so these are the credit cards and charge,cards that i'm personally using myself,for my e-commerce and drop shipping,businesses hey guys welcome to the,e-commerce mentoring channel,my name is camilla sattar and in today's,video i'm gonna be showing you guys,exactly,which credit cards and charge cards i'm,personally using,in my everyday life of running my,e-commerce and drop shipping businesses,and you can see some of them right here,and i'm going to be going over every,single one of them,in today's video in terms of how i,strategically use them,to maximize the rewards and to,basically get rid of any risk involved,with any parts of my e-commerce journey,now if you're currently not using a,credit card or charge card for your,business you are missing out,on number one preventing yourself from,any risk involved because with credit,cards and charge cards you get you do,get purchase protection,number two you're missing out on lots of,rewards,and number three you're missing out on,cash flow,management which are the main three,things that you want to make sure you're,doing in your business,so what i'm going to be doing in today's,video is i'm going to be showing you the,two different credit cards and charge,cards that i use,and showing you in a third additional,card for those are lucky enough,to be in the us and i'm going to be,comparing them and showing you,which ones are used at certain times of,my business now if you're new to the,e-commerce mentoring channel make sure,you smash the like button and you hit,the subscribe,and you turn all notifications on now,ecommerce mentoring is an,online teaching program where we do,one-to-one training with e-commerce and,dropshipping business owners,now if you want to book a free call with,one of the mentors to see if you're a,good fit for the mentorship program,make sure you click the link in the,description below,so the first credit card i actually use,for my company is called capital on,tap now something i do want to say,quickly though is all the cards i'm,talking about in today's video are,business cards not personal and i,recommend that anybody that's involved,with e-commerce or dropshipping,has business cards not personal cards,because they have better benefits less,risk involved,and more cash flow that you can use,within them and you always want to be,separating your business costs,to your personal costs when it comes to,doing your taxes and your expenses it,just makes life a lot more,easier so if you haven't already make,sure you either go and set up an ltt,or an llc because these are all business,cards,now the first one like i said was,capsule on top and this is actually an,underrated card and,this is actually currently in these,three different countries right here the,uk,spain and the us so these are the three,countries that you can actually have,this,uh credit card in the business credit,card now you've got something called a,credit card and you've got something,called a charge card now this is a,business,credit card now what a credit card is,for example here you can access,up to 1 000 to 5 50 000 sorry,uh dollars uh per per credit card so,that's your allowance if you get given,20 000 on that card,that is all you can use within that,billing period so do bear that in mind,now with a charge card,it technically has an unlimited spend,and it's based on your purchasing power,so you don't really have a credit limit,you have basically purchase and power so,let's say your purchasing power is 10,000 per transaction that means you can,transact,10 000 per transaction and the more you,spend the more you pay back with a,charge card,the more you can have and charge cards,are technically better because,you technically have more to spend but,it takes longer to build that up,now with capital on tap the maximum you,can get is 50 000,sometimes it'll give you more but that's,all on basically your,your standards and stuff like that but,then the max normally is around about 50,000,per billing period now i currently use,this credit card for,purely um basically if i can't use the,other card that we're talking about,today i use this one,and because american express you can't,always use it so i always use capital on,top as an alternative if i can't use it,and i like to basically mix the cash,flow spend across these two different,cards now something that i do want to,quickly say is,i've got a link to all the different,credit cards i'm talking about today in,the description and if you use my link,you will get a sign up bonus or you will,get extra points on your card so please,take advantage of that,because you're missing out on completely,free money so for for example here,you've got two different credit cards,you've got the regular awards and you've,got the founder awards now this one,is the one that i'm personally going to,be talking about today because this is,the founder this is basically you,using the card so what you're going to,be able to get is two percent cash back,for every one dollar spent,now you gotta remember when you're,spending on facebook ads,guys do the math how much money you can,potentially make,off doing this and that's the thing guys,you always wanna make sure that you're,maximizing your spend,and you're getting what you need so,again like i said you get two percent,cash back on all your card spend it,doesn't matter what it is it's on every,transaction,you get an additional 199 dollars when,you spend 15 000 in your first,three months which isn't bad um and this,is something else i want to talk about,guys,you only want to be using credit cards,that you know you're going to get the,bonus for now because this is a free,card you don't actually have to pay for,it there's no actual annual fee which is,amazing,so do bear that in mind there's zero,annual fee then you don't need to worry,about this if you can do it you can do,it that's amazing but some of the other,credit cards,you there is an annual fee if you don't,hit it then sometimes these bonuses do,not make any sense,so as you guys can see it says the,limits range from one thousand to fifty,thousand,you've got no fx fees you've got no atm,charges which is absolutely amazing,you can go up to 20 cards for employees,or yourself and you've got spending,management tools for yourself and your,employees,and there's no interest occurred on the,card if you pay your balance off in full,every single month now if you don't you,do a minimum spend or a minimum payment,you're going to incur,interest but what i will say about,capital on top is they have the,in my opinion one of the best lowest,interest rates out there,and a lot of people shy away from,interest and stuff like that but,if you know anything about business that,if you do occur any interest it's,actually taxable,which is good sometimes so it's and this,is the thing with credit cards you've,got to really know,how to use them in a very effective way,because there's been times where,i don't pay the card often for because,in my opinion i'd rather use that cash,flow,somewhere else but i might have to pay,an extra 200,at the end of the month in fees but,that's taxable i can take off my tax so,it technically,doesn't really matter but again that's a,little bit more technical but what i'm,trying to say is,with credit cards you've got to really,know the ins and outs of how to manage,them and use them effectively because in,the wrong hands they can be quite,dangerous,and none of this is financial advice,this is just personally how i'm using,every single one of the cards that i'm,showing you today now you can actually,get you can actually get a decision made,quite quickly with them,with a capsule on tap that let you know,within within,24 to 48 hours and if you go down here,you've got the key benefits right here,which is really really good you can see,here the interest rates from nine,to 34 and you can make your monthly,payment up to 15 business days of the,billing period so you get,in my opinion i get around about i think,it's around about 30 to 60 days where,um i'm a i'm able to pay off my balance,which is really good because,it's all about managing your cash flow,and making sure that you've got time to,be able to let suppliers pay you to let,payment gateways pay you which is great,so this is a great way to do that,and you can see here you can switch up,the monthly period payment to 10,whenever you need it,and you can see all these other things,here now let's talk a little bit about,the eligibility you can see here you've,got to be u.s resident and again guys,you can change this to whatever country,you are so if you're in the uk you can,also get this card,if you're in spain you can and if you're,in the us now i'm only talking about u.s,because the majority of people that are,watching this video,are based in the states now,talking about this i do want to also say,something that the credit cards and,charge cards,have better benefits in the states than,they do in the uk so the in terms of,getting the best rewards the us have,them,the uk and europe don't have as as good,of rewards just letting you guys know,that,now you will need an annual turnover of,at least thirty thousand dollars,i don't know if that is a must-have or,if it is or isn't,um that might be something that you need,to contact them or you need to,submit your application and find out but,in the uk i don't think there was one,when i applied for mine i did it off a,brand new store,sorry company and i got given the credit,card without any,issues then they've got the interest,repayment information right here,and they're very nice and honest with,with the whole how much you need to pay,back and stuff like this you can also do,balance transfers on here,so you can transfer the credit limit,onto your bank account which is really,really,good but do bear in mind you will occur,a fee and they've got a nice app as well,um and i've spent at least around about,300 000,using this card so in terms of what i've,actually spent on capsule on top i've,spent over three hundred thousand,dollars using this card,um and i really really love it it's,really easy really good uh,alternative for me now this isn't my,main card that i use again,this is my alternative card to this card,right here so,american express is actually the main,card that i actually use,and if i can't use it or my spend has,been maxed out then i will use capsule,on tap,as the alternative card and it's a great,alternative that i love to use,or if i like to try and manage the cash,flow i'll use capital on top with,american express,now the american express card that i've,actually currently got is the platinum,card,um and as you guys can see there you can,see the platinum card right there and,you can also see my capital on top card,right there as well so i just thought,i'd show you guys that,um and this is a great card now i don't,think it's for everybody and this is the,thing,american express isn't for everybody and,i don't recommend that everybody gets an,american express because a lot of people,look at it as a status symbol which is,great but,is it going to make sense to you and a,lot of things is is it going to make,sense now,i wouldn't recommend that anybody goes,for the platinum unless,they have a decent company already,established they're making good monthly,revenue,and you've actually got some form of off,the ground momentum going on because if,you're just a beginner and you're,getting one of these it makes,no sense at all because the annual fee,is very expensive to get the rewards to,make the card,actually decent in terms of spending the,annual fee you've got to spend a lot of,money so don't get one of these a lot of,people fall for this trap do not,get it the one that i would recommend,though,is the gold one and that's the one that,i personally started with and then i,upgraded it after the year,now with the gold business card you can,actually get one year for free in the uk,i don't know in the united states but in,the uk you can get one,for free you can get the gold card,business card for free for 12 months,which is amazing because it gives you,that feel,of using the card with these amazing,benefits and again like i said i don't,know about in the states but you can get,it in the uk i don't know if the office,is still there anymore but it is,when i got the card now you can up to 70,000 rewards when you sign up,using the special offer now if you use,my actual link you'll get an additional,membership points as well which is,amazing now as you can see here says,after you spend ten thousand on the,on eligible purchases with the card or,your first three months you will get,this bonus right here,and again this is what i'm trying to,save you guys american express is not,good unless you're qualifying for this,amount of spencer if you're not spending,anywhere near as much as this,then what's the point of getting one,because you're not going to see the,benefits of having one of course if the,first year is for free,why not but if you have to pay for it,makes no sense,and as you guys can see here plus you,get 100 cashback on both you,us advertising media and stuff like that,so this is really really good because,they actually focus on on different,spending um,categories like adverts and normal spend,and as you guys can see here you can get,some forex on categories,pay overtime option and you've got,airline bonuses and you've got a lot,more options right here as well which as,you can see,but overall if you look at the apr rate,the capital on top is actually better,than this one,now american express is more of a status,symbol it's more of a,if you're spending quite a lot of money,you're going to get a lot of rewards now,again like i said,i this is the one that i personally,recommend if you can get the annual,fee for free now if you can't then they,do have a really good,card with a zero percent annual fee and,this one's the plum,card now there's some other ones that,are really really good like the business,plus credit card these two are really,really attractive now you can't actually,get these in the uk which i'm jealous,about but these two are also amazing so,if the gold card is paid and you have to,pay for it for the first year,don't get it if you're a startup get one,of these ones these ones are absolutely,amazing,and again american express has an,amazing app which is really really good,as well which i really really enjoy,now moving on from this we've got,something called a chase card now chase,is,amazing i can't get this in the uk but i,absolutely love,chase i have business partners that use,them and they have a great time using,them now chase,is basically like the american express,but they have more to offer for no,actual annual fee so if you're somebody,that's getting involved,and you really want to um really want to,take your credit card game to the next,level,i'd recommend that everybody goes for,the ink business unlimited,ultimate unlimited sorry card now this,is for not you know united states only i,think,and canada now this is the one i'd,recommend so,if you were to choose between this one,and this one i would go for the chase if,you're in the states,a hundred percent all day every day so,what i'm trying to say guys is if you've,got the option between,the blue and the plum card and this one,here,i'll definitely go for the ink because,they're giving you better,um better incentives for what you're,going to be doing so,that's my personal opinion and the apr,is actually better,um on on the average and the cashback,you gets better,now if you've got a little bit of money,to spend and you're willing to spend it,on your fee and your company's not doing,too bad,the ink preferred is actually really,really good you know this is a very,common card that a lot of people,use within the e-com industry so if you,are going to pay a fee,and let's say you've torn between the,gold let's say you're torn between the,gold,and you swarm between this one i'll go,for this one all day every day because,you're going to get better bonuses and,better rewards on that and you're saving,an extra 200,now if you want to take it up to the,next up to the next level then of course,you're going to go for your platinum,american express but overall,i think chase offers the best overall,now of course i don't have one of these,cards because i can't get one,but again like i said guys this is the,main sorry this is the secondary card,that i use if i can't use my amx,but my amx platinum is what i primarily,use but again,please remember do not get any of these,cards if it doesn't make any logical,sense,to you but you do want to be using,business cards and credit cards because,at the end of the day,you get what we call purchase protection,and that's something that you really,need to look at,in the small print your purchase,protection,how much will they they protect so let's,say you spend a thousand dollars in your,american express,will they protect that purchase from,fraud or from what not,so you've got something called purchase,protection and this is something that,you need to look into,because depending on the month depending,on the year depending where you are it,changes so i can't give you the accurate,information,because this video has been recorded in,august,now things might change in three months,time but make sure you always check on,your purchase protection because that's,what's going to protect you from,ordering from a supplier they they,basically do you dirty you're going to,get your money back you don't need to,worry,and again you can use chargebacks and,overall,which customer service is better this is,something that's very important,the best customer service that i've had,between these two now i can only talk,from these two cars because i've only,got these two cards the amx,customer service is way better it's,faster more professional,quicker they've got more to offer but,don't get me wrong cuz on top is still,good but it's nowhere near as good as,american express so,when it comes to speaking to them about,issues these guys are the best,in in my opinion i don't know what chase,is like but i've heard good things but,this,is by far my favorite card and it's a,card that i will be using,for a very long time till i can get the,black card so guys i hope this video was,very helpful,and it's told you a little bit about,what cards i'm using how i'm using them,which ones would make more sense
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