hey guys john from ecomax SEO here just,another quick tip with the optimizing,your Shopify store today I'm going to,talk about quickly is a short video a MP,or accelerated mobile pages now you,probably have heard of a MP and some of,you will be using them on your stores,but if you're not you should a MP is now,adopted by Google so it's a technology,that allows your mobile pages or when,someone clicks through from a mobile,search to open your mobile pages in,lightening speed you've probably seen in,some of the search results when you're,looking through a mobile there's a,little lightning rod icon next to the,URL now it's the way it works is a,little bit complicated but essentially,your pages that have set to a MP run,through a Cydia network that Google,controls and this allows these pages to,be served lightning fast number of great,reasons for this number one it's a,fantastic user experience so your users,can click through they're going to get,that get served the page really fast and,and your conversions are going to,increase because of that and number two,speed is the ultimate in any store any,site little own e-commerce stores so the,faster your store can be certainly on,mobile the greater chance you're going,to have to rank higher and we're seeing,when we when we're installing a MP not,only on ecommerce stores but all sites,but when you when you install a MP on a,on a Shopify store you will see ranking,increases it takes a little bit of time,but certainly you'll start to see,traffic coming in from your aap pages,you link your your a MP pages three good,luck Google Analytics and you'll see,traffic coming in through those a MP,sources now the issue with MP in the,last couple of years is it's been it's,there haven't been a lot of apps in,Shopify or plugins in WordPress for,example that actually allows you to,build a nice clean functional and,good-looking page or good-looking,product page it's now there's there's,been that time now that the developers,have been out there and Albert,to set up and create apps and plugins,that do that so we've tried all of them,in Shopify the one we recommend the one,we use all the time and the one we're,seeing the best results with is Impy,shop Sheriff it also has a free pet plan,available which is really good some of,these others are paid some of them are,free but this is the best app we find to,get into a MP with Shopify get your,product pages at least set up on a MP so,for on the free version you can get your,probably just click through your free,version you can get your product paid,you set up on a MP really easy quick and,simple to set up and then if you you pay,a small monthly fee then you can set up,your collection pages your home page etc,we really only do it with collection,pages and and our product pages allows,you to do your blog as well but we,always run our blogs through like a,subdomain on WordPress anyway for,various reasons so that this is the one,I'd recommend so you can work through,and see how actually what features it,has and they give you a bit of an idea,and bit of a a run-through on why it's,good for your site the other great thing,it actually integrates with all your the,main review systems you'll you'll find,on Shopify and also analytics now I've,just run an a MP page here that we've,got on a store through GT metrics and,then I've also run it through Pingdom it,says here that it's running at 2 seconds,or loading in two seconds it actually,loads for the user loads much quicker,which I'll show you in a second but once,it goes through the process of the,server and in the city and the the,technology is running at two seconds but,it serves the page much faster than that,for the user but you can see some pretty,good scores here and that's pretty good,for Shopify anyway Shopify as he is slow,especially we're running a lot of apps,there's ways and and strategies that you,can use to increase the speed of your,Shopify store it's not as easy to do it,as you would have with say WooCommerce,or WordPress because those platforms are,open source you're limited in a way and,what Shopify can do but that's another,video I might do actually on on setting,up shop afire to run for speed so that's,on,to metrics and then we run it through,Pingdom a little bit more but still not,too bad okay so here's it installed on,one of our stores and you can see it,basically walks you through setting it,up you can see here if you're where you,want it to actually be installed so if,we just go to configure and we'll go to,the same template and you literally walk,through and you add your logo change,your height etc all your different,options for your typography and your,colors etc so you can pretty well really,quickly make it work and look just like,your your desktop or your your other,mobile theme version and you can see it,here on the right what it looks like and,looks look quite good it does all heap,of other features you can turn off this,so it doesn't go to the full site you,can actually set also your ANP pages so,if someone clicks from the same page,it'll go to the next same page or it'll,go to your site so for example if you,have your collection pages set as a MP,and someone comes in on a product page,and they click through to a collection,page it'll show them the a MP page as,well rather than going to the full site,which is pretty handy you can set up all,your menu links how you want them then,we've got out Google Analytics and we're,gonna you can add your Facebook pixel,there so you actually collect all your,visitor data on your Facebook pixel as,well then if we go to the products,template and here's where you can,actually set your setup for your your,product page so it's actually quite,intuitive and works a little bit like,WordPress itself so it's really simple,to do I'm not going to go through all,them collection template blog template,etc and your pages if you want and then,here you can tell it which products you,want to actually show so you can turn,off products if you don't want same with,your collection pages and your blog,posts etc page visibility this is where,you tell you you tell it what,what pages you want on the Shopify store,would actually be happy so on this one,we've only got product pages that are,set to a MP we can then set out the main,configuration so it's up to you whether,you want to set the domain and we've,just got it set to the recommended,default setting here or you can actually,add your own custom domain details in,here and it gives you all of validations,as well so and this this will all run,through Google Google search console -,so you can see it's really really easy,to set up but I'll just show you if we,go to an actual product page and what,I'm going to do I'm just going to open,it so what it does so the way amp it,works it only will show in a Google,search and when someone clicks through,to that search so in WordPress on some,plugins you can actually set your mobile,pages to be a MP no matter where they,come from so they could even come from,social media but in this particular,version it's only if they click through,from Google so when I click this it's,going to open up in the desktop so it's,going to look ordinary but then all,minify it down to what it would look,like on on a mobile and you'll see what,it looks like I'm just doing is to show,you how fast if I click this how fast,the page actually loads so click it now,and you can see it's lightning fast so,we'll just then minimize it and you can,see there's your a MP page there for all,the details you want got two reviews,here so really really cool so what I,would say is to no-brainer because this,you get products as an as a MP pages for,free with this ap for Shopify by Shop,Sheriff just install it set your mobile,pages to a MP for your product and see,how it runs with your analytics and see,how it runs in Google search console you,will see benefits especially if you got,a lot of products you'll see nice nice,improvements and kick up in your traffic,so there you go that's a MP for Shopify,we get no benefit out of promoting,or endorsing this app it's just an app,will use the best IP app were found so,far install it and it works thanks see,in the next video
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