what happened to the mxed app on shopify?

Shopify Search and Discovery App: The HOTTEST Shopify Update 🔥 do you recall that feeling when you

Rihab Seb - eCommerce Coach

Updated on Mar 03,2023

Shopify Search and Discovery App: The HOTTEST Shopify Update 🔥

The above is a brief introduction to what happened to the mxed app on shopify?

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what happened to the mxed app on shopify? catalogs

Shopify Search and Discovery App: The HOTTEST Shopify Update 🔥

do you recall that feeling when you are,buying on Amazon and Amazon starts to,suggest other products and items that,you can buy with your original purchase,and those recommendations make sense to,the point that you feel grateful that,Amazon even suggested them this is what,we call cross-selling and if done well,it's a strategy that can bring you a lot,of money and if you are wondering how,everything I said is related to this,video's title stay with me because I'm,going to show you how in a few seconds,going back to our Amazon example let's,say for example you are buying a Kindle,Amazon will suggest that you buy a,Kindle cover and a Kindle charger with,your original Kindle and this makes a,lot of sense because if you want to own,a Kindle so most probably you would need,a cover and you would need a charger and,in this case we'll be buying these two,additional items without feeling that,Amazon is pushing these products in,front of you you would be grateful that,Amazon thought about what you need and,recommended these products for you and,this is how you should be thinking about,your cross-selling strategy well Russell,will help you to do two things first it,will help you to increase your average,order value or in simpler word it will,help you to increase the amount of money,a customer spends on your store during,one visit second and this is even very,important you will make your connection,with your customers even stronger,because they will feel that you are,helping them they will feel that you are,trying to make their lives better and to,make their experience on your store even,better and better so cross-selling is a,strategy that you should never ever miss,or ignore before moving with our topic,there are three things that I need you,to do first I need you to like this,video because by liking it you will help,you to reach more and more people second,I want you to subscribe to my channel,and to hit the notification Bell because,in this way you will get notified each,time I publish a new video and third I,want to invite you to sign up to the,free Workshop I'm currently offering in,this Workshop I show you how you can,create a strong sustainable e-commerce,business I show you how you can create a,business us where you are able to,attract convert and retain more,customers so if you are interested about,this I highly recommend you to go down,to the description and to sign up to,this free Workshop it's 100 free so you,don't need to pay any dollar and now,let's get back to our topic,and now it's the time to tell you how,everything I said is related to this,video stock pick and to the newest,Shopify update well before this update,we used to do crosstalk within a Shopify,store using two different methods the,first one is the embedded method and it,is to have the related products section,and we had this by default and you,weren't able to change anything about it,so Shopify would suggest other products,related to the original products,depending on the store data or previous,purchases and so on but you weren't able,to change anything about the section not,even the placement well the other way we,used to do cross-sell is by using a,third-party app and all cross-selling,apps were paid and most of them that,didn't look good on the store well this,is all all the news because now and,thanks to this new update we can do,cross sales in a totally different way,now we can make them more efficient and,we can make them for free so let me move,to my screen to show you how to create,crosshairs on your store in Shopify so,here I am inside of my Shopify dashboard,and in order to start creating,crosshairs with a new store or I need to,download an app called search and,Discovery app okay this is an app,provided by Shopify it's totally safe,and it is free so after downloading this,app and installing it on your store,click on it and head to the dashboard so,this is the app dashboard first we have,the analytics and when you scroll in,here you have three different features,you have the filters you have the search,in here and third you have the,recommended products and this is the,section we are going to talk about,previously on this YouTube channel I,have uploaded a video related to filters,and how you can improve your collection,filters and I have used in that video,the same exact app I highly recommend,you to watch the filters video because,it will greatly help you to improve your,collection pages but make sure to watch,it after finishing this video okay now,getting back to our app in here the,option we are going to work on now is,the recommendations so I need you to,click here on view recommendations,the first thing you need to do is to,create your first recommendations ever,then after creating the recommendations,I'm going to show you how to actually,make them show within your store so here,we have three different sections the,first section in here is the section,where you decide which which is your,main product then you would have the,complementary products then you would,have the related products so let's say,for the main product I'm going to choose,this one,now the complementary products are the,products that will appear next to the,buy box directly next to the buy box and,I'm going to show you how to set them up,within your store so I'm going to click,here on browse and in my opinion these,should be the items that they are the,closest and the most related to your,product so I'm going to suggest for,example this one and this one as an,example for sure in your store make sure,to suggest products that they are very,related to the original purchase you can,use your old orders in order to know,what usually people buy together or you,can use your own logic in order to,decide what products include within this,section then in the section in here you,need to decide the related products and,for this section I like to think that,I'm choosing the Loosely related,products so they are less related than,the ones I would have in the,complementary products but they are,still related to the original purchase,so they still make sense so if you are,taking for example the Kindle as an,example in the complementary product I,would be suggesting the cover and the,charger maybe interrelated products I,would be suggesting a stand or maybe a,Kindle book to buy or maybe something to,clean the candle and so on,so I'm going to click here on browse and,I'm going to select some of the products,from my store but I want you to make,sure when you do that that you have,clicked on this hide Auto generated,recommendations well the auto generated,recommendations are Auto generated by,Shopify and they are based on your old,orders and data you have on your store,if you are just starting out Shopify,will not have enough data to decide what,are the most related products and also,even if you have data I still think that,you can do a better job than Shopify to,suggest these items always take your,decisions based on the old orders based,on how much you know your customers and,how much you know what they need and,what they want,okay so I'm going to click here on Save,and now I have my first product,recommendations set what I'm going to do,is to go in here to online store and I'm,going to my theme for this part I need,you to make sure that you have,downloaded the latest version of your,theme because this update is still new,and I guess only with the latest version,it will work so click here on customize,and from here I need you to go to,products to the default product,and I'm going to change the preview to,see the product we have worked on so,this is it,what I would be doing now is to go in,here to the product information section,so this is the section the buy box,section and I'm going to click on ADD,block and I'm going to choose the blog,which called complementary products if,your theme is not a new and it's not,updated you might not be able to see,this block in here that's why I,recommend you to use the latest version,of your theme so click on complementary,products and click on Save,once this is done you can see that in,here the product recommendations so you,can pair this one with these items and,this is the crystal I was talking about,that pairs with well this can work for,any industry or for any Niche so make,sure to set your product recommendations,within this app because this will help,you to increase your average order value,so now that your complementary products,are set you scroll down in here to check,out your related products section and in,here you can see it it's under product,recommendations and now this section,should be suggesting that a products we,have chosen ourselves within the app,okay so you can in here play around with,the options and also the number of,products you see in here will differ,depending on the theme you are using,some products some themes will accept to,put four products or three products,maybe this team only supports two and so,on,okay once this is done you click on Save,and you will have your product,recommendations set and running so as,you can see this new update from Shopify,can be very fruitful and efficient for,your business because it will help you,to increase your store average order,value and at the same time it will help,you to make your customers experience on,your store even better believe me your,customers would be grateful if their,accommodations you are giving to them,will make sense so be smart while you,are setting up your product,recommendations thank you for watching,this video and for staying up until the,end I truly appreciate that before,leaving I want to invite you one last,time to sign up to the free Workshop I'm,currently offering in this Workshop I,show you how you can create a,sustainable strong e-commerce business I,show you the exact framework that you,should be applying to your business in,order to be able to attract convert and,retain more customers so if you are,interested about creating a sustainable,strong e-commerce business don't forget,to go down to the description and to,sign up to this free Workshop thank you,again for watching this video and before,leaving don't forget to smash the like,button to subscribe to my channel and,hit the notification Bell because in,this way you will get notified each time,I publish a new video see you next week,bye bye

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