what's going on guys welcome back to the,channel my name is rob and in today's,video i'm gonna show you how you can,integrate your clavio account with your,shopify web store now this is very,important that you set it up correctly,if you do it wrong you could be missing,out on tons of metrics and behaviors,that your customers are taking on your,store so in today's video i'm going to,walk you through step by step how to not,only integrate it but also set up some,tracking so you can have the clearest,picture of what your customers are doing,and you can retarget them through email,and sms so with that being said make,sure you give this like this video a,like subscribe and leave a comment let,me know what else what other kind of,videos you want to see down below and,then i'll see you in the computer so i'm,going to show you exactly how to,integrate your clavio account with your,shopify web store and make sure that,it's set up correctly so you're able to,pull all the pull all the data from,shopify into your clavio so you can make,the most out of your experience with,clayview by doing this you can pull data,like,abandoned checkout you can have a,welcome series flow you can target,engage customers you can even target,unengaged customers get them off your,list so i'm going to show you exactly,how to do that so what you want to do is,sign up for your clavio account once you,do that you'll be brought to a page that,looks similar to this,right now i'm currently just using a,demo account,but from there you'll want to go on the,left hand column and select integration,once you select your integrations you,will,be able to search you want to search for,shopify,and then you'll select shopify,and then what you want to do is you want,to put in your shopify store url you,want to make sure that it's in,mystore.myshopify.com,so let me just go ahead and grab that,from my demo store,okay,paste that in there,boom and then you're what you're going,to do from there is you're going to have,um this selected automatically add,clavio on-site javascript this is going,to set up some web trafficking on your,page but after this once we get this,integration set up we're going to subs a,little bit more in-depth web tracking so,you can really pull um dynamic uh,tracking,so from there you can go ahead and,select these if you,like um you'll want to select a list,usually it'll just be your master list,for sms you can probably put them in,your sms subscribers list,and then from there you'll want to,select connect to your shopify store and,then you'll just want to confirm confirm,it so you'll select integrate,let it load okay perfect so now we're,fully set up,what you want to do from there once,you're integrated on there you want to,go back to set up web trafficking from,there once you get to this page this is,where we're going to set up the dynamic,tracking to make sure that someone,browses or leaves or views a product,or,places in order things like that that we,have that covered so,you'll want to copy this whole entire,piece of code,copy it and then what you want to do is,you'll head over to your shopify store,when you're in your shopify store you're,going to want to click on your online,store select themes,and then over here select actions and,then edit code so once it's loaded up,you'll want to search for product dot,liquid and then under templates you'll,just select this,and then between your sections your,sections or your piece of code on the,site maybe look a little bit different i,just built a quick,demonstration store so there's not much,to it but between this you want to paste,that piece of code,and then you want to select save,once that's all saved you want to head,back over here,and then put in your,shopify url just to test that everything,is working,you'll go ahead and select this so it,can track the data,come back over here and then once you,get this green button says data received,continue that means you have set it up,all correctly so you are good to go so,once you get everything set up now what,you'll be able to do is create flows,create campaigns the first flow that,you're ever going to create is going to,be your welcome series flow this is the,flow that typically has generated our,clients the most amount of revenue so go,ahead and set this welcome series flow i,do have a video explaining how to create,a high converting welcome series flow so,you'll want to go ahead and do that,what you'll also want to do is set up,your core 4 so that'll be your welcome,series your abandoned cart your,abandoned checkouts,and your browse abandonment so go ahead,set those up,for now i'll just show you a quick,demonstration of the welcome series flow,so here's just a quick demo of a basic,welcome series flow um what you want to,have is you want to have them subscribe,to your main newsletter,and then i like to put a quick flow,filter on and this is when someone has,placed an order zero time since starting,this flow what this does is once they do,place an order they'll be automatically,kicked out of the flow so they won't end,up getting your,continued emails throughout the flow so,basically once they make that purchase,they'll leave that flow and just go back,into,the regular list,um so typically within these welcome,series flow i like to have around four,four emails you can play around with,this every brand is different so have,fun experiment with it,just for the first email i like to have,some sort of brand introduction our,story,and then sometimes what you can see here,is i add an sms to it so a text message,to it um that just gives it another,channel that you are communicating with,your customers with so you can go ahead,and play around with that if they have,opted in to setting up sms,and then for the second email i like to,have a features but some social proof so,i'll show some testimonials or reviews,that our clients have gone from their,customers,and then the next one isn't typically an,educational so showing them you know how,to use the product how the products made,just make them really comfortable with,your brand and your story and then the,final one is the offer that you probably,initially had in your first email and,then you add some sort of urgency to it,so what i see typically within this,welcome search flow is either,some sort of discount like a 10 off,discount code on that something that,incentivizes um new visitors who opt,into your email list so that is a brief,description on how to set up your,welcome series flow i can get into the,abandoned car and i can make a couple,videos on that as well but next we'll,just go how to how to create your first,campaign click on campaigns on the left,hand column and then you'll select,create a campaign you can either do an,email or an sms for now we're just going,to do email okay once this is loaded up,you can create the name of it we'll just,leave it as it is and you want to send,from there you'll you'll choose,who you want this to be sent to so,typically if you're just starting now,you want to create um from you want to,drag it from your list so you can test,engagement but it's very important that,once you do get some data going that you,you're only sending to engage,subscribers that helps your email,deliverability if you have a lot of,people unsubscribing or not opening it,that will bring down your email,deliverability and you do not want to,end up in spam or the promotions tab,it's very hard to get out of so just,make sure you know you're selecting your,main list for now and then once you get,some more data you can go ahead and be,very,high segmented that's what i recommend,so you'll just select the list i don't,have any in the list right now but we'll,just click new subscribers,and then you'll go ahead and continue to,content and then from here you can,select um you can create your subject,line preview text so this is text that,they will see before they even open your,email so you'll have the subject line,and then right underneath it'll be like,kind of lighter color um some preview,text,and then you can select if you want just,to be text only you can use drag and,drop the drag and drop feature is very,nice within clavio or you can use um,special html code to create your emails,but for now i'll just show you a quick,drag and drop so what's really cool,about clavio is they give you a ton of,templates to go off of typically,what i like to use one of their basic,templates which which is just a image,typically what i like to use is just an,image with some text at the top and i,like to build off of that from there you,can drag text in you can drag,another image in,just play around with it be creative,it's all about having fun and really,telling your story with your customers,so with that being said that's how you,set up your clavio account and integrate,it with your shopify store it's very,important that you have your web traffic,your web tracking set up,as well as you get everything integrated,correctly it's pretty straightforward,process but if you have any questions,just leave them down in the comments,below,also if you want to see any other videos,on clearview maybe some more flows how,to design the emails go ahead and leave,that comment as well and make sure you,like and subscribe and i will see you,guys in the next video
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