hello friends welcome back to another,video,today we're talking about colors how to,pick,colors for your shopify store website or,your personal brand,or instagram account or anything that,you're trying to do okay,but this is super important this is what,will make,your brand okay when people get into it,if you have a,consistent color palette this will be,like amazing amazing for your brand,because you'll see,people see okay these people they look,real,they look they know what they're doing,but this is not something that they come,up,as a conclusion as soon as they see the,colors that you're using,this is actually in their mind they,don't know what's going on but,colors transmit an actual,vibe inside the store the brand as a,whole this is one of the first things,that you need to be picking,so one of the things i always see is,that when i start reviewing shopify,stores,from viewers and all of these and even,for for,clients and i get into the stores i am,like wow,they they if they don't have a,consistent color palette,from here to everything else that i'm,reviewing they have a ton of mistakes,because this is one of the things that,are super common that people is get,started and they're like well i like,blue,i like pink i like yellow so it's like,they start combining all of these,without any reasons or anything like,that so today i'm bringing you,a new tool uh which is called colors,okay c-o-o-l-o-r-s that co okay,there are many tools just like this one,this is completely free this will let,you actually,find the right combination of colors for,your store and then what you need to do,is,apply this combination and then after,this,make sure that you stay consistent,because if you start changing,the colors from your instagram account,facebook shopify and all of these,they all look different you want to find,a consistent look,and people be like well this is not like,a huge brand okay,this is not like you know a professional,plan this is the field,they're not thinking about the colors,but they're thinking about how it looks,how it's perceived okay,so if i tell you okay starbucks you,think about green right,if i tell you coca-cola you think about,red right if you i tell you mcdonald's,yellow and red okay so it's is that okay,you need to be able to keep,a consistence okay chick-fil-a again you,think like,like the you know the kind of the three,colors is super peaceful you know it's,it's like,that's the thing that you need to start,thinking okay so the first thing that,you need to do go ahead to,colors.com and then click start the,generator okay,after this super easy to actually,implement you will find,uh what i recommend is do a research,let's say,that if you are in the outdoor space and,you you're like hiking equipment,maybe inside the greens and all of these,if you are like,you know near the sea on all of these,maybe you are like blues,you know it depends on whether you're,trying to to convey okay if you are more,creative,like me you use purple if you are like,if you want to make a statement you can,use,like yellow green there are many things,that you need to think about when you're,thinking about your brand this is a,process of branding,later on we can get into this topic in,other videos if you want to watch this,on how to actually,uh think about your brand and actually,construct,this inside your actual guidelines of,brand,okay i have a video about i specifically,branding on the questions that you need,to ask yourself to actually,get a clear perspective beside colors,okay,but i'll link that video in the,description so you can actually watch it,but regarding colors after you do all of,these questionary from that video,there is a time that you need to pick,them okay and today i'm teaching you how,to do it okay,so right here uh for my case for example,if i select the color right here i know,my,number by heart for e ac3,so this is the purple that i always use,for everything,inside the agency my own personal brand,etc okay,so right here i have the main color i,always pick,one okay i don't try to to get across,and like well i like purple and i like,yellow i like this and that,so this is the main one okay so i always,always always,pick one okay this is what's going for,the bottom so for example if you go to,hey manesses.com etc,so my buttons are like purple okay this,is something that i always keep,consistent the same way for your shopify,store etc,so go ahead pick that color super super,easy if you go to my main website,is the color purple for the actual,buttons,and the things that i want to highlight,okay so that's the main thing okay,the other thing that you need to pick,obviously is your clear color,which is the whites okay something,that's easier,to to to understand when you have a dark,background okay let's say that you're,riding,on on a dark blue under purple etc so,you need to,get a version of white something that's,easy,like for example this is like the main,white but,you can actually use any shade that you,want okay so obviously we got the white,and then we lock,the kind of white that we that we want,to find okay,it doesn't have to be this specific,white it can be something that it's easy,to read,in the dark background okay this way,whatever combination that you do,you always have a way to actually get,the message across,because one of the rules of colors that,you need to understand that you never,never never,when you have a dark background you,never put like another,dark letters okay because it wouldn't be,it won't be easy to to really won't be,easy to understand,so that's something that you need to,keep in mind and that's the reason why,you need,a light and a dark color okay so this,one we always have the purple,the white and then obviously we have the,black right here,that we can use but we can put the code,for black,and then that is it we have it locked,okay so for the white that's one of the,versions of white,we can also change it with,the actual white right there,and then we have purple white and black,okay after we have these if you go to,the space bar,then you can have two more options okay,these will complement,your main color okay so as you can see,i'm,all actually looking for colors and the,system,is creating the palette that actually,resonates with these three colors,together something like,that that looks good together okay so,right here,if i keep pressing the space bar you,will see different options okay,that go well with that one for example,this,version looks super super nice uh you,can use this to add some,some of the buttons for example etc but,the main protagonist of the actual,website,is the purple so as soon as i like this,one for example i click this one i lock,this one in the actual thing and then i,have one more option,and then i keep looking until i see,something like that okay,so this will be the color palette for my,shopify store okay,so that's an example for my personal,brand okay,so this is the thing that you need to do,before you do anything the design or,anything like that as soon as you get,the colors the main colors everything,that you do from this point on,you don't need to flock to it you don't,need to start testing different other,colors,you need to keep consistent okay the,post that you do on social media,the actual colors inside your website,the actual logo,everything everything that has something,to do with your brand,it needs to have these options of colors,okay it's not like well i got more of,these,well if you got bored you need to,actually do a proper rebrand and,actually,let people know that everything else is,changing to a new rebrand okay again,don't do this often,obviously most of the people they start,a business the first year and they,change the brand completely because they,started learning the actual audience,that's normal but after you get the ball,rolling don't start doing rebrands,every single time because people it's,difficult okay if you see big brands,they do like re rebrands around five to,every 10 years,but it's that's normal okay so as soon,as you get your colors,write this down on a node on a word,document,what i do for our clients is we actually,create a pdf document that has all of,the information,so whenever they get a new employee they,get a new,you know contractor or anything like,that they send this information to them,and even designers etc,so they get it right away they have the,font for the brand they have colors and,all of these,so they know exactly what they're,working with okay and they know that,they cannot go out of this okay so big,takeaways from this,is always get like a kind of a black,color always get like a kind of a white,color,a main protagonist which is the purple,and then two colors that supplement,the main protagonist okay so this is my,piece of advice for your brands for your,colors,and as soon as you integrate this to,your shopify store website store,whatever you're trying to do online,you will see a big change as soon as you,keep it consistent,people will recognize your brand and,then you will you'll start seeing the,changes people they,will be like oh purple they will,recognize as soon as they see a post on,their feed,as soon as they go to a website they can,connect it super easily,and even with your brand you know,influencers and all of these you can do,clothing and all of these,super super cool the things that you can,do after you get,your colors the right way okay after,that you'll see the code right here,uh this is the hex code and super easy,and you can get different types right,here the rgb etc,but the hex is super easy for photoshop,on anything that you're trying to do,maybe kanba or anything like that,and that is it you copy and paste it and,you use it whatever,you're trying to do okay so besides that,i recommend that you watch the video,about branding i'll link it down in the,description and also go to,heymanases.com,toolkit to get my free e-commerce,toolkit i put,everything that you need to do to get,your e-commerce store started okay i'm,talking my product research calculator,my supplier and influencer templates my,facebook ads course two hours completely,free,step by step my track order page seo,checklist to actually start ranking on,google,uh super easy and then my google and,youtube ads guide okay super super easy,to get started right there okay,so everything will be for free here in,heymansus.com dash toolkit okay the link,is in the pin comment,and also in the description okay besides,that you're ready to go i'll see you in,the next one okay,bye bye now,you
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