foreign,hello my loves i hope you guys are doing,well welcome back to my channel,i am so grateful that you're here,today's topic i'm super excited to talk,about is because something that i have,been working on for so,long the e-commerce direction in online,stores right now,is going into a different direction,everything that has happened in 2020 is,really preparing us,on the future and is really telling us,where the attention is going right like,a lot of sales are going online a lot of,e-commerce brands are growing and they,have five,times their sales since last year,statistically 13,of sales are made online is now 16,so that shows you where the attention is,going that shows you how much e-commerce,is growing and you never know how about,next year it might be 18 the next year,after that it might be 20.,and so you don't know eventually what if,a lot of physical locations keep closing,and 50 of online sales are made online,and to me that number really scares me,because that means,one day you don't know technology is,taking over ai is taking over so many,things are coming out everything is,eventually going to be online,so what is it not now the best time to,start an online business whether it's,amazon,whether it's your own brand or something,to do with online where you can,help others and bring value into the,market and so i think that online,business and the direction it's going in,it's really,particular and if you're able to build,your brand now you will be ahead of the,game from everyone who joins next year,from everyone who joins in the next like,few years,as you know the road is going that way,knowing that,in mind is something that we've recently,launched and opened back up our wait,list is that wholesaling so we finally,are opening up our waitlist to,wholesaling and drop shipping and,i have a video coming up all about,making drop shipping and how you can,make money with drop shipping and if,this is like something that you're,interested in doing then we can,definitely help you out as well,and in the video is how i talked about,making a brand from drop shipping how i,made my first ten thousand dollars in,the first month from drop shipping and,teach you all about that but today,i'm finally announcing that we are now,opening up our waitlist to wholesaling,and drop shipping now if you don't know,what i do i run an online e-commerce,swimwear website where we have,all types of women this community we,strive to help others bring self-love,body confidence and just a better and,empowering community and mindset into,their lives,proud of to build our community to over,150 000 people,description links below where you can,also learn a little bit more about us,first luxury swimmer brand in north,america to offer wholesale,no other brand right now in north,america are offering wholesale for,any of their items and we are opening up,that slot we're opening up,because we want young entrepreneurs to,succeed even if you don't have a lot of,money to start out to,buy a whole catalog or to make your own,pieces right away you start with drop,shipping and now we're offering that,i started the brand with escape swimwear,on how where it's built today off with,drop shipping i did not have a lot of,money in the beginning i had to even,borrow my first ten thousand dollars to,invest into building the brand after,that but i first started with drop,shipping and drop shipping is really,crucial and really good if you,are focused and into doing it is because,you don't have to buy a lot of,inventory to hold on hand whereas if,you're ready and you're confident and,you want to put your 100 effort in it,then yes,wholesaling is really good because we,are able to offer wholesaling at really,good prices,we have very low minimum order quantity,other suppliers,are charging for samples we don't charge,you the crazy minimum order quantities,where other people are charging,where it's like a thousand or minimum,order quantity we have very amazing,quantity numbers so if you guys are,interested in wholesaling prices of,wholesaling for bikinis for swimwear for,accessories,anything that has to do with swim let us,know we also have men's as well so i'm,gonna leave all the links,down below where you guys can contact us,and email our wholesaling department we,have a specialist now in our wholesale,department where they're able to help,you,and they're able to be by your side,every step of the way let's say for,example you want to make a wholesale,order we're able to ship that to you and,by the time that it gets to you we'll,we'll help you plan everything that you,have and answer all the questions that,you have,and we'll be by your side i think a lot,of people people will wonder like oh but,if you're doing this wholesaling do,don't you think it'll take away from,your customers base or take away people,from,attention to your brand and no that is,not our like mindset at all that is not,my mindset that's not my team's mindset,because our mindset is that,if we help more people to achieve what,they want to do and help more people to,create their own swimmer brands it,doesn't deteriorate our brand it doesn't,depreciate us it doesn't take customers,away from us because the more that we,share we help you the more that will,come back to us like we are an abundant,group we're abundant mindset the team,every single person thinks like this and,i'm so grateful to be surrounded by,people like that because you need,positive people in your life they know,that the more that they share the more,that they give out the more comes back,to them,it does not take away from our customer,base it does not take away anything from,us,helping you does not hurt us and we want,to help more brands and more young,aspiring entrepreneurs to,create their own swimwear line or create,something that they want to do and so,now we're offering that wholesale,section doing this wholesale option does,not take away from our brand of what,we're doing right now we still build our,community we still do collaborations we,still have escape partners we still,share our message help a woman every,single day we we are still out there,doing,to still build our brand and growing,with everyone this wholesaling option is,just another,aspect that we're adding to the brand,our website is now updated with,wholesaling options you can read more,information on there,if you want to learn more about us and,learn more about what we can offer you,but we are super excited because we did,have previously a few clients that we,were working with and,they are now successful like they now,are pulling in a few thousand dollars a,month and that may not be a lot to you,but to them,when you're first starting a brand like,that is something so all of their,swimwear they get from us and we're so,excited like we are here to supply,somewhere and handmade and quality,swimwear for a cheap price like we don't,want to charge people,up the butt like you know 50 per piece,per item when it comes to wholesale,too much especially when you're buying,in bulk like it should not be at such a,high rate,and just seeing how happy and helping,our clients and doing a wholesale option,before with a small amount of group like,it really,helped us and see that it's it's really,meaningful and so now we're opening up,this option our communication and,customer service is so on point like i'm,so,proud of how we are every single day,monday to friday we are on our computers,there's,customer service reps on our computers,eight to five pm like we reply,very fast and being the first brand to,help people this will bring us more,opportunities and in the direction that,we're going because our brand already is,about empowering women,seeing people post stories and videos in,our swimwear and it really makes us so,happy,and so now it makes us even feel better,that we're able to help someone start,their own swim lines,wholesaling option is now a option if,you're interested,let us know thank you so much for,watching this video i love you guys so,much if you have any questions just let,me know or answer in the comments below,and i'll be happy to answer it for you,and i'll see you guys next time
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