youtube what's going on,happy easter i know it's not easter,on the day that y'all watching this but,it's easter today so happy easter,just wanted to give you guys a little,tip,of information about,three to five or five to ten,seven to ten business days and banks,now if um,i know most everybody has been in a,situation where,they need money right away but you,always gotta have,this three to five seven to ten business,day,kind of deal with the bank versus,getting your money and,sending money and receiving money and,stuff like that so,just a a quick little,in insight into that is because,you guys got to remember banks use,something called,fractional reserve if you don't know,what that is,you can google it i'm not a financial,advisor i don't want to give anybody,any financial advice obviously i can't,but if every every customer,of every bank came to the bank,and wanted to start withdrawing,all their money that they had that they,had in their accounts,the whole banking system will crash,within that bank,so that is why banks give themselves a,buffer time three to five,five ten seven ten business days,for you to get your money so they can,verify that the money is there,and that they can give you your money,uh against all their money that they're,creating,through loans and stuff like that,so like i said not financial advisor,i'm trying to give anybody financial,advice but i just wanted to give you,that insight give you that tip give you,that reminder,that banks don't make money they create,money,and in that just wanted to say,guys if it's not incred if it's not in,crypto,i get it you don't want to you know risk,or you don't know enough about it you,don't want to get into it,that's fine but invest in something,invest in,something if it's not crypto real estate,if it's not real estate some stocks if,it's not,stocks and other companies,you know what i mean i believe that real,estate is actually,one of the most stable asset that you,could invest in,because people are moving in moving out,buildings are being built,everywhere cities are being changed now,we're going to have some smart cities,coming here,coming soon here in a little bit,uh you know infrastructures are going to,be changed,so you know with every other year,more tourists are coming here more,attractions are being made,um so real estate is a really good,really good asset to to invest in like i,said stocks,i know stock market can be confusing,or it can be challenging to understand,so,i get it i don't have any stocks i i i,invest most of what i can in crypto,and uh so but,it don't take that it's not that hard to,to learn,i i understand the stock market but i,still,feel like it's,it's just smarter to invest in crypto,because it's the new,currency that's going to be that's going,to be implemented here in about 5-10,years,i already already told y'all in my in my,crypto video,uh i'll just link it if you haven't seen,that but i feel like that's the new,stocks that's the new stock market it's,cryptocurrency that's me,there's multiple there's there's,hundreds of them if not,thousands of cryptocurrencies,so that's just me but stocks are still,good,apple disney you know exxon mobil,uh uh kanye,gap you know what i mean there's still,things you,as far as stock skills that you can,invest in and then there's this thing,called smart engine,i don't know if y'all watch smart uh,shark tank but there's this thing called,smart engine where you can invest in,other people's companies and businesses,small businesses you want to do that,and i don't know if who's watching these,videos so yeah i think y'all are same,age as me or,or older so y'all should have an ira or,some type of retirement plan,that's second to none i think if,anything,everybody should have one of those it's,really kind of hypocritical me to say,that because i don't have one of those,technically i do but i don't use it,because i don't work,most of the year i can't get into that,that's that's too much,we'll be talking about an hour about my, financial uh situation,so i won't get into it but i don't work,a lot so i don't,really uh i don't really,add to my retirement plan i didn't even,first of all i didn't even know i had,one until about a couple years ago,um but i don't plan on working,my whole adult life that's another,reason why i don't really,use one i rather work,towards a business and putting,implementing my business,into my life and using the assets that,way,versus putting in a retirement plan for,when i turn,60 whatever i got to wait that long to,you know,spend my money that i make that i earn,every day you know what i mean,that's just me but i think yeah but,i'm just saying ira is great to have uh,you know roth ira,you know traditional ira uh,you know what is the other one,it's um goodness the original one,um i don't know i forgot i don't even,have one so it doesn't matter but,i'm just saying those retirement plans,those things,for the long haul that's great too i'm,just saying don't keep your money in a,bank,if you don't have anywhere to else to,store it or most of your money in the,bank,it's better to invest it it's better for,your money to be working for you what is,your money doing in a savings account,what are they what is your money earning,what is your money doing for you in a,savings account it's not,it's not giving back to you it's not,it's not earning,that much more money than versus,you investing it you know what i mean,instead of this what is it 0.1 1.2.3,point,apr percentage savings account i haven't,seen,anything higher than that why not invest,it,um you know i know it could be risky but,just invest something that you don't,mind losing,you know what i mean that is it i'm not,saying invest your all your,your savings but what's the point in,your money being a savings account and,not doing anything for you,you got to change your relationship with,money don't want to get into it too much,but,your money has to in order for you for,people to be,wealthy or get ahead or,get rich is because their money is,working for them,they don't have savings it's just,they have profits that they use,but all their savings they create a way,for them,to have multiple streams of income,so money and money out so their money is,working for them in the meantime,they're doing what they need to do to,elevate that to scale,whatever it is that they're doing to,make more money,uh i feel like i'm babbling so i'm gonna,stop but,with all those feels guys invest in,yourself that's the main point of this,whole video,invest in yourself don't be afraid you,can't take it with you anyway,you can't take it with you lose money,okay but what happens if,you actually make money,you see what i'm saying everybody always,asks about,think about the what if what if what if,and in a negative way,or in a losing way or in a way that they,don't like but what if,you actually think about what if the,latter can happen,the actual you know best case scenario,could happen,you're actually making you know a couple,thousand,a couple hundred thousand a couple,million one day,if you stick to it you know stick to,your guns and do,do everything you got to do to make that,happen,don't think about the negative but like,i said i feel like i'm bad one so,let me get out y'all here i appreciate,you guys watching,in yourself invest in something please,and if and anything just researched,research,all these banks and everything that is,going on with the financial,institutions and financial structure,because it's about to change guys i'm,telling you,going to change here in a couple of,years,don't sleep on it don't sleep on crypto,don't sleep on it i didn't really want,to make this video crypto video,so but if you're still here thank you,for being here appreciate it,have a good day i'll see you on the next,one,and uh yeah one take
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