hey guys it is charlie from charlotte's,closet boutique,and today i am going to make a youtube,video dedicated to barcoding your,products through shopify,i get a lot of questions about this on,tiktok so i just thought i'd make a,quick video to show you guys how simple,and easy it is,so yeah let's jump right into it,actually before i start i do want to say,the obvious you do have to have a,shopify store,i don't know how this would work for,other e-commerce websites like,squarespace and all that but i'm pretty,sure they have their own barcoding,systems,i specifically have shopify so i know,this works for me okay so for today's,example we just have this crabbed,sweater,and here is the product um tag this is,our product tag,and then on the back side we just have,the product label with the,amount the name of the item,and it also shows the size and the color,and the product um,okay so i am currently on my shopify,back end the app that you're going to,need is called the retail barcode labels,and you can download that in the app,store um through shopify and it's,completely free you're also going to,need a dymo label writer or any label,writer it would really work but i prefer,the dymo one,because it goes well with the shopify,barcode system so that's why i like the,dymo please excuse my nails,but these are the barcode labels that i,use um for my products and i just get,them off amazon and you get one roll of,500 labels,i'm also going to show you guys the,diamond labels that i use for,my,jewelry,and this is the dymo labels um,here is the size,and they usually look like this when you,put them on your jewelry as well so both,of these work in this diamond label here,you're also going to need some product,tags as i showed you,these are what mine look like and i made,these on vistaprint,so yeah those are all the things that,you'll need,when i say this is so easy it is so,easy so of course you're going to want,to make your product in shopify,and then once you do that you're going,to want to go to the actual products,so let me go to the actual product here,okay so i'm at my actual products,um,so i this is the product for the,um,crop sweater that i showed you and so,what you want to do is once you've,created the products you're going to,want to go to more actions you want to,click create barcodes,and my barcodes are already created but,you have two options you can create,barcodes only for products or brands,that don't have barcodes yet that's if,you know you have,some labels like maybe small and medium,that have barcodes but the large doesn't,have a barcode yet that's what you would,use that for,um or you can replace any existing,barcodes with new ones and that's,literally just you replacing barcodes,for existing ones that are already on,the product,like i said i already have barcodes on,these products so i'm not going to,change them,but you would just create click create,barcode,so before you print your barcodes you're,going to want to create a template so,these are the two templates i have which,are the clothing labels which is the,first um that the demo labels that i,showed you guys and then my jewelry,labels as well so you can also search,templates here,or you can create a template so you,would search a template if you had like,thousands of templates but clearly i,don't only have two so you would go to,create template,and you would name it,you would say,jewelry or clothing or whatever it's for,and then look so this is why i said i,like the dymo um because,like shopify kind of already has this,implemented into their system and then,they also have like zebra i'm not sure,what zebra is because i've never used,zebra i have heard of avery avery is,also really good as well,so it just depends on what type of label,printer that you have,um so i will look into that here you can,basically select what you want to be,shown on your label um so the product,name is required you have to skew the,price variant option one,and you see me click that it shows the,size i bring option two,it shows the color,but it just depends on what your varying,option one and two,is i don't have a variant option three,oh,so this is just an example i'm sorry so,it actually shows you like okay,large blue and then a long leggings that,would be option three but that's not a,real option that i have you can put the,vendor,if you want and put the vendor right,there,or you'll put like a custom text,something like that and then you have an,option if you want to display the,barcode symbol or not,so it shows it like that as well,but okay so yeah so you're going to want,to create a template,as shown here,which again is very easy,if you have other labels that you would,use you can choose a paper brand it,looks like they only work with avery,daimler and zebra so,keep that in mind,um dymo,they literally have only three which is,the jewelry multi-purpose which is the,clothing and then a return address so,also keep that in mind,but okay so since i already have my,labels created i'm gonna go back,and you can literally print,labels two ways,um,you can print them just like how i,showed you when you go to the actual,product page and print it or you can,just click print labels when you go to,the app,and then you just type in the item so,i'm gonna type in the dahlia cable net,i don't know how to spell my own product,dolly okay there you go okay,so i'm just gonna click the item or you,can click the size whatever but i just,want to show you guys what it would look,like,so it's going to come up like this and,i'm going to choose clothing labels,because that is what's loaded into my,demo label right now,and,i can choose to set number of labels to,match items in stock so if i choose this,it's going to pop up what i actually,have in stock and then i can print that,if i don't want that to happen i just,close i just choose,set number of labels to zero and say i,just want to print one medium,label i can do that um so it also shows,here like what the paper size is going,to be for the label that you choose,so um that's good to point out as well,so,again you just click print,this is going to come up,and if you have a um apple device it,pretty much will look like this,and then of course you want to choose,your printer which is the demo label,writer for me so my labels are already,set up so it's automatically going to,pull all this information up when i,click print,and i'm just going to click print,and it comes out just like that,i don't know why my camera is not,focusing,i really don't know why my camera's,having a hard time focusing but um like,i just showed you you literally just,print off the um label and then you'll,put this label on the back of your tag,of your product tag um just like how i,have it here,so yeah and then i just use a tag and,gun to,tag this into my products and that's,literally it,all right you guys so that concludes,today's video i hope that it was helpful,and informed him informative if you guys,have any questions please do not,hesitate to ask me in the comment,section below,and uh make sure you follow us on,socials and subscribe to our youtube,channel,and share this with someone who could,use it,and you guys have a great day bye
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