what happens if a customer purchases n out o dstock item on shopify

How to sell out-of-stock items on Shopify šŸ’” [2022] hey klaus here e-commerce business coach,in this

Ecommerce Coffee Break Podcast

Updated on Mar 31,2023

How to sell out-of-stock items on Shopify šŸ’” [2022]

The above is a brief introduction to what happens if a customer purchases n out o dstock item on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what happens if a customer purchases n out o dstock item on shopify

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what happens if a customer purchases n out o dstock item on shopify catalogs

How to sell out-of-stock items on Shopify šŸ’” [2022]

hey klaus here e-commerce business coach,in this video i'm going to show you a,strategy that i'm using in my own,business,when products are out of stock so let's,dive right into it,so i'm in the shopify app store now to,show you the two,apps that i'm using in my own business,if products,go out of stock in my online store the,one strategy is basically to collect an,email address on the product page,if a product is out of stock so people,can leave their email address there and,they will get a notification,once the product is back in stock i want,to show you on this app that i have used,successfully in my store,on how it looks in their example store,so you can see here we have a product,page here and,down here um it asks basically puts in,whenever,and it does it automatically whenever a,product goes out of stock,um then this will be automatically put,into your product page so you don't need,to do anything manually here,and then it says item is out of stock,notify me enter your phone number and,email address,below to be notified when this item is,back in stock,so you can obviously customize that as,you like,you can change text and colors that,everything fits your business,and your layout your color scheme and so,on and so forth,and the main point here is that somebody,comes to your website,and does not end up on the website where,it just says,plainly sold out i see that in many,stores um people just leave,products in their store when they're,sold out and obviously somebody coming,to the product page will be disappear,disappointed,that they made all the clicks through,and then come to a page where they can't,buy actually from you,so that leaves some kind of a bit of,taste on you as a company,so my best the best case scenario can do,there,is offer them something that they still,can't um buy the product if they want to,wait,and then just leave their phone or their,sms,phone number here to get a text message,or their email address there to get an,email,whenever the product comes into store,now that's one strategy and i'm using,that when i'm not,really clear when the product will be,back in store,again or in stock again um so if you're,uncertain and you don't know how long it,takes,um then just take the email address and,then if you're lucky people are still,interested,in the product when it's back in store,and is available,and will come back and buy from you but,at least it shows a little bit of,service from your site and,that you really care about the customer,the other strategy,faults in there this is an app is called,pre-order now and it already tells you,the story,so with pre-order i'm have used that um,quite often um when my products,are in production and i know from the,factory when it will be delivered to my,warehouse,so i have a clear timeline when the,product will be available then,so if it's not not longer than like 30,days for instance,um instead of just collecting the email,address or the phone number for text,message,i will use this app because 30 days or,something or people are willing to wait,um shouldn't be longer than that and,then you offer a pre-order so it's sort,of a kickstarter,idea behind that um so people basically,already pay for your product,um but this app makes sure um that it,will first of all not be processed in,the back end of shopify,and um but you collect the order and it,will be tagged,um with pre-order or whatever you want,to tack it with,and then once the product is back then,you simply can go,into your order fulfillment in shopify,and,filter by everything that has been,tagged with pre-order and start,fulfilling,the orders then big advantage here,is that you're collecting the money,right away um so people go on pre-order,they go through the checkout process,um they pay you collect the money up,front,and once the product is available you,ship it out,now key here is that you um,are really upfront and clear with your,customer what's happening,and communicate with the customer also,along the way when the product will be,available and so on so forth,because if you don't do that um people,will be under the impression as they,just bought it,and it should be delivered in the next,few days um so make really clear,that um not only here but also in a,confirmation email and that will be sent,out from this app so it's a different,one than the normal confirmation mail,that they exactly know a timeline,um on when they can expect delivery so,it's if it's 30 days and then it gets,shipped out then um just say,will be shipped out in 30 days,part of it and that's probably,customizable does the app so you see,here you can obviously,change the the text here pre-order now,you can highlight when the delivery will,be or when the shipping will start,and make really really clear what it is,because,even further if you add it to the cart,um you see here there will be a node,here which you also can customize,on the pre-order item so that people,really understand is,it's not a instant purchase it will not,be delivered,immediately anytime soon um but it is a,pre-order item,i had great success with both strategies,um,so whenever product goes um offline or,is on back um order then um i use one or,the other strategy,and i continue making money or at least,collecting,leads in my store i hope that makes,sense if you have any interest,in getting help in your own store then,maybe my,e-commerce coaching program might be,something for you,if that's something that interests you,then message me and i'll get you all the,details for that that's it for today see,you in the next video and have a good,day bye

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