trying to add a procut to a collection on shopify but doesnt show up

(UPDATED) How to fix the Status of your Shopify Products right,edwin anthony here from resolution,de

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Mar 03,2023

(UPDATED) How to fix the Status of your Shopify Products

The above is a brief introduction to trying to add a procut to a collection on shopify but doesnt show up

Let's move on to the first section of trying to add a procut to a collection on shopify but doesnt show up

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trying to add a procut to a collection on shopify but doesnt show up catalogs

(UPDATED) How to fix the Status of your Shopify Products

right,edwin anthony here from resolution,design making an updated video an,updated video,as far as how to get these products to,show up uh i've made a part one in this,video and it was like for five minutes,long,and i've noticed that a lot of people do,appreciate the video but there are some,people who are still getting stuck,and so this is the 2022 version of the,video okay where i'm gonna go more in,depth on how to solve this problem,because i see a lot of the comments,saying hey i tried what you're saying,but it's still not working for me so,let's get more granular what we're going,to solve in this video is uh the draft,situation on status right we notice that,there's some products that will show up,on the store but then there's others,that do not show up on the store,again um we're not asking for money or,anything like that the only thing we ask,is for to demolish that blue like button,just make it turn blue or white whatever,it is just make it solid demolish that,like button if you appreciate this type,of video and also if you like all,shopify related contents let me know on,the comments what you want to see,okay let's begin right away,so,again i'm gonna go here on this demo,store with uh with turbo which i'll,leave also in the description and we,have this one particular product for,example called area bra top that if we,go right here into the website let me,just kind of like do a refresh and i go,to women's apparel tops,it won't show up here right it's um just,to remind you guys we're talking about,the area bra top right and we go over,here we notice that it is not here okay,and this is going to be the the checking,point we're going to be refreshing this,page over and over again until it comes,out,so before we begin let's just prepare on,a few tabs here you guys notice that i,have several tabs going on,uh there's numerous tabs going on here,in this presentation so the tab that i,have here this page um inside of where,it says on the admin i click on all,products so click on all products or,first click on products let's start from,over here this is you guys should be,familiar with this page click right here,where it says products and then you're,gonna see this right here okay so the,first spot check that we're going to do,is to make sure that your inventory is,not tracked,by default when you start a shopify,store okay there are certain settings,that shopify brings over by default that,makes this whole thing crazy right and,one of them is that shopify controls the,inventory what that means is that every,every uh product that you have will,start off as zero,inventory as in it as if it's sold out,when in reality it's not okay so one,thing i want you to guys do before we,get started is let's go ahead and click,on this select all box right here and,you'll see that it says 50 selected,some of you guys might have less than 50,products installed in your store but for,those who are watching that have over 50,products make sure you remember to click,on this guy right here to select all 50.,the reason for that is because when i,click on this one you'll notice that,this stops here and there's more that's,why there's the next page right that,means that it only selected 50. so,instead i want you guys to click on this,link right here and right there it'll,say all 50 plus products in your store,have been selected so don't forget to do,that part guys okay make sure that you,select all,once you do this,go to the bulk editor right here where,it says edit products click on edit,products and we're going to go into a,version of shopify that you guys might,not be familiar with but it almost looks,like microsoft excel and this is called,the bulk editor okay it's almost like,microsoft excel so you're going to see,some columns here that we never asked,for because again it's just something,that pops up as default if you see a,whole bunch try to minimize this so that,this page can load up quickly if you,have too many columns going on your,internet speed and all that it can load,very slowly,all right so we don't need compare price,for this uh what we're looking to do is,add a field because we need to see,something,uh and what we need to see is inventory,and right here we're looking for this,one track quantity click on that one so,that you could enable that uh column,and you might be seeing something on,your screen that says this,shopify tracks this product's inventory,okay and if that's the case what i want,you to do is click on the first one to,select the first one scroll all the way,down hopefully until you reach the last,one and you might have to do this page,per page,press and hold the shift button okay and,click on the last product so you can see,we have selected a range you saw that,i'm going to say that one more time guys,because i don't want to lose everybody,remember everybody who's watching you,guys all have different skill set levels,that are different so i'm just going to,pretend that you're very new to this,okay so i'm going to click on the first,one if you have shopify tracks products,in this inventory across the board click,on the first one first scroll all the,way down then press and hold the shift,button and then click on the last one so,that you select the range once you do,that let's go ahead back to the first,one i let go of the shift button by the,way at this point and i click on this,drop down and i press don't track,inventory what that's going to do is,it's going to change every one of these,guys to don't track inventory and then,you're going to see all these freckles,right here all these dots you see all,these dots all these dots what it means,is that i have made a change but i,haven't saved it yet and i have to press,save and then you're gonna see shopify,just start tackling all one by one so,let's go ahead and press save on that,you see what it's doing,see that,so make sure that you do this for all of,your products okay guys and we're just,gonna let this finish for example,purposes you'll notice that it just does,everything in one shot the bulk editor,is pretty good you know but it doesn't,allow you to change a lot of things such,as like sizes and stuff but it allows,you to change prices,uh i'm not sure if it allows you to,change inventory it probably allows you,to do that too,okay there you go that's done there all,right cool now let's go back,all right so we're back here all,inventory is not tracked okay that's the,first step the next step is pay,attention to the status column okay,more than likely if you're doing this,for the first time by default when you,add a product it might be set as a draft,we need to change it from draft to,active that's very important so let's go,ahead here and select those that are not,active in your case it might be every,one of them so do the same thing where,you kind of like select all select plus,50 and then do the next action that i'm,going to show you,in this case it's just these three guys,right so what we're going to do is we're,going to change this to online store and,let's see if this action helps us here,more actions okay more actions,and then,add available channels,no excuse me set set as active this one,the first one set as active we're going,to go here and set as active right there,okay,so,it's going to take a little bit boom all,right so we have all these green pills,okay so that's that's the uh the second,step or the third i'm not sure where am,i third or so whatever okay,now that we are here this could have,solved your issue okay you might be done,with this video maybe,right i want to say a good 60 of you are,done you might have solved this problem,so go ahead and press pause on this,video and go to the front end of your,store,press refresh on the collection where,you want that product to show up,and try to see if it shows up in my case,it does not on purpose on purpose it,does not because i also want to help,those that have a different problem in,this video that's why i'm making the,second part two video okay so if your,problem is solved and you find it in,your collections please go ahead and,push that,like button,if it still doesn't show up please,continue watching this video because you,have to do extra steps remember,everybody's store is different the,solution is not one size fits all okay,so depending on how your store is set up,you might have solved this problem over,here okay guys,all right let's go back so now that we,are here um,let's go ahead and open,several uh tabs so we're gonna go right,here back to all products okay and you,notice that i have one tab,i welcome you guys to open a second tab,called collections okay and in this page,we're gonna see everything that's in,collections so right here i see products,right here i see collections,open up another tab and this one is,going to be for your navigation and the,way that you get here guys,is that you start from the home make,sure that you open a third tab by the,way,go over here where it says online store,click on navigation,all right and let's just hold our spot,there and then my fourth tab is just the,collections here i like to have all,these tabs open so that i could quickly,go back and forth without doing a whole,bunch of pagination and all that stuff,okay,all right now that we're here guys i,have to remind you about something all,right so let me remind you about our,home page in our home page we have a,series called new to shopify,and these are the most important videos,for all of you guys that are starting,out so what i'm about to explain to you,is just very high level but if you want,to go in depth as how i go through,through these steps just make sure that,you watch part one part two and part,three in that sequential order because i,talk about how to add products how to,add them into collections and how to um,configure your main menu system but,anyways let's just pretend that you kind,of know this and i'm just gonna do a,high-level overview okay so you have,your products installed we we go to,collections okay make sure that you have,your collections already configured in,our case we have created,several automatic collections or,conditional collections conditional,collections i talk about this in my part,two video okay it's collections that are,automatic meaning that when i go inside,this collection i am not manually adding,the products in here instead it's,following a rule which is hey,go through all the products and any,products that have a product tag equal,to tops slash women automatically add,them here and the reason why i like to,have automatic collections is because it,prevents human error like it prevents,you from um you know forgetting or oh i,added all the products but i forgot one,i like to do automatic collections like,this because it's automatic right and it,only depends on you having a tag set up,to the product,so in this particular case this is the,collection that we want the product to,live in it's called tops women right and,that's exactly where we are here,okay but the product has to have the tag,tops slash women we're going to go back,into this by the way what i just did,right now is i triple clicked on this,and i press copy,all right now i'm going back to the,product and let's go into area bra top,we're going to go back to this product,here but now we're entering into the,product details and so i'm going to,scroll down and i'm going to focus on,this area right here called tags and i'm,going to add my tag,the reason i'm adding the tag is so that,it shows up in the collection,okay now you notice that it says product,saved and right here in collections it,just says women's apparel,sometimes shopify needs another refresh,in order to take into account what i've,just done,and so what i was expecting is for this,product not only to show up on this,collection but to also show up in the,tops dash women's collection i noticed,that even after i have the tag set up,here it's not showing up in my automatic,collections here so what i'm going to do,is press refresh because again shopify,servers sometimes need that little extra,push in order to remind them hey i set,up another collection and there you have,it you saw what just happened so,previously even though i had this tag,saved this did not show up,now that i press refresh it showed up,and that's what i mean guys make sure,that you watch uh this video because i,go really in depth as far as how to make,those collections manual collections,versus automatic collections,all right so let's go back here and,let's press refresh on the storefront to,see if uh ah there it is look here it's,showing up so this is just proof to you,guys that sometimes we just need to go a,little bit deeper and troubleshoot a few,more things just to make sure that they,are in fact showing up in the collection,so i would assume that a good,25,of you guys might have solved your,problem at this phase and if it did all,i ask again is for that blue thumbs up,but hold the phone wait there's a good,percentage of you guys that are still,stuck and it's still not showing up stay,watching please i'm gonna solve your,problem okay stay watching all right so,now for those that still it's not,showing up i'm back in the collections,tab okay,i need to ask you to troubleshoot,something first,does the does inside of this missing,product that you're going through,if you scroll down to where it says,collections here right so let's start,from the top,if the product that you have in question,is still missing click on the product,focus over here where it says,collections,does the collection where you're,expecting it to show up come out here,if not one or two problems is going on,number one,is this collection that you're talking,about is it a manual collection or an,automatic collection,again i talk about that over here in my,part two,okay,so back to the question,is your collection or the collection,that you're having problems with is it,an automatic collection or is it a,manual collection,an automatic collection is when you see,this,a manual collection is when it comes out,blank,when you click inside here if it is a,manual collection let's pretend that,your collection that you're having,problems with is when you come to,collections it shows blank right here,then dive in go inside of this,collection okay,scroll,down,press browse,find that product and add it there and,press save,once once it shows up here,i'm gonna do that i'm gonna click on,right here and click done and it should,save automatically,and let's just move this all the way to,the top,okay,once you see it here,go up to the top and look at this button,right here view click on,this all right and you can see that it,shows up,okay so that solves half of your problem,not 100 because you're wondering well,why is it that my main menu system it,doesn't show up when i click on my main,menu i still don't see it,if you're going through that now it's,not a collections problem it's a,navigation problem that you're having,okay but the reason why i told you to,check your collection is to first make,sure,that the collection is working make sure,that the product is in fact added into,your collection and what i just showed,you right now and i did that was that i,clicked inside of a manual collection,and i physically added it in there and,then i cross check to make sure that,it's working,let's pretend that you don't have a,manual collection and you're having,issues with a collection that has a,condition,if so please make sure that whatever the,condition is,okay you have to um,triple click,copy,and then go back inside of the product,and make sure that you add the tag,that meets that condition,once you've done so press refresh here,on the back end,and make sure that the product shows up,and then do the same thing go ahead and,click on view and test it out and you're,like okay it's there i see it in my,collection,but my new problem is is that,when i go to my store i still just can't,find it when i click on this,now this is where i solve your problem,here okay,let's go,remember when i told you,to have another one that's called,navigation,so that's when i talk about navigation,that's that's the part three okay,and the theme that i'm showing you guys,is turbo,so it's a little bit sophisticated the,turbo and how i have this selection here,going on,and the reason why i'm telling you that,is because i have a mega menu system,so for those that are trying to,troubleshoot this problem on the turbo,theme,please make sure you watch my turbo,series,the part one part two is in part threes,i believe between part one and part two,i talk about how to configure the mega,menu so make sure that you watch that,video,we're going to go back over here to,navigation,in navigation what i'm looking for is,what is connected to this guy right here,because this is the collection that i'm,targeting,okay i'm targeting this collection,i'm trying to look for it in the,navigations menu,and in my case it's located over here,let's see,so it's not on the main menu,it's under women's apparel,if i'm not mistaken,yes,so let's go over here to women's apparel,all right,women's tops is the one that i'm talking,about so i'm gonna go click on here,where it says edit,and i have to make sure,that it's connected to that exact,collection that i was referring to in,this case it's tops women,so over here i have to make sure that,it's linking to that,and just to triple check i'm going to,exit out of that,i'm going to click on this link here i'm,going to select collections,and i'm gonna look for,there you go there it is,and press apply changes,and don't forget to press save,once you have done this let's go back,into the front end and press refresh,remember guys whatever you do on the,back end you always have to come here on,the front end and press refresh it's not,going to just show up,so always remember any changes that you,do in the admin we call this the back,end here okay in the admin you come over,here and you press refresh so that the,front end updates against the back end,okay,now go and test it out and see if it's,there,okay,all right,now if you don't have turbo,the menu system should be much easier,for you,it should be more simple,but again i don't want to assume what,theme you guys are are using,in this case we're using turbo we love,turbo turbo is very complete,okay,and i'll leave the link down below just,in case but if your menu is very simple,then i suggest you watch the um the part,three which is this one the drop down,menu system if you're not using turbo,you're using like something else,if you're using impulse guys for those,of you using impulse i believe it's in,part two or part three it's one of these,two guys,okay and then i also if you're using,flex i did part one and part two,so for those who want part three you,guys gotta let me know otherwise i'll,just do other things for you guys okay,let's pretend that out of everything,nothing worked if none of this stuff,worked then you have another problem and,this other problem,has to do with something that's,conflicting with your shopify store,i would suggest one or two things one of,two things,okay,you could either try to contact shopify,support,which sometimes could be tedious i think,i also have another video on how to,contact shopify support,okay so make sure that you check it out,check check that video out how to,contact shopify support that's one of,them or what you could do is that you,could contact the theme developer,mind you guys the theme developer what i,mean by that is that if your theme has,not been touched by a freelancer,or some other person or has been sold to,you that has you know and you need to,make sure that it's not customized is,what i'm trying to tell you make sure,that it's out of the box meaning that,it's a theme no custom coding has been,added okay therefore contact the theme,developer and how do you do that,let me show you,um we're gonna go right here to where it,says customize right,so let's go to customize to enter into,the customized theme,and click on these three dots right here,and it'll tell you who the developers,are,so it's designed and supported by out of,the sandbox,go ahead and get support,create a ticket and tell them your,situation,okay,so one or two ways you could either go,through shopify support or you could,contact the theme developers now if i,was in your shoes who responds the,fastest uh shopify support typically,does but sometimes shopify support they,try to help you and they'll get stuck,and they'll be like oh contact the theme,developer we can't help you,because in theory shopify helps you for,everything related to the back end but,they could only do so much is what i'm,trying to say,so uh the only disadvantage by,contacting the theme developer is that,sometimes they take a while to respond,back,and i think uh the people from out of,the sandbox you have to pay a premium in,order to get that special support,well i hope that this information helped,everyone i know that this is not a one,size fits all problem depending on how,your store set up you might have more,complications set up on your store and,therefore trying to solve this problem,is not a walk in the park but the way,that i've explained all different,scenarios here that should cover at,least eighty percent of you folks who,are watching,again the only thing i ask you is to,demolish that uh blue like button and,also go ahead and press subscribe and,leave me down in the comments let me,know if there's something specific if,you have a problem guys in order for me,to help you in the comments say hey,edwin,right here in the minute mark,14.57 you said,so and so i got stuck there,say edwin i got stuck at the 11 minute,mark you have to be very specific so,that i could come back to the video find,out where you got stuck at and give you,the right advice but if you ask me a,question in the comments that's very,generic,it's kind of hard to understand exactly,at what point of the video did you get,stuck at,so please remember,to mention if you need help on where you,got stuck at at what minute mark did you,get stuck so that i could go ahead and,respond to you at the comments thank you,once again guys happy holidays happy new,years happy all of that and uh i hope,that you get a lot of money take care

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