picking a wordpress theme is difficult,there's thousands of themes to choose,from and a lot of them absolutely suck,from terrible back ends to glitchy pages,picking the wrong wordpress theme can,lead to a lot of headache so how do you,know which theme to pick in this video,i'm going to show you how to avoid,picking the wrong wordpress theme and,i'll also be sharing some of my favorite,wordpress themes this video is sponsored,by wp engine more on that later so,here's the problem with wordpress themes,too many times people treat them as a,hundred percent visual they say do i,like the page demos do i like the,aesthetic do i like the buttons oh i,want a lawn care site so i just look up,lawn care theme and that's a good one,right i like the way it looks and to,that i say,wrong then after you purchase the theme,and import the page demo you're left,scratching your head wondering why you,can't get the page to look the way you,want but christian the demo pages look,so pretty why am i so restricted with,what i can do i made this mistake many,times early on in my wordpress,development days because i thought,wordpress themes were just a collection,of page demos colors fonts and buttons i,would always tell my clients to just go,to themeforest and pick a theme that,they thought looked good and then i,would have a terrible time trying to,build the website and get it to actually,look good that's because themes aren't,just colors of paint to choose from,they're the entire wall that is a theme,is designed around an entire back end,editor with a page builder plugin a,theme setting panel and other sets of,plugins to make the theme function at,its core wordpress is a very simple,platform it's basically just a post,section and a pages section with very,basic editors so if you want to build a,wordpress site like these examples you,need a high quality wordpress theme to,get the job done the theme you pick will,dictate your entire wordpress experience,so it needs to be a good one if you pick,a poor wordpress theme the page demos,often just fall apart when you start,modifying them or building new pages and,you end up getting a subpar look okay,but suppose all you want to do is use,the page demos exactly can't you just,edit the text and images on the page and,not modify anything else and won't this,work with just about any theme you pick,well it's still possible to get burned,by picking a bad wordpress theme i've,seen themes where they bury basic,options such as the logo and the header,in some weird place where you would,never expect sometimes i've spent 20,minutes looking for how to change a,basic color or font and that's because,wordpress has no universal page editor,every theme has a different backend with,a different page builder a different,settings panel and all of this is going,to influence what your editing,experience is for your entire website,and even if you can get past all that,poor themes often have bad optimization,making your site slow and giving you,poor seo google even looks at your page,speed score to determine where to rank,your site on google and you definitely,don't want to have bad seo just from,picking the wrong theme so how do you,pick a good wordpress theme my advice,would be to focus on the back end editor,functionality first then focus on the,front end visual aspects second for the,back end editor every theme is going to,support a different page builder,elementor and wp bakery are the common,ones but some themes have proprietary,page builders like divi evada and b,theme this is not necessarily a bad,thing but it just means it may be less,supported by plugins and have less help,documentation available a lot of this,selection process is going to come down,to personal preference i personally like,wp bakery because i prefer a back end or,wireframe editor but if you like a,front-end editor or a drag-and-drop what,you see is what you get editor elementor,is going to be a great choice for that,once you've identified your preferred,page builder you'll want to pick the,right marketplace for purchasing,wordpress themes themeforest is the main,marketplace i use and you'll find lots,of reputable themes from vetted,developers that are going to be a great,choice one exception to this rule would,be the divi theme this is sold by a,company called elegant themes and you,can only purchase it directly from the,elegant themes website but it's a high,quality theme i'll talk more about divi,later so how do you screen themes on a,marketplace start by making sure it uses,your preferred page builder after you've,sorted that out you can start to look at,things such as sales and reviews how,many sales does the theme have is it 500,sales does it have 50 000 sales the more,people who buy it you can get a better,idea of the reviews does it have a,five-star review average is it close to,five stars and what sort of,documentation and support is available,from the developer these are all,questions that you should be asking when,looking at a theme's page to see if it's,a good fit and if you're wondering,christian why don't themes just have a,free trial function or some way to,preview the back end unfortunately this,is just not a standard practice in the,industry and the reason it's so,important to screen themes as best as,you can before buying them is because,themes on themeforest and many other,marketplaces do not officially offer,refunds i have gotten refunds before,from developers by just messaging them,directly and explaining that i was,really unhappy with the theme and asking,if it was possible to get a refund but,officially with the policy of a lot of,these marketplaces they don't offer,refunds and there's no way to trial the,back end either which is why you need to,be really careful with the themes you,select before buying them now i want to,take a minute to talk about e-commerce,running an online store on wordpress is,a great idea you can use woocommerce,it's a free plugin that will let you do,everything you need to do to sell things,online but you can still have a bad,ecommerce site experience if you don't,pick the right wordpress theme many,themes don't support woocommerce,officially or they're not committed to,updating the theme when changes to,woocommerce are made so this is another,important thing to look for if you're,going to be running an e-commerce site,with the theme you pick another thing,that could hinder your online store's,performance is bad web hosting but that,won't be a problem thanks to today's,sponsor wp engine woocommerce runs,better on wp engine their ecommerce,hosting includes tools that make your,site more performant like ever cache for,woocommerce ever cache is wp engine,smart caching solution designed to speed,up your woocommerce site with,conventional caching it can be difficult,to optimize ecommerce site but with,evercash you get all the benefits of,cash without breaking store,functionality another thing critical to,store functionality is search wp engine,e-commerce has instant store search it,delivers results 10 times faster than,the wordpress default search and,includes things like autocomplete and ai,powered content suggestions,finally all plans include genesis pro,this is wp engine's library of templates,and layouts with blocks that you can,integrate with any theme power up your,ecommerce site today with wp engine go,to the link below to get started thanks,to wp engine for sponsoring today's,video and now let's take a look at some,of my favorite wordpress themes after,years of weeding through crappy,wordpress themes i've finally settled on,a few themes that i just can't get away,from by far my favorite wordpress theme,is salient it uses wp bakery and it has,a great set of page demos that you can,import and the layout just makes sense,you're not scratching your head for 20,minutes just trying to figure out how to,change the logo and the header salient,is fast it supports woocommerce and it's,pretty customizable if you want to know,how to build a wordpress website using,salient the 2.0 version of crailer,academy my step-by-step guide on,building a wordpress site from start to,finish is coming out soon and i'm,excited to announce that it's now free,just go to the link below and sign up to,receive updates so you don't miss out,another favorite theme i've settled on,is divi while i don't personally use,divi for a lot of my websites i really,respect it for the value it provides,divi has a proprietary page builder and,they have a backend wireframe editor as,well as a front end what you see is what,you get editor i find that the front end,drag and drop editor is the superior way,to edit pages in the theme divi has a,lot of demo pages that you can import,and it's one of few themes that's big,enough and popular enough that they have,their own marketplace for divi,extensions that's sort of mind-blowing,it's like plugins for a theme or,extensions for a theme that's not,normally a thing with a lot of themes i,also like how divi licenses allow,unlimited installs including client,websites typically with themes like,salient or anything that you'd find on,themeforest you have to purchase a,license for every website you use the,theme on but with divi one license lets,you install it on as many sites as you'd,like there are some downsides to divi i,really dislike how menu styling works if,you want to know my full thoughts on,divi i have a dedicated review video,that you can check out right here and,finally i don't think you can go wrong,with free stock wordpress themes these,are themes like 2022 and 2019 which are,actually included with every wordpress,install these themes are made by,wordpress officially and while they are,very basic i think they make a good,option for blogs or websites where you,don't need to go too crazy with sliders,or big hero sections or anything like,that you could also check out neve or,astra for freemium themes these are,themes that have a free version and,allow you to upgrade to the paid version,later on the free versions of these,themes allow you to use page builders,like elementor which i'm a big fan of,but the word of caution i'll give you is,that the premium versions of these,themes are very expensive i have no,problem supporting a theme developer and,paying to upgrade the theme but they,charge between 2 and 250 for a lifetime,license and when you can get similar or,even better functionality in a theme,like salient for 60 dollars it might,just make sense to buy a wordpress theme,from the beginning so this is why it's,critical to research your wordpress,theme before choosing it once you start,building your website with a wordpress,theme you can't just switch themes later,and have everything migrate over you,basically have to rebuild your website,from scratch and that's why you need to,be careful to not pick the wrong,wordpress theme regardless of where you,are in your wordpress journey there's,always room to grow your knowledge,that's why i've teamed up with wp engine,to give away a ticket to wordcamp us,what is wordcamp you ask it's a fun,event hosted in san diego on september,9th through 11th where you'll get to,hear from some amazing speakers,including matt mullenweg the founder of,wordpress i'm gonna be there and it's,gonna be a great time tickets to,wordcamp are actually sold out so this,is an exclusive opportunity to,participate in the event along with the,free ticket wp engine is also giving,away a free hosting package so you,definitely don't want to miss out go to,the link in the description to enter the,giveaway and thanks again to wp engine,for sponsoring this video
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