hey everyone jason here for campaign,sauce all you can eat digital marketing,a while back i was working with a client,and we got into,a bit of a discussion about the right,way to use variants and how do you know,when to use variance,well it's kind of fun so what i'll do is,i'm going to show you first how my,client,proposed using variance and then i'm,going to walk you through the way that i,think is the right way to do variance so,i'm going to go back over here and move,to an online shopping example okay,so,what my client was doing at the time was,he had a bunch of watches okay and he,had,one,product on his shop and then listed,every watch,underneath that one kind of generic,watch,right so,underneath so if you see if you see all,the variation that's here we have,different bands we have different colors,we have different finishes different,faces,so,my client at the time was,treating one watch as a generic and then,going into that watch and then you open,it up and there's like 20 watches,underneath it and they were all,different i mean they didn't even look,the same as the picture on the outside,right so anyway when you go in and take,a look at this watch for example,and uh you know really nice good price,on that guy,but you know what's interesting about,this is that this is it right i mean,there aren't any choices here you can,view more,of uh this particular,um,you know style,sorry you can view more of that,particular model uh or that particular,brand sorry so i mean you can see that a,lot of these are quite different in,appearance,and anyways so,these guys are doing variants correctly,in that they're not using any variants,now i could see uh for this watch if,they had a different watch band right,you could definitely make that a variant,if this face came in three different,colors you could make that a variant,right uh so a couple of examples that i,think are really good are going to be,shoes right so whenever you go in and,you look at a shoe a very good use of,variants is of course going to be the,sizing right so it's going to be the,same,shoe it's going to be the same color,you're going to get the same laces but,each of these guys is gonna be a,different size okay so with the,different size well then there comes the,variance right okay so that's one,example so sizing so think of that as,being a variance,uh when we go over here and check out,t-shirts okay t-shirts colors are,another great,great time to use berries so you can see,here,view all 79 colors right so whenever you,look down here you have lilac you have,pink you have charity pink fuchsia mauve,okay tons of other different colors but,they are all underneath this jersey,t-shirt,all right so anyways that's a really,good one here to use a really good,example of when to use variants that,would be color so sizing colors those,are two really good standard across the,across the board reasons,or examples of when you would want to,use variants now you might be asking how,do i do that well i pulled up a test,product here and we have this plastic,bottle and we're going to assume that,this bottle comes in different sizes and,different colors all right so we have,clear well it also is going to come in a,couple different colors this might be,the 16 ounce but it also comes in,different sizes so the question is you,know after you've filled out all this,information up here up top now we go,down in the bottom this hop this product,has options like size or color bam,that's exactly what you want what's kind,of nice about this once you check the,box they kind of start,kind of coaching you along here so what,are the options well yeah size is,definitely one of the options what is,the size well we have a 16 ounce what,other values do we have we have a 32,ounce okay really easy to do,okay add another option okay well,what other options do we have well is it,color yeah in fact it is going to be the,color,reading my mind okay so color uh this is,going to come in clear,this is going to come in green and we're,also going to have it come in blue okay,done creating colors done creating sizes,now what happens is that shopify will go,through notice what they've done they've,already created all these combinations,for you 16 ounce clear 16 ounce green 16,ounce blue,32 ounce clear 32 ounce green 32 ounce,blue right and then you go in and you,can put in all your sizing and your,skews and and costs and whatnot inside,here but this is how you would define a,variant and this are two really good,examples of when you would use variance,size is a good one color is another one,so if you have any other questions about,other options where variants where you,might want to use a variant or is it the,right time to use a variant please just,give us a ring pick up the phone give us,a call or you can reach out to us,through facebook messenger,over at campaigns digital marketing,and of course you can go over to,campaignsauce.com,and you can chat with us there so anyway,that's it i hope you guys have a great,day take care
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