what are breadcrumbs shopify

How To Add Breadcrumbs To Your Shopify Store For Free - 2022 Easy Tutorial bonjour bonjour breadcru

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Feb 16,2023

How To Add Breadcrumbs To Your Shopify Store For Free - 2022 Easy Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to what are breadcrumbs shopify

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How To Add Breadcrumbs To Your Shopify Store For Free - 2022 Easy Tutorial

bonjour bonjour breadcrumbs on shopify,i'll show you how to do it right now,first step is to go to your online store,backend obviously right here online,store themes and then you're going to,choose the version you're going to work,on let's say you want to work on your,life team then don't do it don't work on,your live team instead duplicate your,live team you go to actions right here,duplicate and work on the duplicate,version that way if you mess up you just,delete the duplicate version and you,haven't messed up your original code,base it's gonna save you a lot of,headaches i swear,also you know if you're testing stuff,out maybe not do it on the live team,where live traffic comes true you know,all right once we have the duplicate,right here we're going to click action,and we're going to be editing the code,okay on your left right here you're,going to be scrolling down to snippets,and you're going to add a new snippet it,will ask you for a name of your brand,new snippet and we're going to call it,breadcrumbs make sure there is no,spacing in the front in the back no caps,just like that breadcrumbs,great so we just created our new snippet,it's empty so let's add some codes to,that and,tada the code has been added,now that's it the code has been added,now don't pause the video i will show,you where you can find the code later so,that you can just copy paste it but,right now let's just click on save and,keep going once we have the breadcrumb,snippet created a snippet is basically a,piece of code that you can use anywhere,on your website so we have the,breadcrumb logic that we can now use,anywhere on our website we have to,tell shopify where to show that,breadcrumb for that we're going to,scroll all the way up right here and,we're going to go to theme.liquid i,can't say f like tree and team,and i keep messing this up that was,completely beside the point now we're,going to tell shopify where we want our,snippet to actually appear,and basically you can kind of add it,where you want it on here so let's do a,couple of trials what if i want it at,the very top i can,add it,let's say,right at the top right here right before,the content for header paste and i save,and let's look at what it looks like,it's right here now not the best place,to put a snippet is it you know what if,i want to put it on um somewhere else so,let's actually put it,a card pop-up section header this is um,the header right here so why don't i put,it just below the header right here,render breadcrumbs and we save,see what that looks like oh that makes,more sense so there we go home,catalog,you know we're in products,it's gonna there you go black letter,figures it out perfect there you go the,last step is then to go to online store,and put it live,actions and we publish,now i understand that some people might,say so now it's live i understand that,some people might say hey i want this a,little bit more to the left a little bit,more to the right i want a different,font i want it in blue i wanted a red,for that you're going to need to use,some css and you know that's a little,bit outside of the scope from this video,because i'm going to spend,you know hours saying how all the,different css techniques work you just,in short put it in a div and apply some,css to that div but i'm sure anyone that,is a little bit nifty with css can help,you out at that point so i hope this was,useful all the codes that i've used you,can find it on the link below which is,our blog you just copy and paste it,you're good to go follow me on twitter,at andrew.joe and thank you so much see,you in another video ciao

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