind of idea of the conversion right the,actual finishing right the purchasing of,the product that's why we like gift,lists so much it's really all about kind,of sending people to the purchase point,and getting those conversions at a very,high rate,so how are you going to do this well,you're going to use my registry this is,what i use this is what i highly,recommend we're going to go over the,shoulder i'm going to show you exactly,how powerful my registry is for your,shopify store you're going to add gift,list functionality you're going to get,integrated with my registry the leading,gift list site in the world and you see,the link directly below this video this,is the registry and wishlist app by,myregistry.com,and this is,myregistry.com and this is really the,leading site for registries for gift,lists and the whole idea is that this is,a little combination when you install,this app again you see the link directly,below this video you're going to add the,gift list functionality into your store,and it's going to be very powerful we're,going to have all the kind of,kind of functions that we need to have,an internal gift list for our store but,we're also going to have the integration,into the myregistry.com gift marketplace,pretty simple gift lists and gift,registries create more sales fully,customizable of course to our brand i'll,show you step by step over the shoulder,how we're going to set this up how we're,going to have the add to gift list,button directly on our page here and,literally as easy as clicking that where,your customers are going to be able to,add and create their own gift list which,will be fully customizable in terms of,look field text and be integrated with,again the biggest gift marketplace on,here when people create their registries,and their gift lists they're going to do,it over here now your products can be,integrated just from this app so again,you see the link directly below this,video let's go ahead and install this,all that we need to do is press the add,app button,this is going to bring us back into our,shopify store where all we need to do is,press that green install app button and,then we're going to get sent into the,onboarding here for the my registry,app and it's very simple to get started,i'm going to walk you through everything,that you need to do in terms of getting,us going over here and we'll step,through this onboarding here you could,follow along,step by step and it's really simple to,get started right first of all we're,going to go ahead it's going to pull in,your store logo automatically you could,change that if you wanted to use a,different logo of course you can give,your store a different name but it's,going to pull all this stuff,automatically it's even going to pull,your colors right so we have my red,color scheme over here i've got a red,black and white color scheme and now we,have different options over here and i,talked about this briefly you know the,idea of the difference between a gift,list a gift registry and a wish list and,you know a registry typically for those,once in a lifetime events weddings baby,showers etc,wishlist this is going to be more so for,private stuff we want to play it with,gift lists and this can be for any type,of event birthdays holidays,anniversaries things that happen every,year house warmings graduations really,any gift-giving occasion it allows you,to enter into the gift market here and,we want to go ahead and select that but,we do have the option to do any of these,different types we're going to be going,with gift list of course and again here,are the different options over here and,you see over here this is kind of the,view that we're going to be getting it,also looks really good on mobile we'll,be able to take a look and just kind of,see how that looks they have these great,tool tips over here as well you can,click into here and it's going to,describe exactly what's going on with,the gift list page what you can,customize exactly what the setup is,going to be in again just talking about,having a manual link we'll set that up,now again you could change your color,but it's going to pull your automatic,button color over here so probably going,to want to stick with that you'll just,match it with your brand now it's very,important this is kind of the the big,function here add to gift list right,this is going to be added right under,your add to cart button and this is very,very powerful and i envision this to,kind of be a default for,really ecommerce stores of all shapes,and sizes now and in the future where we,have the add to cart but we also have,that add to gift list button again great,tool tips over here we're going to talk,about the add to gift list button the,button style the button color really all,about what you can customize here and,this is again about the look and feel,and functionality of that button and uh,the button style we could just match it,directly with our theme we're gonna of,course enable our button over here we,need to do that to make sure that we,have it activated we could change custom,color over here if we wanted we could,change position as well really just,depends on how many buttons you have,over here i always believe that under or,next to the add to cart button is going,to make the most sense in terms of these,two main decisions now we'll click next,again very very easy to get all this,started,now it's simply prompting us to add our,gift list to our navigation or to,somewhere on the site so people will be,able to actually go ahead and take a,look at their wishlist of course and,this is just going to kind of be a very,very simplistic example all we need to,do go to online store navigation we're,going to go ahead and add the,automatically created gift list page so,we come over here to online store,we'll go to navigation and it's up to,you in terms of where you want to add,this you could add this to your header,navigation you could add this to your,footer navigation or any other of the,different menus that you've created in,your shopify store we'll go ahead and,add it to our main menu up top over here,we're going to click add menu item and,we'll come back over here and i'm under,pages,gift list we can give it a different,name if we want we could add it and of,course you could rearrange this,just like any other page on your menu,and i'll go ahead and we'll take a look,at the uh updated navigation we now have,our gift list button or a giftless link,over here so this is kind of just what's,creating over here in terms of that,setup really very simplistic now that we,have our gift list fully set up inside,of the app let's take a look at how the,customer is going to see it so we have,our little product over here and of,course we have our add to cart button,but we now have our add to gift list,button as well so we'll click add to,gift list and it's going to prompt us to,go ahead and create a gift list account,over here you see everything is branded,with our logo and our color scheme so,i'll enter in name email password and go,ahead and click create gift list it's as,simple as that and what's going to,happen now is a gift list has been,created and we can continue shopping and,continue to add more products into our,gift list or we can come right over here,and click manage my gift list when we,click that we'll be brought right into,our gift list page we can go ahead and,walk through everything fill in our,information here to complete our gift,list and making sure that we have our,shipping address so when anyone actually,purchases products here they'll get sent,out correctly so with that set up we now,have our gift list and we can go through,our catalog and literally just continue,to add products into our gift list this,is such a powerful sales tool here,literally the person creating this gift,list is telling people hey i want to buy,this product literally i want this,product i want this one you could put in,exactly the specifics in here you could,even put notes in it you can create,different categories and we'll simply,add this right into our gift list and we,can continue shopping and continuously,add more product right into our list,customers can find and manage their gift,list anytime by coming up here into the,gift list tab right over here and,they'll be prompted to log in if they,aren't already logged in over here and,they have the ability to of course share,this right out over here you can share,the link you can share it through social,you can share it through email and again,this is meant to be a totally shareable,sales tool the navigation link over here,for gift list is also really valuable,this is a great way for guests to find,lists they come over here click on find,get a gift list and all they need to do,is enter in the name of the person right,over here click search they'll be able,to enter right in to that gift list so,i'm back over here into the data,dashboard and i'm going to show you we,have our sign ups and our gifts added,right we just had some gifts added you,saw right on the screen over there so,this analytics over here going to show,you the important key stats about what's,going on with your gift lists and with,the gift list that your customers are,creating and of course we want to see,this number go up when we see people,start to share their gift lists and get,those purchased products in there we'll,see that count rise so now that we're on,our gift list service dashboard there's,some other things that we can take a,look at we have faqs over here obviously,great for support i invite you to read,and go through these kind of just give,you the overall understanding of what,this app can do i'll also want to talk,about coins i'll cover that in a second,contact us we can go right over here,open a support ticket they have great,support very very fast response times as,well so we'll come to the data dashboard,of course my registry works off of coins,kind of like their virtual currency you,get 20 coins for free just to get,started and you see there are some,different add-ons over here that you'll,be able to get in the premium section a,couple of the cool add-ons the analytics,dashboard and the customizable,backgrounds for the gift list,so that was my registry and the gift,list and gift registry app again you see,the link directly below this video i,highly recommend it i mean it's a,no-brainer to install this app you're,going to get that gift list,functionality it's going to drive sales,you're also going to get integration,into myregistry.com,literally the world's biggest the,authority for gifting so get this,installed in your store right now again,watch this video you got the step by,step in there if you need any help post,a question but i know this is going to,help you make some money so i'll talk to,you real soon and i hope this helps you,out
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