i've had a love-hate relationship with,jetpack,actually it has been more hate than love,actually it has been just pretty much,hate,but today i set out to answer the,question,is my disdain for jetpack unfounded,see i've been having conversations with,people smart people people arguably,smarter than me in the wordpress space,and in the general web development space,and they have said that jetpack is not,bad it's actually,good and to be honest jetpack serves a,lot of functions,and has a lot of features,that i want for my websites,so am i doing myself,a disservice,by,not using jetpack,could i be potentially hurting my,websites my site visitors my clients by,ardently refusing to use something that,is a legitimately good tool,well today i'm going to set out to,answer those questions so stick around,but first i do need to ask you to,subscribe,to this channel because i put out videos,every couple of weeks,i go live every so often,and it's it's lots of good stuff around,wordpress being a creator in,general website no code development,so go ahead subscribe to this channel,you won't regret it,uh and then,if you really really like what i'm doing,or maybe you saw a live stream then,you're like hey i thought joe live,streamed but i can't find it now,well those are uh for members only so,you can head over to joincreatorcrew.com,and become a member for just 50 bucks a,year,so there you go join creator crew.com 50,bucks a year gets you access to ad free,extended episodes of my podcast live,stream and,other behind the scenes stuff,and subscribe to this channel so let's,actually dive in to this exploration of,jetpack i'm adjusting my hat,so you can see my eyes,so i'm here on the jetpack website and i,think um it's got a lot of again like,i've said it's got a a lot of really,good features uh for for,analytics anti-spam stuff which i've,personally have been having trouble with,um and it's,performance,it's got a crm i think that's additional,um and then if we if we go to pricing,you know let's increase the size of this,so you could see it,um,there's several different pricing,options in the bundle,but i am most interested,in doing this,uh with the free version for now so i'm,gonna go to plugins add new in one of my,websites this is wp review dot io i'll,actually be,releasing a companion,podcast episode,for this video,um,where i where i kind of answer this,question so you can think of this video,as like the,the,exploration and the research for,that podcast episode uh and it looks,like i already have jetpack installed,that makes sense on this website because,um,when i first,installed this website i wanted to use,all native,kind of wordpress automatic stuff,it was dedicated to the word camps and,so i wanted to do that i do not believe,the plugin is i mean i shouldn't say i,don't believe it's definitely not,enabled so we'll go to plugins now that,it's updated and we'll enable it,all right so first thing we have here is,i need to set up jetpack,it tells me about always on security,built-in uh performance,and i can say not now now if i what,happens if i say,not now,all right it doesn't,well i guess i have to set it up right,this was,this,is the thing that bothers me i think the,most about jetpack right is,i have to quote unquote set it up which,requires me,to connect my wordpress.com account,to it and i don't i don't,like,that part,uh you know there's a lot of talk about,the wordpress way for example,um,and like the right way to do things,well maybe i can't do this,um,and,i feel like jetpack,kind of bucks that trend,okay so i'm logged in i need to click,approve,to get jetpack,authorized with my website,so it's going to go through that and now,it's going to hit me with the upsell,which,is this different no it's not okay i,thought that this price changed,uh so it's gonna hit me with the upsell,backups,395 a month,security,or complete,or i can just go with kind of one-off,products video press,jetpack crm is free jetpack is free,and so the thing that jetpack will do,for me is brute force attack site stats,and content delivery network,um a cdn,also jetpack crm is free this is a weird,one to me there's a lot of value in a,crm,so,not that i want a crm attached,to my wordpress site,i'm going to work on a separate piece,for this but,wordpress is wordpress and there are,some tools that just don't belong in,wordpress so if you're interested in,that sort of thing comment below let me,know what things,don't belong in wordpress that you see,wordpress plugins for,okay i'm just gonna go with free,this is another thing that frustrates me,about jetpack is they immediately hit,you with the upsell,thing right,so what type of site,is wp review i guess it's probably a,business site i make money off of it,um but it's like i'm gonna say other,it's a podcast site it's a content site,enable downtime monitoring i'm going to,do that,enable related posts sure why not,install creative mail the jetpack,newsletter form,combined with creative mail by com i'm,not going to do that,all right so i got downtime monitoring,related posts site acceleration social,media sharing,um and then,another wild upsell,um,i'm gonna i am i won't okay i'm not,gonna keep mentioning this but i'm just,gonna say like,it feels like,plugins not by automatic get dinged for,stuff like this maybe this is why,jetpack bothers me because there's this,hypocrisy that,automatic can do things,that jep that other plugins can't but,again that's neither here nor there,that's not the point of this video,i've got downtime monitoring related,post site acceleration installed social,media sharing this is another thing,uh that,i,want so when i click on that it takes me,out to,wordpress.com,where i need to i guess connect my,accounts,um i,maybe this makes sense,maybe it's convenient for people who are,using lots of stuff,i again i don't really like that,so at a glance i've got stats,i don't have any yet because i just,enabled this,uh comprehensive security,giant upsell giant upsell giant upsell,spam comments blocked that's good,upgrade for search install boost,install crm,so that's all at a glance my plan,is free constant reminder that i'm not,paying for jetpack,direct link to the plans that takes me,away from my website,and then my jetpack i assume,okay so this is,again,constant reminder of what i'm not paying,for here,my plan i don't have a plan i've got,anti-spam i can manage i'm gonna i guess,i'll add boost right improve your site,performance,add jetpack boost,it's gonna calculate a score for me,i wonder if this is just gonna calculate,the score based on what i do and do not,have,enabled,i also i guess i should check to see if,this conflicts with anything i already,have installed so what do i have,installed,akismet which is just working seamlessly,with jetpack,uh jetpack boost ninja forms podcast,players i don't have any performance,plugins installed already so let's do,this,let's do that,generating critical css i am using,a default theme so i assume,this is gonna work pretty well i'm gonna,test this though this is one thing i,will test,uh to see how,if it actually works that well,that's,a very curious and interesting thing to,me,okay so the,critical css has been generated five,files generated,i have a new score loading but you know,what i'm just going to go off and test,this right now i'm going to the front of,the site i'm going to do a couple of,things here if you've never seen this,done it's a lot of fun,i think i have a video on the channel,that i'll link in the cards to show you,exactly how to do this with google,chrome,so i've opened up the inspector i'll go,to network network is what i want here,and then i should be able to yes,throttle i'm going to throttle on slow,3g,and then i'm going to,do a hard refresh so that um,there's no cache,and when i do that,it's reloading,a bunch of stuff has loaded quickly,hey look at that the site mostly loads,pretty well we've got some default fonts,here the images are loading slowly and,then the fonts load that that is,really impressive i am very impressed by,that,it loaded really quickly,after generating critical css,from jetpack so,score like a really big one for uh for,jetpack here now i will say,my desktop score went up,and my mobile score,went down,i'm wondering why that happened but this,is kind of like,these scores are seem capricious,sometimes,right if i really wanted to do this i,would go to like gt metrics,or or,web.dev which is google's page speed,insight stuff,but score one for performance here,generating critical css which is usually,a pain in the neck,uh,wasn't here and seems to work really,well at least on the default themes,so i've got,that so that's boost right now i'm gonna,go to extras this is like where all the,fun stuff exists i suspect,um,or not this is just kind of more upsell,stuff,okay so,now,instead um let me i'm gonna go to a page,and i'm gonna see what jetpack has added,to the added to the block editor,um so if i do this and i look at the,panel here,i assume yeah so we've got any of the,green,will be from jetpack so we've got image,compare that's super cool,uh so we've got a couple of good oh,story is is like the social media story,thing you would see,um so any of the green icons star rating,repeat visitor,this this block will only appear to,people who have visited this page more,than three times that's cool so,maybe if they come a third time you,offer them a discount or,show them some additional piece of,content that's pretty neat,then we've got uh,facebook embed post instagram embed post,dscript,so some extra embed things,that have come along with,jetpack podcast player,that's a particularly nice one for this,site specifically because it's a podcast,site and then related posts,scrolling down uh earn so payment button,can i just add that i'm not paying for,jetpack,add text,i gotta upgrade your plan to get the,payment block okay,i'm not i'm less mad about that i guess,i don't know why,um,i don't really know why i'm less mad,about that but,where okay what happened here oh there,we go okay,so scroll down i i suspect that all of,the payment ones like earn,sell products,calendly can i embed a calendly,i don't actually know what's happening,here the block editor is being weird,what if i just type jetpack we'll just,show that great okay so it shows all the,jetpack blocks this is better,um okay so calendly,what is happening,people wonder why,okay so when i hover over calendly the,it just disappears,the panel just disappears,business hours calendly quick okay so i,can just drop a calendar link in,olympiad um contact info,eventbrite checkout gif,image compare,markdown,this is a strange one because the block,editor,by default supports markdown so this is,probably just like a legacy one,review whatsapp slideshow okay so,there's some additional blocks they look,fine,um the the payment ones obviously you,need to pay a pay account for that's,makes sense,uh and then i believe the sharing here,is jetpack sharing yeah so,um,i can,enable sharing services here so that's,cool,i prefer to use the script lists buttons,um,but you know i think they probably,disable css and javascript,um don't do that,we've made some changes to publicize so,publicize is when,your posts will automatically get shared,out to social media,so if i want to do that i'll have to log,in,connect my account to wordpress.com,this is ultimately,um,this is the thing that bothers me most,so,i think i've i think i've seen enough,at this point,um the thing that bothers me the most,about jetpack,is,too much of it is tied to wordpress.com,so,i get i mean there's a lot of upsells i,get it,the wordpress space is kind of cheap,but they they removed functionality and,inextricably tied it to wordpress.com,and in fact i couldn't i couldn't set up,jetpack,without tying it to wordpress.com and i,just don't like that that's not,that's not how free plugins,should work,and if you want jetpack,to be free,i should be able to use it without,connecting my wordpress.com account,and if you want it to be paid that's,fine like everybody needs to make money,i'm not anti-making money,i,i am,anti-requiring,what feels like data mining stuff,automatic will say they need me to,connect,for the stats portion of it,which,i think is baloney,uh so let's i mean pros and cons gotta,connect to wordpress.com that's not a,con for most people i'm gonna say,and with me it's more of a principled,argument i guess,um,there's a lot of upsells,like an annoying amount of upsells and i,think the thing about that is it's a,little hypocritical,you know um,we're seeing a lot of fluff in the,or a lot of cruft we'll say in in the,admin from unnecessary admin,notifications,and it kind of feels like jetpack is,leading the charge on that,um so there's a lot of upsells,and those are the really the two big,things i think,that are bad good,the share but like the built-in share,buttons it comes with a lot of stuff,that i think websites should have,backups uh statistics,spam control i haven't found something,better than akismet i've tried a bunch,and they all fall down on the job,uh unless you get the premium versions,of them right i was using like zero spam,or whatever,and it would constantly try to scare me,into upgrading like that's just i don't,i don't appreciate that,so akismet i think is still the best,spam plugin for wordpress,and that integrates nicely with jetpack,the critical css is a big one like the,performance stuff,alone,might be worth,you know biting the bullet and just,connecting my wordpress.com account the,publicized stuff i like that,i think it's the simplest implementation,which is cool like i like you know i use,social web suite i've used these other,ones that just kind of like,there's a lot that they let you do i,just want,something i just want wordpress to tweet,when i publish a new,post so it's cool that jetpack includes,those things,and then there are a lot of additional,and important services that are worth,paying for if especially if your hosting,company doesn't,include some of those things backups and,security are very important they're a,must have,so it's cool that jetpack includes that,pros and cons am i am i wrong for my,feelings towards jetpack,i think a little bit i think i'm,probably,biased against automatic,um,and i feel like they're a little,hypocritical,hypocritical,i feel they're a little hypocritical,and i think that let that i let that,color my opinion of jetpack,so,i set out to answer the question,is my disdain for jetpack,unfounded is it wrong,am i doing a disservice by not checking,it out,i think the answer is yes,which bums me out,so,i'll do a little bit more testing maybe,i'll install it on casabona.org that's,my main site,i'm not quite ready to put it on,other sites yet but casabota.org is my,personal site it's a sandbox anyway,uh and maybe i'll report back maybe i'll,check out jetpack crm,if you want me to check out jetpack crm,leave a comment below,let me know say yeah that sounds,interesting,maybe it's better than hubspot it's,probably not but maybe it is check it,out,all right but that's it for this video,thanks so much for watching if you want,to get behind the scenes stuff,me trying out jetpack crm or anything,else i usually do that for my members,first,so you can sign up over at,joincreatorcrew.com,for 50 bucks a year that's less than,five bucks a month come on,uh or,just subscribe to this channel,let me know the more people subscribe,the more like monetization things get,unlocked for me,uh so i would love you know if i could,unlock like the merch stuff or even the,member stuff here right if you're like i,don't feel like joining another platform,for membership,once uh,once i can unlock the membership stuff,on youtube,those live streams will just be,available to to members of the channel,as well so,maybe that's incentive to subscribe and,keep watching my videos because it's,like the number of subscribers,who watch your videos has to be meet a,certain threshold,anyway subscribe is what i'm saying,that's free,all right but thanks so much for,watching this video i really appreciate,it again let me know down below,what is something that is a wordpress,plugin that should never be in wordpress,and should i try out jetpack crm let me,know but that's it for this video thanks,so much for watching and until next time,get out there and build something,you
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