owning a successful business is not as,glamorous as it's made out to be now,don't get me wrong i am extremely,blessed and thankful for where i'm at in,my life but just like you i am,constantly taking l's and going through,so many ups and downs i fail and make,mistakes all the time in my business and,personal life and my mission on this,channel is not to be the world's most,perfect business guru that has,everything figured out and never makes a,mistake this is not a reality and it,doesn't exist my goal since day one has,been to keep it real with you guys and,share my entire journey with as much,transparency as possible so in this,video i want to share the truth about my,shopify brand on the surface it looks,great and seems like i'm absolutely,crushing it but over the last two months,i've kind of struggled with growing this,company so let me explain my situation,so over the last year i've put my entire,focus on building one main store and,from day one until now you can see that,i've sold almost 1.5 million dollars,worth of this product as you can see the,screen refreshes and all the numbers,stay the same and with this brand my,team and i have even gone on to be the,number one competitors in this industry,so on the surface everything looks great,it looks like i'm not doing anything,wrong it looks like we're absolutely,crushing it and building a massive,empire but over the last two to three,months i've kind of let the performance,of my brand slip a little bit so if you,look at the first month of the brand all,the way up until the end of the first,year you can see that we were on a,steady climb and hit our best month in,january of 2021 and from january all the,way up until around april we were,crushing it consistently doing around 20,to 30 000 a month in profit the month of,may was actually decent in profit but as,you can see the sales were much lower,than the previous months and as you can,see since june we've been on a steady,incline with our revenue as for the,month of september today is the 15th and,we've done around 61 000 in sales so,we'll probably end the month around 130,to 150. on paper it looks like we are,absolutely crushing it we're making over,a hundred thousand dollars a month in,sales consistently problem is my profits,have dropped tremendously even being,unprofitable in the month of july and so,far unprofitable this month of september,and,it's kind of hard to admit this being in,the position that i'm in you know,coaching people and teaching e-commerce,but what kind of coach am i if i can't,even admit to my own shortcomings i am,not the perfect entrepreneur so i'm not,going to get on youtube every week and,pretend like i have everything figured,out because truthfully losses are,inevitable in any business or journey,that you're gonna pursue thankfully i'm,able to take a step back and get a,really solid understanding of my,situation and what's going on so i know,exactly what needs to be done to fix it,so let's break down the three reasons,that this business has been struggling,so you don't make the same mistakes in,your business and what i'm working on,right now to fix it so i can have a,successful q4 and go into 2022 with a,ton of momentum i always film these,videos inside but today i want to change,it up a little bit so let's go out for a,walk,all right so i honestly feel like,there's a few things that i can improve,on but the first area is in my personal,life so over the last year i've been,able to grow a lot financially and this,has kind of caused me to become a little,bit more complacent and not work as hard,as i should be now,that's not the case in all aspects as,you guys can see i've been posting,videos every single friday i haven't,missed a single week but juggling three,different businesses and spreading my,focus has allowed me to not be able to,be as productive as i want to be this is,not the end of the world but this has,been one of the biggest things that i,feel like has been holding me back,because i'm working on so many different,projects it's been hard to devote the,proper amount of time towards this brand,but i don't think that's a fair excuse,because i don't feel like i've been,giving my best effort personally,i've been staying up pretty late i've,been sleeping in i haven't been as,focused in all aspects so i understand,that it's going to be impossible to fix,my business if i can't fix my personal,life first that's where the majority of,my energy is going into now is taking,care of myself and getting back on track,in that aspect because i understand that,if i'm in a good position personally the,business will be able to thrive but even,if i have my personal life in perfect,condition there's still huge problems,with my business that i need to work on,so let's talk about them,okay so the second issue that i've been,having is that my business is entirely,focused around paid ads and my ads have,kind of died off a little bit i mean,we're still selling a lot of products,you saw the numbers people are buying,this thing consistently but the problem,is they're not as profitable as they,once were i think one of the biggest,reasons why this has happened is my,video has fatigued meaning that people,have seen it so many times it has over,10 million views and it's just not,hitting the same anymore even though,i've tested over 50 different videos,i've yet to find one that popped off as,good as the original,okay not to mention i've also built up a,bad habit of not checking on my ads,every day because we've been selling,over five thousand dollars a day or more,of this product and sometimes i don't,even need to look at the ads for that to,happen but as a result of not testing,enough videos and not working on my ads,every day this is where i'm at so to fix,this i actually decided to hire an,agency to run and optimize my facebook,ads on a daily basis this will give me,the freedom to focus entirely on,creatives and making the best video,content that i possibly can and i feel,like this is going to truly allow us to,flourish because we have a high level,person that's even more talented than me,focusing on it and i can put my energy,into the thing that i love the most,which is the creative side now it wasn't,easy to let this go because i've been,running my own ads for over four years,but looking at everybody around me that,is more successful than me they all,build teams and they all build systems,and that's what allows them to get to,the next level which brings me to my,third and final problem,i realized to run my business at a,higher level i have to approach things,completely different i can't keep,running my business the same way that,i've been running it for the last couple,of years everybody that i know that,makes over eight figures a year has,teams and systems for every aspect of,their business they are the ceo they are,not the person that is wearing all the,hats and from running three different,businesses i find myself trying to be,that guy which is not sustainable and i,feel like is going to me from,reaching my highest levels so i'm,working as hard as i can to fix this you,guys heard that i hired the agency i,also hired a team to fully manage my,tick tock content creation i hired a new,person on our team to manage the,day-to-day operations and i'm really,trying to build out as many systems as,possible so i can hire the best people,and i don't have to be the one there to,work on everything every day and i feel,like this is going to be the thing that,truly allows me to break through the,previous levels that i was at before,it's pretty insane to think that you,could do the same thing and expect to,get better results i have to make,changes in the structure of my company,for me to really be able to grow the,last thing to mention is that i've,pretty much been running up two products,on this store for the whole year i,recently have stumbled upon two more,products that i feel like are a gold,mine to expand my business we can sell,those products to our existing customers,and we can run those products on ads,which nobody has seen these before and i,think it's going to take the business to,the next level so from building up the,team creating better systems taking,myself out of every single position and,launching more products i feel like this,is going to be the saving grace of the,business there is a ton of potential i,just need to take things more seriously,focus more implement these systems that,i'm talking about and launch these new,products,so this is where i'm at is my business,gonna die for real well it could if i,keep operating it the way that i am,right now but i know what i need to fix,to make things right and honestly it's,super uncomfortable to put this content,out there but i made a promise to you,guys to keep it as real as possible so,that's what i'm to always do and one,final note anybody out here on youtube,that's pretending that they got their,whole life figured out and everything is,perfect i promise you they're capping,and that is not the reality don't be out,here comparing your life to everybody,else's thinking that you haven't got,things figured out we're all on our own,timeline and most of the time you're,comparing yourself to someone's social,media fairy tale not even their real,life it's okay if you're struggling and,haven't figured things out because guess,what nobody else has either but that's,the most fun part of the journey is,going through the challenges learning,from them and using those lessons to,reach the next level thanks for watching,oh
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