But I would,want to caution here, improving,website speed is very important,to increase conversion on your site.,But there are several factors,impacting your speed,,some of which you can't even control.,Let's talk about website speed,We've actually made several videos,on how to increase your website,speed on Shopify,and some things,that you can actually physically do.,But we feel like,there may be some misinformation,out there in regards,to having a perfect score.,Spoiler alert, there's no such thing.,Also, you can check out the videos,that were done before.,Towards the end of the video,,we'll let you know how to access them.,Now your online store,is made up of a set of features,such as the theme code app,images, videos, Carousel,the Instagram Feed and athletics.,These features can contribute,to your overall customer experience,and extend the capabilities,of your actual online store.,Each feature you add, though,,it needs a network right or,hardware resources,to actually function correctly.,And some of these features,need more resources than others.,So adding a new feature,can have a noticeable effect,on the speed of your online store.,So that's something to consider.,So when adding a feature to your store,,you should weigh,the benefits of the feature,against its impact,to the speed of your store.,So you might need to make some speed,tradeoff right,,and build a user experience,that leads to more sense.,Now, that being said, factors,that you absolutely cannot control,and I do want to talk touch on these,because whenever,you are running these speed test,and you can do,the speed test on Google,metrics, even Shopify itself,,which I believe they use,Google Lighthouse,,they show you several things,that you need to fix.,But at the end of the day,,those are things,that you can't really fixed,and can't control.,So I do want to touch on these factors,that you can't control,when it comes to these tests,when you're running these steps.,So number one is your customer's device,network and location. Right.,Your site will load,differently depending,on all those things.,And there's absolutely nothing,you can do about it. Right.,Even from my phone,which I'm on T-Mobile,versus Franklin phone,,which you might be on, AT&T,like doing it,right here, right now,in the same location,,but just having different networks,that's going to affect differently,how the website loads.,So there's nothing really,you can do about those two instances.,Obviously,,there's all the other instances,where I'm,on my phone here in Allen, Texas,,with T-Mobile,,and someone else is in California,using a Mac lap laptop,with Chrome on Ethernet, for example.,So those type,of the things you can control now.,Second is the Shopify infrastructure.,They actually do a pretty good job,of making sure that they use fast,global servers,,and they also don't limit,your bandwidth.,So anywhere on the world,,your website should load,pretty quickly.,But that also comes with some things,that you can't change on the server,side of things, right?,So because Shopify,has control of the server side,,then that means that,you can't make any changes,on the server.,So, for example,,if you're running a speed report on,metrics and,metrics have certain parameters,and or what,they consider best practices,when it comes to maybe cached files,,but Shopify might be using,different parameters,within their servers,just to ensure that everyone is able,to load,correctly and quickly,and all the stuff.,So that would result in a lower,,lower speed score and duty metrics,just because the two don't agree,or follow the same guidelines.,So you'll see that actually a lot.,Google in particular,,they have some guidelines,that are just kind of out there,that if you run the speed test,for Google itself,or for Google related websites,,they don't even follow,those same guidelines.,And you'll see that,their speed test on,,I don't know, let's say,like a Google product,that you're looking on their website,they might not even follow,the guidelines,they actually put forth,on those speed reports.,So just keep that in mind,that if you're trying to chase,this perfect score,,all these speed test,apps out there,,they have their own guidelines,,they have their own,set of parameters to,to make to what they agree.,Right on on what's the ideal,score for your store.,Hey, before we move,on, I just want to say bienvenidos.,My name is Christian Finnegan,,one of the co-founders,here at the brand,for an ecommerce growth in D.C.,that specializes,in helping people in search,grow and scale profitably online.,We drop new videos every week,,so make sure that you had to,subscribe button,and turn on notifications.,Obviously,,if you're feeling that,this is a really good, high quality,content for you, then do that.,Not put know.,Okay.
Now let's go into factors,that you can control.,So number one, it's,going to be the themes.,We actually made,a ton of videos on themes,and some of our recommendations,when it comes to themes.,So please check them out right here.,Now, themes are made up of liquid HTML,,CSS, and JavaScript code.,So when you edit or customize themes,file sizes can increase,and affect your store speed.,If you think that something in your,theme is slowing down your store,,then you need to take,the following steps one, disable,those theme features,that you don't use.,So consider a balance between online,store features and actual speeds,is something that we talk,about constantly.,If you're wanting to add,maybe the theme,that you're using currently,,maybe has some kind of carousel, right?,That goes over ten different images,that feature might be costing you a lot,when it comes to speed test.,So I would test it out,,believe that that feature on,Do the test,,then turn the feature off,,run a test again,and see how it affects your store.,Other thing that you can do,is try installing a theme built,for performance like Dawn.,Dawn is one of the newer,free things by Shopify.,Then you can install that,and you'll see results,just from switching,from your previous theme to to Dawn.,Obviously Dawn,doesn't have a lot of the,extra features,that the premium themes have,,but if speed is something,that is really important for you, then,Dawn would be something good,beyond that theme or app features.,So certain features, again,,when enabled by effect, your,store speed.,So for example,,quick view pop ups,,preload information,from every product page,when a collection page loads.,So that's going to add again,extra loading time for your store,because it's trying to find,all those images,to do the preload on that section.,Another thing that you can do,is use a heatmap tool,to see if customers are actually,using certain features on your theme,or certain apps. Right.,So before we're talking about the,theme as a whole, right?,There may be things of this,theme as a whole,,but now if you're getting a little bit,more granular on the theme features,or app features,,and that you're using,and you're not certain of,customers are using them,or not use a heatmap tool,and that allows you to actually record.,So you're able to see if people,actually using those features,or they're not even being used.,So for example,,something like a wish list app,that might not be being used right now.,Check and see what the heat map,tool to see if that's working.,We do recommend Hotjar,so if you want to try out Hotjar free,,check out the link for now.,Speaking of links below.,We also want to recommend using Triple.,Well, Triple will,is something,that all of our clients and group,coaching members are using right now.,And this powerhouse of the tools,allows us to see LTV,for our customer for 30, 60 in 90 days.,But most excited about,is the estimated action of customers.,So they're allowed to sort of predict.,Right.
Imagine being able to send out,emails or run ads to customers,who are actually likely to buy from you,a second or third time,and knowing,when to send out those,marketing messages.,It's so, so powerful,to rule centralizes,all these metrics from all these tools,you use right into one place.,They simplify and form,and save you time.,So again,,check that link,in the description below.,If you're wanting to,increase conversions on your site,and know the data,to make the right decisions.,And number three apps.,When you add apps,to changes,,functionality or appearance,of your online store,,they also add in code,right into the theme.,Some of this code can be removed,or reordered to improve,your online store performance.,Now, if you think that an,app is slowing down your store,,then you need to take the following,steps.,You need to disable,the app features that you don't use,and remove the app,if you don't need it.,We actually see this a lot,where customers,maybe install three different apps,that are the same,as like maybe the Instagram.,They Instagram feed, right?,And they install three,and they're just using one,,but they left the other two in there.,That's code,that's being added to your store,,the slowing down your store.,So make sure that they're apps,that you're not using.,You're confirming that,they're not using,,you're not paying for them,and then deleting them.,And then also consider going in,and deleting the code,left behind by some of these apps,even after you delete them.,So you need to consider the balance,between online store features,and your speed here,,if you like, to see, please,consider clicking on that like button.,So another thing,that you can actually change, right,,that you actually it's a factor that,people are constantly,consciously need to make sure,that you're paying attention to,is images and videos.,Oversize images and images,that are hidden from view,can interfere with loading Right.,So if users have to wait for large,images to load, they might perceive,your source as being slow.,So we talked about this before.,So if you're interested in making sure,that you're,using the best right,,the most optimized images,for your store,,make sure to check out,this beta right here,That'll teach you a little bit about,images in general.,But that's something very important.,Company does pretty do a,pretty good job,,right, at optimizing images.,But you can also do a few more things.,Now, if you take anything,out of the video, is that website speed,is something that you constantly need,to be working on.,It's a balance again,,between speed and functionality.,And knowing,that there are things,outside of your control,when it comes to speed,and that chasing a perfect score,can be detrimental to your website's,user experience.,You might end up stripping your store,of crucial functionality,that is actually making you real money,in exchange for just a random number,that some outside Third-Party Companies,tell you.,So you'd be surprised,at the amount of stores,we've seen making millions of dollars,and have a speed score of 16,,according to Shopify.,So again, work on it constantly.,Work on
some of the points,that we talked about in this video,,and don't chase that perfect score. So
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