what is a sales channel on shopify

Understanding Sales Channels In Shopify hey guys i just wanted to go over,something really quick wit

Savie Designs

Updated on Feb 22,2023

Understanding Sales Channels In Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what is a sales channel on shopify

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what is a sales channel on shopify catalogs

Understanding Sales Channels In Shopify

hey guys i just wanted to go over,something really quick with you guys um,i know i'm a little late on this so i'm,trying to get a whole bunch of stuff,uploaded so you guys have it in the,morning,over the last week um facebook announced,that they were,doing facebook shops um this is,absolutely amazing news,um if you've ever gone on instagram and,you scroll through instagram and you see,something really cool that you liked and,you can tap on it and automatically it,says okay buy this like right here,that's initially what facebook is,rolling out um,why is this important because the only,the only way you're going to really be,able to do it is if you have,um initially this is probably going to,change down the road but from what i'm,reading,and what i'm told the only way that you,guys are the easiest way for you guys to,get approved to do this just to have an,actual store through shopify bigcommerce,um or any of the other,um well i think those are really the,only two,i think there's like one or two more but,i can't remember the name of them,anyways if you go into your store,to the very bottom here where it says,settings you're going to click on that,and it's going to,what it's going to do is going to pop up,all of your stuff,and in here,you're going to see down here in the,middle at the very very bottom where,it's going to still say,sales channels once you click on sales,channels,it's going to open up um the screen that,i was just,on that basically says sales channels,or ad sales channels pretty much,so it's going to say right here it's,going to say add,sales channels now what this is going to,do is this is going to pop up,you already have pos um instagram,amazon ebay um facebook pinterest,um these are all the things that you can,literally,sell on if you decide down the road um,you know if you want to sell your,products on ebay you can sell your,product on ebay and what this does,initially is take all of your products,on your shopify page,and it pushes you pushes all those,products into the platform that you're,looking at so you don't have to go back,to all of these other platforms and be,like okay i've got to add all these,individually,you'll have to do that so what you're,going to want to do is you're going to,go down here to facebook um,and you're going to bring your products,to facebook or instagram now,this is not a setup site um so i'm not,going to push it completely through,now let me explain a couple of the,things that you need to know about doing,this,if you already tried with instagram and,it failed it's because you did not have,a stance store,it before instagram uh mainly um and now,i'm pretty sure facebook is gonna go,with this,in order for you to actually be able to,be approved to sell on there you,actually need you need your store set up,does it mean that you have to have,your product so i mean does it mean that,you have to have sales it just means,that you actually have to,have a store have your own domain and,be set up or they will not approve you,they're basically just like who is this,so down here what is basically what it's,going to do is say you know connect to,connect and you're going through that,and what this will do is pull up all,your facebook stuff and then it'll ask,you what page you want to be on,um and things like that um and facebook,page in your bed your manager your,business manager there's some more,many videos throughout the week um that,i'm going to be putting together i know,i'm behind and i completely sincerely,apologize it's just been,some stuff happened this week that i was,not expecting to happen so fast and it's,great news but it literally just sucked,me in so,um so anyway so there's other stuff that,will be added to this,um but i wanted you guys to just,know um that this is where you go you're,gonna want to,connect all of this um as soon as you,get your store up and pretty much just,start connecting all this stuff because,that stuff is going,once you go into like your product page,under each of your products is going to,ask,like right here when you go through all,of,your stuff and by the way you had a,shopify has a mobile app,where you can add your products on your,mobile app so most of us take our,pictures,of our products with our phone um so,you can lay in bed at night and do all,of this i think miranda was like oh my,god this is so much easier,um you don't have to be glued to your,desktop to do all of this now,um so anyways like right here you'll see,where will it,it'll give you an option once this is,all once you're approved,it'll say you know do you want to sell,on your online store do you want to sell,on your facebook so you want to make,sure that all of your options are here,if you're selling them there um,to make sure as soon as you guys get,your domains up and running you get,everything going that you get those,approved because,the faster that you get approved,especially on facebook it's going to put,you ahead of the line of thousands of,other people,that don't have these kind of shops um,so,it'll just get you guys approved faster,basically says that you know what you're,doing,or that you are at least um,using using a web um platform,um and builder that has integrity,because it has the type the,biggest and the most integrity than any,other any other ecommerce platform,in the world um so i hope that helps,i'll talk to you guys soon bye

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