what is my shopify pin

Setup Pinterest Rich Pins for your Shopify Store so in this video we are going to be,setting up prod

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 14,2023

Setup Pinterest Rich Pins for your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to what is my shopify pin

Let's move on to the first section of what is my shopify pin

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Setup Pinterest Rich Pins for your Shopify Store

so in this video we are going to be,setting up product rich pins for,Pinterest for your Shopify store so this,lets you have additional information,about your products that's displayed on,Pinterest and it's a really cool,technique to use so stay tuned and I'm,going to show you exactly how to set,this up for your store,so this is actually our third video in,this series of four videos all about,Pinterest and Shopify and how well they,work together so in this video we are,going to be showing you how to set up,the Pinterest rich pins for your Shopify,store and how to validate that,everything's working correctly now if,you haven't seen our other videos yet on,how to do other things on Pinterest like,claiming your website or adding in the,conversion tag then you definitely need,to check those out and I will link them,in the info cards above in the,description below so in the last video,of this Pinterest series we are going to,be interviewing a just killer Pinterest,expert Kara chase and picking her brain,about how to set up a pincher strategy,for your Shopify store you do not want,to miss this so hit that subscribe,button to be the first we notified when,we put that new video out so let's go,back into what this video is about today,which is product rich pins so product,rich pins are really cool to use for,Pinterest and connect with your Shopify,store because it lets Pinterest actually,have additional information about your,product so you can tell Pinterest the,latest price of your products the,availability like if it's in stock and,also additional product information so,it's a really great way to have all of,this sent to Pinterest so anytime that,either you pan a product on your site or,a customer does all of this is being,added in correctly and there's the most,information in that pin as possible so,it's a great way to just make sure that,your products are being displayed,correctly on Pinterest and that all the,information is correct so I'm going to,show you exactly how to set this up for,your Shopify store products but it's,really simple we're just going to be,adding a little bit of code to your,Shopify theme to actually pull in all,this information automatically and then,we're going to go to Pinterest site and,just validate that it is set up,correctly and then once you have that,information that is set up correctly,then you can then apply it to be part of,their rich pin program and be able to,include this for your pins so we're,going to go ahead and hop into my,computer screen now and I'm going to,show you how to get this set up okay so,I am back in my Shopify store back-end,and now we are going to add in the code,for the rich pin data to be pulled,automatically from our Shopify store,anytime someone pins one of our pins so,I am here under online store and then,themes and this is our active theme here,and I'm just gonna go to actions and,edit code and my theme dot liquid file,pulls up automatically but if yours does,not you'll just look under the layout,area and click on theme dot liquid to,find that file so now you're going to be,looking for the head tag so you can see,here a beginning opening head tag and if,we scroll down you can see here the,other head tag so you're gonna want to,add it in between these two areas now,you can see here we already have our,Pinterest code to claim our website from,the first video here to set up the,conversion tag from the second video,here so we can just add it to all of,this information already so I'm going to,just add hit enter a few times and we,can paste our code in here now let's go,to the Pinterest developers area and we,can copy the code for our site so I will,put a link to this in the description,below but here you have your information,about Pinterest product pins and you can,see we are going to be using the Open,Graph method and the rich pin data that,we are going to copy is just right here,so we're gonna copy everything between,these two head tags and we're gonna head,back to our Shopify store and paste it,in now this is just an example that,Pinterest gives you of how you can mock,it up however we need to add in some,code to actually test to see if it is a,product page because we only want this,showing up on the product page we don't,want this to be pulling in for a home,page because that won't be correct and,we want to make sure that this is going,to be dynamically pulled in information,about each individual product on our,site we don't want to have it just a,default text for every single one and we,want to make it individual for each,product so I'm going to go ahead and,change this out here to work with what,we need it to do however I'm going to,speed through this process and actually,have this code that you can copy exactly,how it is to work and pull in,dynamically for your Shopify store and,I'll have a link to this in the,description below of where you can copy,this code that I've edited to work with,Shopify stores so make sure to check,that out and replace this on your site,okay so now we have this set up and I'm,just gonna hit save and again I will,have a link for you to download this,below in the description so now we just,need to actually go in and validate this,with Pinterest so I'm going to click,over here I already have this tab pulled,up for Pinterest developers of our rich,pin validator and I will also put a link,to this in the description below so,we're gonna head back to our Shopify,store and I'm going to click on this eye,next to online store to see our store,and we're going to navigate to a product,page okay and I'm just gonna click on,this collection and I'm just going to,choose a product because we need to,actually verify that this is going to be,pulling in correctly because we've only,added this data to pull in on a product,page so we're just gonna copy this URL,and then we're gonna head over to our,Pinterest rich pins validator and I'm,going to paste in this URL and hit,validate okay,and you can see here it says that we,have it's been verified that the,information is correct on our site and,our rich pins have been approved on,Pinterest you can also see that it's,pulling in our URL here our site name,favicon you can see all of what it's,pulled in and again more information,about our product rich pin so it pulled,in the Hedgehog poster which again is,what this is and the price for it the,availability and the currency so we've,got all that set up and now we are good,to go and so you don't have to do this,creation process for every product on,your site now that we have gotten it,approved for one page or one product on,our site and they've tested to make sure,all the informations there now the rest,of your site will have this information,so you don't have to do this process of,validating each individual product URL,you just have to do one to show,Pinterest that you have the correct,information on your site and then your,gonna be approved and that's all you,have to do so make sure to click the,link in the description area below to,download the full code that I have,edited to pull in dynamically your,information from Shopify so it works for,all of your products so I hope you found,this video tutorial helpful and make,sure to comment below if you have any,questions about how to get this set up,on your Shopify store or if you ran into,any issues again our last video of this,series is all about a Pinterest strategy,for your Shopify products and I'm so,excited to be bringing on Pinterest,expert Kara chase so you don't want to,miss that video make sure to click,subscribe below to be the first we,notified when we put out that video and,others all about Shopify and how to grow,your online store thank you so much for,watching and I hope to see you next time

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