what are the best free shopify themes

9 Best Free Shopify Themes hey what is up guys it's Brendan here,and today we're going to be coverin

Brennan Valeski

Updated on Feb 13,2023

9 Best Free Shopify Themes

The above is a brief introduction to what are the best free shopify themes

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what are the best free shopify themes catalogs

9 Best Free Shopify Themes

hey what is up guys it's Brendan here,and today we're going to be covering the,nine best free Shopify themes if you're,brand new to Shopify and you want to get,signed up with a free trial you go ahead,and check out that first link down in,the description box below that's, Shopify we'll take,you right over to a Shopify free trial,where you can get started with Shopify,today and without further Ado let's go,ahead and dive into the list so at that,number one spot we have Dawn now Dawn,and all of these themes are created,directly from Shopify so they're all,directly compatible with Shopify they're,all free Shopify themes that Shopify has,created for you for building out your,eCommerce store your online store and,your eCommerce website so without,further Ado of course we have Dawn now,Dawn really is probably the best Bare,Bones like Core theme for most people,getting started with a Shopify store it,is very minimalist and it lets as you,can see here the product images take,Center her stage so Dawn really is that,Core theme probably just the most,overall best theme for most people,getting started with Shopify because it,is more flexible more Dynamic and really,is just a good basic Core theme that,works on Shopify that really is just,really compatible for most people,whether it be you're into fashion,whether you're selling beauty products,whether it be makeup or coffee or really,anything that you want to sell within,the Shopify platform Dawn is a very,universal theme that kind of works,around the board it really hits all the,points as far as something that you,might want for any type of online store,the nice thing about Shopify in general,is it is also customizable so of course,you have you know support for a quick,menu the mega menu and the sticky header,they have all the other additional,features that you could expect with any,kind of Shopify theme of course all,these themes are also built within the,online store 2.0 system so these are all,fully up to date their new OS and,operating system that's more flexible,more customizable and really just,optimized to be fast and drag and drop,as well so if you want to make,customizations of course you can easily,do that with this theme as well as any,of the other themes mentioned here in,today's video so yeah you know the Chic,and minimalist design right you've got,media forward product pages Advanced,customization options so you can easily,drag and drop different elements into,the page whether you want a product list,right so this is kind of like what it,looks like on desktop or on a on a,laptop and then this is what it looks,like on mobile on a smartphone or on a,mobile device as you can see here the,comparison between the two so they are,also you know flexible and dynamic and,friendly for both uh variations of your,users and of your online store visitors,so as you can see here of course all the,different features if you want to check,this out for yourself of course all you,need to do is go to the Shopify themes,um page like and you,can go ahead and easily find these,themes directly you just have to search,for the name Dawn theme Shopify really,any of these themes you just search for,the name and you'll be able to find it,for yourself to add it to your Shopify,store you just view a demo store or you,could try the theme out yourself on your,Shopify store so without further Ado,let's go ahead and dive in at that,second spot we have craft now the number,two spot craft is more specifically,designed for brands that are selling,crafted Goods right more handmade type,things things where you need bigger,product images and you want to show off,really the the design elements of the,product whereas Dawn may be better for,just like a general store or a most,General types of online stores craft,really is focused specifically uh for,those more refined products more,handcrafted types of things maybe if,you're doing furniture that could work,good for craft as well depending on what,type of category you have have more like,storytelling as well as far as like the,additional product images and sharing,what types of features your products are,are you know best at right of course you,can really apply any of these themes to,any type of store that you're building,but that's really just what craft is is,primarily focused around and there are,other focuses as well for each of these,different free themes so it's important,uh to watch to the end of this video so,you can get really the best themes,depending on what type of Niche products,and category that you specifically sell,in so yeah craft is really good as well,of course all these different specific,features really are pretty consistent,across all the different themes it,really just comes down to you know what,type of visual storytelling you're,trying to go after what type of look and,feel that you like of course you can,easily customize like colors and drag,and drop elements within any of these,themes but the core basis and the core,like build out of the theme is really,focused you know as you can see the,craftsmanship,specific types of maybe handmade items,something like that that's what you,could expect with the craft theme so,moving in at number three we have,refresh now refresh really is honestly,one of my favorite themes just looking,at it just quickly uh because it really,focuses in on showcasing the products,that you sell and ultimately making just,a very Dynamic catalog that's easy for,people to click find and buy your,products which ultimately is what most,people are trying to do right so if if,you want to showcase products just in a,very simple uh easy to understand way,then refresh is a great option as you,can see here with this example you know,you can easily feature like a header,image and your Brand's storytelling,whether it be a big focus on the product,or or something like that and then you,can easily have the different categories,categorized even just from the home page,as you can see here for this refresh,brand you have hair Body Face kits it's,easy to distinguish what types of,products that you're actually selling,what types of categories,as you can see here you can emphasize,product details as well as the advanced,customization options I think the this,theme is just really slick really easy,to use and understand easy for visitors,to get like okay this is this product,category uh and it just the minimalistic,aspect of it just makes the product,details really pop in my opinion uh and,this is really great I guess if you have,like any type of brand where you're,selling multiple different types of,products different categories uh really,like a very brandable type of theme,design yeah I you know I would say,obviously it's a bold theme for,elevating product quality and brand,storytelling really any of these themes,you can easily customize yourself and,really make it look and match your brand,specific feel or what you're trying to,go after for your online store so yeah,definitely worth checking out refresh,um as well moving in at number four we,have,the sense theme,so sense is more of an energizing theme,featured for of course extensive product,detail layouts you have uh glow of,course this is more like a makeup brand,example that they use here for sense,theme and sense also is good for,similarly to I would say to refresh as,far as like you know focusing in on a,specific product category uh then you,also have or a specific product lineup,then you know you also have sense I,would say sense is kind of like uh the,brother or sister theme to refresh as,far as the overall layout and design uh,of course you have good brand,storytelling a fresh and bright design I,would say this is good for maybe makeup,uh products where you want that more,like bright and fresh color palette,depending on the type of design and,theme layout you're trying to go for of,course you can easily customize any of,these as well but you do have you know,specific uh features as far as trying to,make things look more like a lookbook,maybe trying to Showcase more of the,specific elements within your brand,maybe as you can see like natural,ingredients like focusing in on what,types of ingredients your products,feature and really showcasing that,within the product,um pages and within the home page as,well for people shopping your online,store so moving in at number five we,have a studio so studio is really,curated specifically for artists and,people who design art create art sell,art and those types of collections so as,you can see here front and center is the,art on the home page of course all these,are customizable you can do whatever you,want with any of these themes of course,I encourage you to check them out for,yourself give them a try play around,with them they are free to use of course,that's the whole point of this video is,to test out the free themes and find,which one you like best for your,specific brand and Company so with this,one you of course you have different,cuts uh colorful accents and frame art,that you can showcase you know,collections collectors adjusting the,layout maybe a few features artists,within your art studio then you can,provide additional information for them,as well,as the specific art that you sell maybe,breaking them down by collections so if,you're an artist then definitely go with,Studio it really just makes the most,sense because it is focused specifically,for artists and best showcasing uh that,type of catalog in collection so moving,in next on the list we have ride theme,now ride is really designed around like,more Sports and Athletics type of,websites maybe as you can see here the,example is surfing so maybe if you're,selling surfboards uh this theme the,color palette and everything is very,like high energy I would say almost like,it looks kind of like an energy drink,type website in my opinion uh just,because of the black and then the sharp,neon or highlighter yellow that they,have here with the with the template,design so as you can see here you know,you have Punchy more sporty type look so,maybe if you're an energy drink or,something like uh you know sports,related uh maybe it's Sports clothing,thing or Sporting Goods maybe even gym,type related you know I think this kind,of matches like if you had a gym where,you're selling supplements or something,like that kind of matches that type of,layout uh as well just because it's very,high energy uh Focus so as you can see,here they have the different uh you know,flexible layouts which their theme,they're fins you also have you know the,advanced customization options as far as,like depending on how you want things to,look you know linking out to whatever,you want to link out to sharing images,videos anything that you may want to,share on your site and on your online,store uh you know the dark background,bold typography and the high accent,colors really does makes like Sporting,Goods pop as they're saying here and,like I mentioned for the different types,of you know product categories that you,might want to use the ride theme for,moving in next on the list we have taste,now taste is really good uh for people,who are selling food or maybe drinks or,beverages or something like that online,uh more specialty type products specific,to branding as you can see here this is,kind of like a a little drink product,maybe like a uh a type of almost like a,health drink right so this is like cold,pressed juices so maybe if you're in the,food and beverage type category then,maybe this makes sense for you as far as,showing the design of your products as,well as the product cat quality,uh you know you have larger product,images so if you really want to showcase,like the full size of the bottle and,having larger product images and,additional layout and styling,flexibility then you know taste could be,a good theme for you as well,um once again all these different free,themes really come down to product,category and what types of products you,want to sell at the end of the day these,are just templates as well you can,easily customize them and make them to,specific to your brand and this kind of,just gives you a basis to work off of so,choosing the template and theme that you,like best and what will be easiest to,manipulate for your specific product,category and Niche that's what really,makes the most sense when you're trying,to decide between these different free,themes for your Shopify store so moving,in next on the list at number eight we,have crave now crave is also good for,food but more specifically maybe,something that's a little spicy right,you could almost think of this as like a,as like a hot sauce type theme just,because of the the eye-catching element,comments within it and it really matches,like the newest Design Elements and,themes and and palettes and color,palettes and styles that really are,popular today as you can see here we,have like vibrant playful design uh you,have the advanced customization options,once again these things really just do,match uh what the current Design,Elements and what thing what things,people find you know eye-catching uh of,course if you're doing food or barbecue,snacks or things like that then crave,could be another good one for the food,and beverage category just because of,how eye-catching it is could it work for,any other type of niche as well uh just,depends on the colors and the layout and,how you want your products to be,showcased on your Shopify store so yeah,definitely take a look at crave and last,but not least we have color block now,color block really is great for fashion,okay so if you have a fashion brand and,you're just showcasing like a new,collection or a new drop for a specific,season then then color block really is,good because it focuses in on specific,you know breakdowns within the blocks,and the catalog,that you are showcasing for a given,season showcasing the different product,categories as well if you have a large,catalog say specifically Within Clothing,right you've got a lot of different,categories maybe you have accessories uh,you know shoe wear uh clothing whether,you have outerwear things that are you,know t-shirts underwear maybe different,types of styles and and every type of,category like if you have a large,catalog specifically Within Clothing,there's always like large catalogs and,lots of product categories uh based on,you know specific Seasons type times of,the year as well maybe swimwear or,shorts pants there's so many different,types of things you could have within,fashion or Within Clothing that you,would want to have you know some a theme,that's flexible for those large catalogs,maybe additional customization options,for your customers so they can easily,filter within your products uh product,catalog as well could be important for,you and having that colorful design of,course you know if you want to keep,things nice and Poppy or a trendy,lookbook feel as they mention here it's,really important to be able to easily,navigate through a high catalog and,large product base especially within the,fashion or within the clothing line type,category so color block could be another,good option for you is another good free,theme so guys if you have not signed up,for Shopify yet and you are a beginner,brand new just getting started of course,I do want to remind you that first link,down in the description box below, forward slash Shopify,will take you right over to a Shopify,free trial where you can get signed up,with Shopify guys if you enjoyed this,video and found this helpful for getting,a Shopify theme a free Shopify theme be,sure to smash that like button hit the,Subscribe Button as well and,notification Bell so you're notified,whenever I upload new video guys that is,all for today's video and I will see you,in the next one peace out

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