Account suspended due to policy violation.,What's that?,If you have a Google Merchant account, and
your account has just been suspended by Google,stating misrepresentation and you don't know
what's happening and how to go about reinstating,your account, then this is the video for you
to watch.,In this video, I'm going to talk about what
is exactly misrepresentation.,What does Google actually want from you, and
how you can resolve those issues so you can,get your account reinstated as soon as possible.,Hi, I'm Clarice Lin, the ROI Doctor who helps
small businesses and online stores get more,traffic and sales by getting on Google and
YouTube page one.,Today's video is about misrepresentation of
the Google Merchant Account.,The reason for your suspensions store owners,
especially Shopify store owners, specifically,,I'm going to talk about Shopify stores.,Today I'm going to show you a screenshot of
the Shopify store system, how you can actually,identify and resolve those issues.,Many people have had this issues, mainly because
they are not complying with what Google wants.,In order for your products to be listed on
the Google Shopping tab itself for free, when,you actually also need to comply with Google's
shopping ads policy.,It's not just the normal setup, you also have
to look through all the requirements, that,you need to comply with the guidelines and
make sure that everything is set up properly,in your Shopify store, in the Shopify app
itself, all the settings.,And you'll also need to have Google Merchant
Center account set up properly filling up,all the correct information.,Nothing's to be missed.,And you also need to have your Google Ads
account set up, you might ask, Huh?,Google Ads account?,I don't intend to run ads.,Because you want to be listed for free on
Google Shopping, so Google takes that as a,prerequisite for people wanting to run shopping
ads.,So in order for your products, or for your
store to be eligible for those listings, you,need to have a Google Ads account set up,
you set it up, but you don't have to put any,money in it.,So you don't have to put your card in it,
you just need to connect it to your account.,On a separate note, if you're also facing
other issues for your Google Merchant Center,account, I have an entire Shopify playlist
where I also identify like other issues on,how you can get your website improved, and
you have other issues on your attributes to,get updated on Google Merchant Center, you
can check it out in the link above where I'm,going to put on the top right hand corner.,So do check it out.,Misrepresentation.,What does it mean, what does Google actually
want?,Essentially, there have been many businesses
who have tried to trick Google even though,they have not been a legitimate businesses.,So in order to combat those stores who are
not legit, who are not selling real products,,who is not a proper business, who is not going
to treat their customers right, to protect,all those Google users, shoppers, buyers customers,
Google has listed down an entire list of guidelines,to make sure that if you are a Shopify store
owner, WooCommerce store owner store owner,who plans to sell products, you have to be
a legit business.,And you have to fill up a list of information,
it's similar to you know, when you're registering,for your business, you need to fill out the
form and everything else.,Similarly, to set this up correctly to set
up Google Merchant Accounts correctly, you,need to fill up all the correct information
so you would not get issued this error called,misrepresentation.,Misrepresentation, as the word itself implies,
it basically means you are not representing,yourself as a business correctly.,Misrepresentation can mean that your store
is not presented correctly, accurately and,honestly, according to Google standards, or
maybe your products are not being displayed,as up to the standards that Google has defined.,And this is when your Google App on your Shopify
store has to be configured correctly on the,settings itself, it needs to be fill up correctly
with your account setup, and all the correct,information.,And this has to be sent to your Google Merchant
Center account.,I'm going to go through those steps and show
you some screenshots on where exactly are,those information that you need to fill up
correctly.,And lastly, you need to set up a Google Ads
account and this needs to be connected to,both your Shopify and your Merchant Center
account.,I'm also going to show you the exact screenshot
where you can see exactly when it's been connected.,If you have all of this setup, then you shouldn't
have a misrepresentation.,Now that you've got the whole gist of it,
let's get on to my computer where I will show,you exactly where are the issues and how you
can resolve them.,Let's go.,Google Merchant Center misrepresentation this
is the error page you should be looking at,to diagnose what's the problem with your account
and why Google has suspended your Merchant,Center account.,It is shopping ads policies as what I've mentioned
earlier in the video.,In order, to have your products listed for
free on a Google Shopping page, you need to,fulfill the shopping ads policy, I'm going
to quickly run through this page and highlight,a couple of things that you want to take note
of, and what you can do for your own store.,If you want to reinstate your own Merchant
Center account, everything is set in this,box over here, Google doesn't want users to
feel misled, or google users, specifically,by the content promoted in shopping ads.,So basically, the ones new has a store owner
to be upfront, upright, and show products,that people would buy, and then they would
likely want to buy again, and you need to,provide them with the information that they
need to make informed decision is they want,as much information as possible to show the
users that you're an honest business.,To support this, Google doesn't allow you
to prompt users to initiate purchase or any,other stuff, to support all of this, you want
to make sure you are not pushing out promotions,in the face of Google users.,And you are also not allowed to put up any
promotions or any materials that represent,you or your products in a way that's not accurate,
realistic and truthful.,So what's not considered accurate, or not
being truthful?,Examples they've given here is you're not
providing all the information as needed, you're,hiding certain information.,That's what it means omission of relevant
information, you're hiding information, basically,,maybe you're asking them to pay a certain
amount.,That's not why it's been stated.,Or there's some hidden costs that's not stated
upfront, and you're not allowing them to return,and refund, you don't have a clear return
and refund policies, Google has stated a very,good example, as well as any shipping information
that any terms and conditions for your customers,,it needs to be clearly stated on the website.,And you need to show it to Google as well
that you have all of this information.,And you're going to keep up to your promises.,Also, for example, if you have certain charities
that you're supporting, you're not putting,up on these numbers and not sharing whether
you are having any tax exemption.,So that's important as well.,The next thing is you're promising some discounts
for your products on Google Shopping.,And when users click on it, they don't see
the same discount.,So basically, you're tricking them, that's
totally not allowed as well.,So you shouldn't promise things that you are
not going to deliver on.,So please never do it, misleading or unrealistic
promotions, you say you are selling certain,items, certain brands, but you're actually
not doing that.,So you are selling like fake products, or
you're putting the wrong brand inside, but,you're selling something different, it's not
allowed.,Your brand name, manufacturer part number
or your barcode that needs to be put up as,well.,As far as Google is concerned, to be able
to prove that you're selling what you're selling,customers will be able to verify this information,
they can go to other sources and verify that,what you're selling is true as what you have
claimed, or what you've said, and you shouldn't,promise miracle products, something that's
impossible, you shouldn't promise the moon,,if you're not able to deliver the moon, please
don't promise the moon as well as you give,fake information saying that there are certain
people, or certain companies are supporting,you.,But actually, that's not true.,Please don't do that, again, you are, unacceptable
business practices.,So what Google means by that is you're not
sharing with them anything about your business,,or you're charging users for products, that's
typically free, or you are presenting a false,identity, which is not having your business
name or contact information, you need to actually,show you are a real business, you need to
have your contact information so customers,can contact you.,Google wants to see all of this information
put into Google Merchant Center, as well as,on your store.,If it's not there, then it's most likely that
Google will see (perceive) that you're trying,to misrepresent yourself and that results
in a account suspension.,I'm not going to go into every single detail
of every single word, you can look into that.,But I wanted to highlight what's the gist
of the message.,So you know what's actually missing for or
what's information that you haven't submitted,to Google, basically, if you are not providing
all information needed, you need to put it,in, your contact information, payment methods
needs to be upfront as well.,If you have any content that is, violates
a policy, you need to fix your website.,And once everything is done, you made the
changes, then you can,request for them to review your account again.,So there'll be a review, and then you have
to wait patiently for them to do it.,If you have not make any changes to your site
after your account is suspended.,You just click on Request review straightaway.,Basically, if you do that too many times or
just ignore you, after a while and you just,become a permanently suspended.,You should not request for a review until
you have made all the changes essentially,to comply with Google policy.,So please do that first.,As you can see, Google has also set up a realistic
expectation to say, usually they will review,your account within three business days, if
your business is more complex, maybe you have,too many products, like 1000s of products,
or if your products from different categories,,or if you're having your products listed in
different countries as well, so that will,take a longer time for them to approve, because
they need to look through all the different,guidelines and rules and regulations, because
in different countries and ultimately more,stringent guidelines.,So they have to take a longer time to review
every place what I've mentioned earlier, if,you're misleading your customers, you need
to remove those information, you need to make,sure all of these is removed if you're exaggerating,
products and making some claims.,That's not true.,If you have any problems with your products,
if you're not putting all the information,about your products like manufacturer part
number or barcode or the brand name of your,products, you are not putting it in, that's
also considered violation.,So please update the missing product information
as well before you request for or review.,Last part is to look at untrustworthy promotions.,So if you are not complying with their policy,
then they will disapprove your account as,well.,So please make sure that you set up the right
correct pricing, setup pictures with the right,details, product details, the brand of your
products as it relates to all of this information,that is put up there.,And any products that you don't have the correct
information, to remove them and not have them,shown up in the shopping feed in Google Merchant
Center.,Only once you have removed those items that
do not comply with the policy, then your accounts,will be reinstated.,You have to be patient as well.,So, as usual, Google has reiterated, if you
want to review your account, please make all,the changes.,Otherwise, if you do it too many times, you
know making changes, then Google will just,ignore you.,Now that I've gone through with you what Google
wants based on their misrepresentation guidelines,,I'm going to show you a couple of screenshots
on which other places that you can look into,to resolve those issues, go look at the free
shopping listings.,So this is the section which is when you tap
on the right hand top right hand corner, these,are the things that you should fill in for
free listing.,So most people would have filled up this information,
need to make sure you get a little green tick,for each of this information.,So once that's filled up, that's good.,One part is done.,And the next thing you want to go into is
the shopping listings guidelines.,This is the shopping ads set up on the top
right hand corner, when you log on to the,Merchant Center there is this wheel, that's
settings.,So this is where you access all the areas
that you need to look into and make sure this,information is filled up properly.,So just before I've just shown you that you
need to fill up this free listing setup, once,you've completed then you can look into shopping
ads set up, you need to do that even if you're,not running Google ads.,As long as you want your products to be listed
on the shopping tab.,This section needs to be filled out this is
what you're going to see when you click on,shopping ads set up.,So this is the page.,And you need to fill up all this information
here, you need to check the page here, we,need to fill up everything here, make sure
that your taxes are set up.,Taxes, if you're sending to specific states
like the US, you need to have specific state,tax added in.,And if you have any shipping costs, you need
to make sure this information is put in even,if you offer free shipping, you need to list
that inside as well.,So you need to click on this little pencil
button.,And you need to set it up, make sure once
you've set it up, you get a little tick here,,which means this information is completed,
the store name, address of your store and,you put it in with your phone number, your
product, which is all set up properly.,And your Google Ads account is linked to Google
Merchant Center.,This is very crucial.,I need to reiterate this again, even if you're
not running Google ads, you still need a Google,Ads account set up.,Even if you don't put your credit card anything
just an account with the same username that,you have used to set up your Google Merchant
Center account.,I'm going to show you also very quickly how
you can actually put this information together.,Over here you can see that this is the link
accounts page.,Basically you click on this little wheel and
select Link accounts.,You are going to be sent to the Google Ads
page over here.,And you will have to link to your Google Ads
account right here.,This example shows that the link status is
not linked, you click on Link and then you,need to go to, log into Google Ads account
accept a request for linking and then over,here you will show that link status success.,I have another video where I've recorded showing
a step by step example of how to set all of,this up.,So you can check it out, the link is on the
top right hand corner of the screen for a,free Google Shopping listings setup, so do
check that video out.,And the next thing I want to quickly go into
is just to highlight as well, how you can,set up your shipping page, and the returns
page, which is what mostly people don't set,up properly.,So I'm going to quickly go into it and show
you, you go to the shipping and returns basically,,there are two sections, you click on this
and then you'll see two tabs.,So you can see that shipping services.,If you have not set anything up, you need
to click on the plus button and you need to,add your shipping profile.,So you can see how you can set all of this
up.,So once you set all of this up, you can select
the countries which you want to be listed,on for so if you have multiple countries,
you can add the different countries which,you want to select too, as well as the correct
currency.,You need to fill up this information section,
1,2,3 needs to be filled up.,Even if shipping cost is zero, we'll need
to fill it up and tell them in the delivery,times as well.,I'm not going to go into how to set all of
this up, I have a different video where I,go into more details about how to set up shipping,
you can check it out on the link on the top,right corner of this screen on how to set
up the shipping settings properly.,So,do check that out, I will also put the link
down in the description and pinned comments.,So do go and check it out if you need help
to fill this up specifically, now basically,you need to make sure all one, two and three,
this is all set up properly.,And then you are done.,So once that's completed, you need to go into
the returns policy.,As I've mentioned, misrepresentation means
that you haven't set up your returns policy,clearly, you need to set it up.,So basically, once you fill up the shipping
services, you can see go into the next step,,which is returns policy.,So you have to click on Add policy and put
in all the details, you need to put in the,countries which you are accepting returns
policy or the countries that you are planning,to sell your products in on the listings on
Google Shopping.,So you can select multiple countries you want,
if you want, if you're selling your products,worldwide, you can select all the countries
over here.,Remember, if you are selecting more countries,
it's going to take Google a longer time to,review your account, if you're not fulfilling
the policy as well, so to make sure that you've,got all the information needed, and you need
to fill up all of this step one to step six,,all of these needs to turn blue to show completion
of this information.,And you need to have a policy with some policy
page on your website.,In your listings here, and if you accept any
returns, if you don't accept returns, you,might want to have a good reason.,But likely Google's going to approve those
accounts, who accept returns, reasonable returns,,and then you can also put in the return policy,
whether the customers can return your products,in store or kiosk or by mail.,So once completed, checkmark then you click
on next, which will enable the blue button,and you've selected that.,And then you also need to fill in the section
which will also show up how will customers,get the return label?,What is it, the customer responsibility to
print it out?,Or is it already inside the box?,You need to fill all of them and as well if
customers change their mind, so they no longer,want the item if it's not suitable for them?,Do you allow them to return as well, you need
to do your selection for this radio button,,you put it in and then the next thing you
also need to fill in which is the return window,this is step four.,How long do customers have before they can
change their mind?,Within,30 days or 60 days or how many days, you need
to put it in here certain number of days,,put it in the box, and then return window
extension, which you can see if there are,specific extension you allow them.,If you want, you can leave it blank.,And we'll continue to click on next.,We can also select as well as step five, still
return policy.,For different condition, if it was new, if
they have used it, would you still allow them,to return.,But as long as the product is still usable,
you allow them to use it.,You can just select New, they can select Next,
and then we'll go on to Step Six which is,the fees, they are basically you're telling
them that's the currency for this return policy,as well as the restocking fee.,So usually most stores doesn't have restocking
fees, so if you are returning a product you,don't expect them to pay you back in any shape
or form, then you just skip the restocking,fee.,Once you've completed it there'll be a summary
listed for you, you review the summary again.,And then you click on Done.,Once it's done, you're going to be sent to
this summary page where it will show you that,you have added a policy.,And then once you have all of this information,
which is clearly set up, you need to also,check this is where you can also go back to
Shopify settings and make sure that this information,is set up properly, you go back to your Google
app in the Shopify store itself, you want,to go to the Settings section and make sure
all of this is connected, that your Google,account, the same account that you use, same
email address that you use to create your,Google Merchant, your Google ads.,And over here, it needs to be connected as
well, the same email address, use the same,email address, use that, probably use your
admin account.,And then you have to check all the boxes here
to make sure your shop fulfils all the requirements,it must be green ticked, and then you can
link to your Google Merchant Center account.,And then the next thing would be to put in
your material connected to your Google Ads,account, as well make sure it's successful.,And then we can select which is your target
market.,And you have to go to e make sure that all
of these turns green to show that you have,completed all of this needed information and
product feed whether you want to use your,default product title, or product description,
or if you have an SEO product title, basically,,if you have your product title listed in all
capital, then you might want to use the SEO,product title where you have title case because
you might incur this error, Google doesn't,like all your product title to be in all caps,
you might be thrown the excessive capitalization,error.,I have another video where I talk about the
capitalization error for your product page,,you can check that video out, link is in the
top right hand corner of the screen.,You select that and you save changes.,And then that's done.,Basically if you have all of this information
set up correctly, you shouldn't have any misrepresentation,problem which is the upfront show or with
resolve those issues.,Once those issues are resolved, then you click
on Request for a review.,If you don't make any changes, and then you're
not fulfilling their guidelines, then they,will just ignore you and your account will
still stay suspended.,If you want a Google Merchant Account reinstated,
please make sure that all of your information,has been listed and some of the session was
useful for you.,Hopefully, you should get your account reinstated
as soon as possible.,Usually, Google will take about up to seven
working days for them to review the entire,account.,And it might take slightly even longer to
review individual products if you have many,products itself, so you have to be patient.,Once you get everything sorted out, then hopefully
you should be getting traffic from the Google,Shopping tab.,If you're also looking for other alternative
ways to drive traffic to your Shopify store,,you can also check out my video right here
where I explain the other alternative methods,,even if you're not running ads, so to check
out that video.,If you're also looking for a list of different
ways you can drive traffic to your Shopify,store, check out my Shopify marketing guide
where I go into the pros and cons of different,ways to drive traffic to your store.,link is down in the description and pin comments
below.,So do check that out.,If you're struggling to reinstate your Google
Merchant Account, you can also check out the,link in my description and pinned comments
below where I work with Shopify store owners,to help them to get their issues resolved,
so you can check it out.,And if you enjoyed this video and found it
useful, please give it a like, subscribe to,my channel and don't miss future videos on
how to get more traffic and sales by getting,on Google and YouTube page one.,I'm Clarice Lin, the ROI Doctor, signing off.,I'll see you in the next video.,Bye
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