hey everybody this is ori from astroweb,and today i'm going to teach you how to,transfer,your domain name to apply your own,custom domain name to a shopify store,so whenever you set up a store when,you're developing a store when you're,making it,you have a temporary domain,something.myshopify.com,and obviously you want to have your own,business or own a personal,domain name and so you need to set it up,and this video is to show you how to set,it up,and what are the two aspects of things,you need to do with your dns,to set up the domain name so it works,and shopify uses that one okay so what,are the two,things number one you need to specify,uh via dns that your domain is using,shopify servers that's number one and we,use a records and cname records,which we'll get into the second thing,you need to do is you need to add this,txt records to allow shopify to send,emails on your behalf so what kind of,emails register emails customer emails,order emails things like that so you,need to allow shopify,to send on your behalf that's a very,simple explanation of it but basically,you specify a setting so less domain,providers less,email providers will actually filter you,as spam so actually the emails will be,delivered better that's a better,explanation for it okay,so let's show you how to do it let's do,one with a real real example so i have,a site right here i have a my shopify,domain,and i want to set it up with a domain,that i'm gonna just do for this video,only just for example okay,so what do i do first of all i go to my,back end,and i go to online store and i click on,domains and when i do that you'll see,the dot my shopify domain,now you want to connect a new domain so,you can either buy a domain from shopify,or you can transfer the ownership from,one registrar for example godaddy or,big host or hostgator or any of these,and transfer it or you can actually just,specify the dns records and that's it so,i'm gonna do the connect,existing domain which means you have,purchased your domain name from a,different source,and you're actually connecting it so,this is the most popular method but you,could also have shopify host it,and then the flow would be slightly,longer,but also slightly more simple because,you're letting shopify,do all the dns records for you okay so,i'm going to click on,connect existing domain and i'm going to,put the domain in in this case i'm using,a domain called circuit.com,and i'm going to click on next now,when i did that it'll check who,registered your,domain name right so you purchase for,example you pay ten dollars a year for,it,who purchased that or who is a managing,it in my case it's go,daddy but you might have a different,provider so if it's,a provider that shopify recognizes,then you will actually be able to much,easier connect it automatically you're,going to,basically click there's going to be an a,pop-up window,and you're going to actually specify,your login for godaddy or for whatever,provider,and it's going to authorize shopify to,read and modify the data for them right,so it's going to do it little faster,sometimes you don't want to do that,either you don't trust them or or you,have a registrar that doesn't,actually uh automatically connect with,shopify shopify,doesn't recognize them or is not you,know they're not that big,so what i'm going to do i'm going to do,the connect manually version which,allows you to follow these steps for no,matter what kind of registrar you have,okay,so i'm going to click on connect,manually and now i have to follow,the instructions so what are the,instructions i already saved them up,here so we can do it so,number one on the instructions is you,will have to specify,the a record and the txt record okay so,what i'm what am i going to do,first of all i'm going to provide all,this in the youtube description but i'm,going to go and i'm going to copy this,ip address okay and i'm going to set up,an a record an a record,is just a way to point that your domain,is going to go to a certain,ip a certain server right so you're,telling this domain is going to use,shopify servers so i'm going to go to my,go godaddy registration and i'm editing,my circuit,so basically i went to godaddy i clicked,on domain name servers i clicked on my,domain and domain dns management,and i'm going to go here and i'm going,to add a record which is an a record,okay and i'm going to do the host and,i'm going to specify this so basically,means my domain name,it's going to point to the ip address,that was specified okay you can keep,that,ttl the time to live uh the fresh how,often it'll re-request you can keep it,as the default one hour is fine,okay and i'm gonna so this so part one,is i'm putting the a record for this,okay number two is if you have your,domain,for example circuit.com right,circuit.com,if you also want to do www.circuit.com,then you can you can also which you,typically should do you're going to,click here,on add you're going to click here on,cname you're going to type in www,and you're going to go to the,instructions you're gonna copy this it's,shops.myshopify.com,and you're gonna place it in the points,too and you're gonna save it so,this is step number one okay so once you,do that,and you finished it correctly you can go,back here and you can click on,verify connection what is that going to,do shopify is going to,query your domain and it's going to,check that your settings are actually,correct so,if you notice here my a record is,correct it recognizes that i put the ip,but my cname was not correct so what did,i do wrong in this case,usually it's not something wrong it just,means that the domain name once you save,it,sometimes these things take time to,actually propagate,so sometimes you just gotta wait a,minute or two or in some some,providers you might have to wait an hour,or two right so it really depends but,what i'm gonna do,is i'm gonna verify again and i need to,make sure that both my a record and my,cname record are,verified okay and again sometimes it,might take a little while but don't you,know it,these are these are normal these are,things that it might even take,up to 24 hours in some cases but usually,they're within a few minutes maximum,okay so i did it and as you can see,right here,my donate domain was successfully,connected,now once you do that shopify is,is already connected but if you notice,it says here ssl,pending what is ssl it basically means,that you can have a secure connection a,http connection,with a padlock right here and this,process is going to be pending by,shopify and i've seen this take between,about 15 or 30 minutes up to about five,or six hours,so in some cases you might have to wait,a little bit and,what i recommend is if you can actually,do the dns before the,the hour that you want to launch you,could do it earlier the day before for,example,and then you put a uh a password,then that would be usually be better but,if just just so you know if you're about,to launch and you want to launch at 9am,in the morning,and you do that at 9am your site might,not be available in working,because of this thing so i want to just,you know alert that i've,seen many times it's taken many hours,for this okay,so let's do one more thing right now,this the second thing is you have to,configure the emails,so we're going to go here to these,instructions which i'll link as well,and we're going to create a txt record,with this information right here,okay so i'm going to copy all the way,down here okay,what it's doing is just saying hey i i,recognize shop.shopify as one of the,senders,and all the providers like gmail and,hotmail and yahoomail,they're gonna they're gonna use this,data to try to reduce their spam so if,you authorize shopify,they won't put it in the spam or at,least you'll have less chance right,so i'm going to go here i'm going to go,back to my,dns i'm going to add a txt record right,here,here's a txt record and the host again,is this,at sign and i'm going to put the value,in right here,as long as i copied it correctly should,be here and that's it i,finished so the dns settings should be,finished okay,so once i go here i can refresh the page,and that's it and so all i have to do,now is wait,okay here here everything looks good and,now,if i go to my website okay i go to my,website okay,it's still redirected so my dns on my,browser is still not,connected let's see here this looks good,and we should and you see here it's a,primary domain so that's it,so all i have to do is wait for for uh,my computer my browser to recognize,the new dns and once i do that let me go,right here,circuit.com,okay and so now that's it now it's,connected so now this is my,password for my shopify site if i want,to unlaunch it,i can go here to online store,preferences,and i can disable my password right here,and i can save it okay and now i can go,to my website let's go back,and i have my site now so that's it,those are the two settings for dns that,you have to do to specify which servers,are hosting your website,and to deliver email better i hope this,video made it made sense for you guys if,you have any questions about sub domains,about other dns settings it doesn't work,for you you're not sure what i was,talking about,i'll be happy to explain more do some,more videos just ask questions in the,comments,and i really appreciate you guys,listening to our videos uh subscribe if,you like,uh we're making more and more shopify,videos magento videos,uh ecommerce google analytics marketing,emails,all these things more and more with,better quality and i'll take your guys,suggestions and happy to help so thank,you again for listening appreciate it
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