what's up everybody mark with EECOM,warriors it feels a little different to,say that because I have a lot of YouTube,channels now but with EECOM warriors,guys what we're doing is we're just,helping people become better at,ecommerce alright so what we're gonna be,talking about today is what are my,favorite what are my favorite shop fight,themes one of the best Shopify themes,out there something I want to say before,we start this video is I've probably,tried at least over 200 themes I've,tried everything in the book,in fact I've had so many days and months,where I was making no money at all in my,lifetime,where I was just experimenting with,everything you know just being a student,of the game and learning this was way,back in the day but through that period,of time I kind of learned what works and,what doesn't,unfortunately at the time I couldn't,afford a course or something like that,would that would just boost me up at the,time and and you know bring me to the,next level because I was such a beginner,and I had no money to my name but what I,did was I just spent the time with free,trials testing different themes you know,whether it be $100 teen $200 theme I,remember one day specifically I was,working at a restaurant I made $27 that,day and those all those $27 I blew it on,one theme right and so I would test,different things and whenever I had a,little bit money or just test test test,and eventually you know thank God it,worked out well and you know moved on,since then but what I wanted today talk,about is the two themes that I used most,specifically actually you only use one,as much now for myself and my clients,but in some cases we'll use the other,themes so I'm gonna talk about my two,favorite themes these are paid themes,just so that everybody knows but the,reason why I use paid themes is because,you know if you haven't seen my video,before paid themes are optimal for,anybody who's gonna go into Shopify who,is typically not a celebrity now I could,go and talk about this right now I'm not,gonna talk about this right now just,check out my other YouTube video in fact,I'll just leave it in the cards on the,top right corner of the video you'll see,like a little card notification you can,click on that and watch the other video,about wide premium themes are kind of,needed if you're going to jump into,Shopify but let's talk,so my two favorite themes are well I,have technically three but my two are,number one is the wolf of Shopify theme,so this is the wolf of Shopify dot-com,they've been around for a very long time,I've talked about them maybe it two,years ago on my older youtube channel,but they look nothing like they look now,wolf of Shopify is kind of how I started,doing very well on Shopify and prior to,well for Shopify was using turbo now for,those who don't know at the time like,maybe three years ago turbo was the Don,Dada was the the the best theme at the,time in my opinion and there's really,and it was the most expensive it was,unheard of for a shop light theme to be,three hundred and fifty dollars but I,actually put in a connection my head I,saw all these big companies using the,turbo theme and I was like hey like,there's something to this and it worked,it worked very very well it was fast it,was beautiful I'm in fact four clients,today we still have turbo theme used,three hundred and fifty dollar theme and,you guys know that I like to test and if,you've watched my other YouTube videos,you know that we've literally create 14,excuse me 10 to 15 passive income,businesses online using the Shopify and,what we learned was is that there are,other themes that can do well too but,turbo and this other theme the wolfish,Shopify theme the original one is what,does the best okay specifically the wolf,of Shopify theme has certain additives,or bonuses to it that make almost the,turbo theme look a little bland now I've,talked about the turbo theme before in,fact if you go on YouTube and you search,like turbo theme walkthrough or whatever,my video is the first video by primary,so you should typically check it out I,think I made that video two years ago,now and I showed people like I spent two,hours just sitting there showing people,how to create a website using turbo,theme now turbo theme like I said makes,makes the the this the wolf of Shopify,theme the wolf of shop fire theme excuse,me makes turbo theme look a little bit,of bland and turbo theme makes all the,other themes look a little bland,also okay so let's go ahead and take a,look into it so this is I'm gonna pull,up the demo for turbo theme here and I'm,gonna pull and by the way guys if you,want to check them out I'll leave the,links down below into the descriptions,you know in the description of the video,just check out the links and you'll be,able to access you know these themes and,learn and educate yourself more okay so,I'm gonna put this to the side here this,is the wolf of Shopify theme right here,this is their demo so if you want to,view their demo on your computer guys,you go here to get started,and you hit C theme in action and,they're selling their theme for a,hundred dollars turbo theme is selling,their theme for three hundred and fifty,dollars so it's quite a discrepancy,there so let's go ahead and take a look,here so this is the wolf of Shopify demo,theme they built a little website with,this theme and this is the turbo theme,so let's go ahead and get rid of this,here so that will actually let's let's,just take a look so this is the,newsletter pop-up this is the newsletter,pop up for the the wolf of shop fight,theme and you could see they're both,look relatively professional I do like,this little additive here with little,social media sharing icons I think,that's really cool a little button for,don't show again is crucially important,because what happens is eventually if,people come onto your website and they,keep saying this pop-up they're not,gonna be happy but you do want to annoy,them a little to be honest you do want,to annoy them but you don't want to,annoy them too much and this is why they,don't show again there is crucially,important I'm gonna go ahead and click,on that and I'm gonna hit X here and I'm,just gonna hit X here also I'm gonna get,rid of that so right away and this is,what I talked about there is a hero,banner now by the way guys I do have,ownership over both of these themes I,did buy both these names a long time ago,still have them still use them until,today and I will make videos of me,building a website with each of these,themes believe it or not alright so,let's go ahead and get started so we,have this almost like a header I think,they did bad with this hero banner I,think that the hero banner is always,used for some kind of promotion,especially if you know the girls faces a,little cut off here I think they could,have done a little bit better but,nonetheless the banner is a good banner,turbo did a phenom,job with the Euro banner here you have,the buttons you can also do buttons here,on this turbo theme so it's not like,anything new and you can select where,you want them on the left or right side,and things like that with this specific,theme goal for Shopify theme it's also a,clickable banner so if you click on the,banner it will take you to a page which,is also very very good let's head back,to the home page let's see if this is a,clickable banner this is not a clickable,banner see so I'm trying to click here,and it's not a clickable banner but does,have clickable buttons now that's uh not,that bad because uh you know will,Shopify has the same same thing let's go,ahead and just take it from the top here,we have our header and we also have a,header here with turbo now I do like,that turbo decided to go with the,transparent header but you could do the,same thing with all the other themes out,there if you want to be transparent what,I don't recommend for most people is,don't create a transparent header guys,if you want to succeed or do better with,Shopify because what happens is you're,attracting people to your website from,all parts of the world and you don't,know what kind of vision elements that,these individuals may or may not have,some people are color blind,some people are they just have trouble,seeing at far distances or close up in,fact you know a ton of people in the,world today use glasses so what you want,to do is you want your links at the top,of the menu to be abundantly clear now,here they've done a good job making them,clear but for a majority of people,there's going to be a photo that might,you know mess up the header menu a,little bit you can't really see it,that's something that you don't want you,definitely want your header menu to be,100% visible and that's why I like,putting the solid color in the,background okay they both have mega,menus so what mega menus really is is,where you can create this almost,expansion to a menu make it a little bit,bigger pop-up with images on the menu,that's what's referred to as a mega menu,they both have that I believe let's see,here yep they both have that and there's,different ways that you can set it up,what I found is that wolfish op v is a,little bit easier to set up for the,average beginner but that's just me,and of course you have a currency,converter so I know that turbo theme,also has a currency converter here it is,okay but it may place it in the top bar,they here they place it in the header,menu my opinion guys for the top bar is,what you're going to want to do is you,want to make an announcement in the top,bar so I'm gonna drop these little tips,here and there maybe you should write,them down if you're if you're a beginner,and you want to take notes the top bar,is always the very first bar that you,see on your website now not all websites,have top bars they're not all built,equally in this case what's it called,the the wolfish Opera theme does use the,top bar but they they use it for cookies,and things like that what I recommend,for people to do here is if you for,example sell alcohol or cigarettes or,something like that online that you have,to you know essentially warn people that,this is for eighteen and older,use the top bar for it it's really used,for announcements so if you have like a,mega sale coming through or something,like that that's what the top bar is,mainly for now if you take a look here,if you look the top bar is placed a,little bit differently between the turbo,theme and the leave of Shopify theme,right so here the top bar is the first,thing that you see well it's not it's,not the first thing that you see but it,is the first thing on the website for me,the first thing that I see on this,website is this huge hero banner this is,why I tell people if you're gonna use a,hero banner what you want to do with the,hero banner is you want to put some kind,of promotion some kind of discount that,people can see right away right if it's,a flagship product if it's a product,that's going to sell a lot and you know,that it's gonna sell a lot put it in the,hero banner it's the first thing that,people want to see okay and that that's,just based on my expertise when it comes,to building these different Shopify,stores that's something that you need,right so let's go ahead and get rid of,this top bar here here the top bar is,unmovable so you can't actually get rid,of it but what it does here what I like,about this top bar it is it has rotating,messages okay and this is actually a,benefit to conversions because if,somebody's mildly interested they can,see the different messages that you want,to provide so here free shipping on,all orders right the next one is free,domestic shipping on all orders here is,midseason sales 70% off these are,messages that people are gonna want to,see when they come to your website and,if you have multiple messages that you,want to send to people then go ahead and,do that so for example one of the,messages might say free shipping,worldwide right another message might,say clearance sale on select items or,whatever that thing might be and if you,could actually click on it which is even,better it will take you to the page now,in this case the wolfish shop five,people they haven't really configured,their themes for it to click to a,certain page but the fact that it's a,clickable top bar menu is that's,amazingly beneficial you'll see that it,does improve conversions because what,happens is if I'm an interested customer,and like I said I said interested I'm,not you know overly interested just,interested and I see a little thing,right here that says um where is it 70%,off right Mitsu what I want to do as a,customers I want to be able to click on,this to take me to those select items,whatever they might be right that's why,top bars are crucially important I don't,believe that turbo has that available,but like I said I you know there's,something I could be missing right but I,don't think turbo has that available,with a clickable top bar menu all right,so or it has to a clickable top bar,content okay let's go ahead and scroll,down now now what they choose to do is,they choose to create a slider a product,slider so product sliders are definitely,beneficial and the way they work is that,you select ideally a collection of your,products let's say you're a cosmetics,company for example and one of your,cosmetics is lipstick let's say right,you have a collection of different,lipsticks what you would do is you would,put them in your in your your collection,put them in a certain collection on,Shopify and then place that collection,right under the banner now I've told,people about this before my other,channel I've discussed this but this is,obviously going to be the main place,where I talk about Shopify talk about,e-commerce and the idea of doing a,slider collection is very very bad,official if you're going to do a hero,banner what I personally found when it,came down to conversions guys is that,and and this is things that I'll talk,about more often in the future is that,if you're going to use a hero banner,they work very well with product sliders,under them we've done testing on this,however if you're not gonna do a hero,banner you might as well not use a,product slider but a product grid okay,right away when people see it in fact,something that we used to test with my,old brand that I actually got acquired a,while ago it was a clothing company is,that what we would do is we realized,that the hero banner and the slider,didn't work out too well for us but our,conversions drastically increased about,three percent when we drove people,straight to the product page that had,the full collection so if I could just,select here collections page maybe like,a page just like this with just products,and products and products obviously I'd,fill this up a little more I feel like,this is not enough products but when we,drove people to a page like this as the,front screen or as the home homepage it,drastically increased conversions and,the idea behind that or the explanation,is that it's a faster way to get,conversions because you're making the,sales process faster and what do I mean,by that for the people who don't know,what I'm talking about is the more,options that you create on your website,and the more clickable buttons the more,your customer will get distracted,believe it or not and we have normal,distractions in day to day life that,distract us is people right and so you,know maybe you're looking and you're,about to purchase a product on a certain,website maybe nike.com you know your mom,calls you down for dinner you get,distracted you shut your phone off next,thing you know you haven't bought the,product for a month okay that's the case,so what the whole point is as a business,owners you want to limit the total,amount of distractions on your website,as possible if there's no benefit to it,right to having a certain part of your,website we can get rid of it turbo theme,however I feel increases the amount of,distractions case in point and I'll go,ahead and show you when I add a product,to my cart let's go ahead and just click,here,on a product let's say this is the,product and I add it to the cart what,happens is I'm going to have to go to my,cart right I'm gonna have to go to my,cart to then checkout right to then hit,the checkout button the problem with,this is is you're adding that extra step,which is not good what you want to do is,you want to have this situation which,this is why I like the turbo the wolfish,outfight bean is that if I was to add a,product to my cart right if I was to add,a product to my cart my cart is already,full right here on the right and this is,my car I could just click checkout right,away,available to me right that's what I,would do personally and what this is is,this is what I refer to you know it,takes you see as you can see takes you,right to the checkout what this is is,this is called a one step checkup one,step checkouts do increase your,conversion rates on your website in fact,people that have one-step checkouts will,see that there's less abandoned carts,than then a two-step checkout which is a,turbo team so turbo theme is a true,two-step checkout system wolfish shop,fight is a one-step checkout system,which is huge for me personally because,what I realized was and this wasn't in,the beginning of my Shopify journey is,after I finally figured out how to drive,traffic,the next issue was well people are,adding stuff to their car but they're,not checking out right a good way to fix,that is do a one check out one check out,system one check out Shopify store and,we'll talk about that in the future ok,but what we're going to do is we're,gonna stop the video here and we're,gonna do a part two of this analysis ok,so let's go ahead and move into part two
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