what is a dynamic source shopify

Using dynamic sources in your product and page templates hi everyone this is tim from,milehighthemes

Mile High Themes

Updated on Feb 19,2023

Using dynamic sources in your product and page templates

The above is a brief introduction to what is a dynamic source shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is a dynamic source shopify

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what is a dynamic source shopify catalogs

Using dynamic sources in your product and page templates

hi everyone this is tim from, and in this video i'm,going to show you how to create custom,product and page templates using meta,fields as opposed to creating alternate,templates,this functionality is supported in all,of our themes that support online store,2.0 functionality,so first of all i'm going to go ahead,and customize my theme here in this,scenario i'm using the galleria theme,but it works the same for all of our,themes,so i need to go to a product page so i,can do that by either clicking through,here the navigation to get to the,product page or i can use this drop down,menu,i'm going to click products,and we can see the custom product,templates that we've already created,i'm going to go ahead and go to a,default product so i can see what just a,regular product is set to look like in,this theme,so we've got a pretty typical product,layout here with a product gallery here,the title pricing and the ability to add,it to the cart,beyond that we have this image here with,some heading and regular text,and then another image with some text,over here,we've got some testimonials we've got,some related products,and we've got another image with text,section here,so,this is what every product page that's,using the default product template will,look like obviously this information,will change depending on which product,we're viewing but everything else,is going to be static with the exception,of these related products,because that's pulled in using shopify's,recommendation engine,but all these other sections that were,added manually over here are going to,have the same images and the same text,on every product page,so this may or may not work for you,if it does work great if it doesn't you,could create a unique product template,for every single product and drag and,drop your own sections to each one but,that's pretty tedious,and if you want to reuse some functions,like for example this image here,is just about saying that our products,are locally made with a background image,of san francisco,so this is kind of global content that,you might want on every product page,but this this might be like a feature of,the product for example,and maybe you want to have the same,section on each one but you want this,text to be different and this image to,be different,so in this case we can use meta fields,to do that,so i'll show you how to do that now,so the first thing i'm going to do is,i'm going to go ahead and create a,duplicate product template,so i go back to products and i click,create template,and in this situation i'm just going to,call this meta fields you can call this,whatever you want just whatever makes it,easy for you to remember,i'm going to base it on the default,product since that's what we're using to,you to preview,create template,so now i'm going to exit out of here for,a moment i'm going to go back to the,product,and i'm going to locate this key ring,product because we may as well use that,so there's the key ring,and i'm just going to choose the,template so right now it's just using,the default product template,i'm going to try this meta fields i'm,going to go ahead and save that,so now i'm going to go back to the,online store,themes and customize the theme again,and in this pull down now if i go to,products,you'll see that there's this meta fields,template that we created and it's been,assigned,one product is assigned to that so i'll,click that,and it takes me to the product that,has been assigned that template the key,ring we want to keep this section static,on all of the product pages still but,this is the information that we want to,have dynamic,so i'm going to go ahead that this is an,image with text section right here,you can see the settings over here,so i want to make this heading text,this regular text and this image all a,dynamic source,so you may have seen this little icon in,places,this is how you connect a dynamic source,so in this case you see that we've got,three blocks or two blocks in this image,with text section,there's this exceptional organization,which is just the heading text,and then we have this block for this,regular body text,and they all have this insert dynamic,source button,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,click on this heading,and instead of just typing this in i'm,going to click this icon,and there's a whole bunch of other meta,fields in here that we're already using,for other products,so none of these are what i actually,want to use i'm going to go ahead and,click add metafield,so this takes me to the settings area of,my shopify store,and goes to meta fields,now i'm going to click products,and you'll see there's all of these,other meta fields already in place,yours may or may not have some of these,already it depends on your app use and,if you've already created some templates,but in this case i'm just going to add a,new definition,i'm going to call it,image with text,heading,again this doesn't really matter what,you want to call it you just want to be,able to remember what it is this,description field is optional it's again,only for your own use it doesn't have,any bearing on the functionality so i'm,just going to leave it blank i'm going,to select some option types select the,content type,and i can choose either single line,multi-line text and there's a bunch of,other options here,but what i want is single line text,because this will probably only be a,word or two,there's some validation options you can,choose here i'm going to leave those,blank,i'm going to save that,so while i'm in here in the meta fields,i may as well just create the other ones,too,so i'm going to add another definition,image with text,and i'll call this,body,so click that,no description necessary select content,type we'll make this multi-line text,since it's a paragraph,save that,and now i need one for the image so i'll,go ahead and create another one,image with text image,then for the content type of this one,i'm going to choose file,and down here this is important you want,to you could either have a video or an,image in this case i'm just going to,select images,and click save,so i'm not done with my meta fields,and incidentally if you want to come,back and edit your meta fields later you,can click settings,and click meta fields,so now i've got to navigate back to that,product in the customizer so i'm going,to go here,i'm going to choose our product,and the meta fields,template,and here we are,so this is the image with text section,exceptional organization,i'm going to click this,and choose,image with text heading,click insert,so right now it's got the text that's,already in there plus the image with,text heading which i don't want i'm just,going to take out this exceptional,organization,so just the image with text,heading,is in there,and now i'm going to do the same thing,on,this one i'm going to take everything,out of this box,insert the dynamic source,image with text body,insert,and then i'll click on this main section,and for the image,i'm going to click change and then,connect dynamic source if there was no,image,already specified here then i would just,click this,button so i'm going to change connect,dynamic source,and this is image with text image,connect,so now you see that everything,disappeared we've got no heading we've,got no body text and we got no image,but that's fine i'm going to save that,and now if i go back out of here and go,to any product page,i will see those meta fields,so in this case i'm going to go to the,key ring product,and scroll to the bottom,and there's all these meta fields in,here and again we have a lot in here,because this is a development store,but most of the time you won't have any,of these except for the ones you maybe,just created,so we've got image with text heading so,in this case,i'm going to say,amazing storage,for your keys,and then the other one was,it's not showing all of them so that,one's not showing,okay,we have to go into this because there's,so many they're not on all one page so,image with text heading let's try this,again,amazing storage,for your keys,and then image with text body,this key,ring will save your life,and then image with text image i can,select an image and your gallery shows,up,and there happens to be an image of the,key ring so i'm going to go ahead and,click that,click done,and now i'm going to save this product,so now,i go and preview this product,sometimes it takes a second we'll see if,it kicked in yet,so we still have our locally made,content that's static,but now this section is dynamic,we've got our custom text here,we've got our custom image over here,so that's how you create a dynamic,source,and apply it so now instead of creating,a custom page template for every single,product i can reuse this template on as,many products as i want,and just change these meta field values,in the product page,at the bottom here,to whatever this says that i want,so that is how you create dynamic,content for your product pages you can,do the same thing on regular pages,collections and every everywhere else,where you can use sections everywhere,so i hope this has been helpful,if you have any questions please feel,free to reach out to our support team,thank you so much for watching and have,a great day

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