hey guys nick vasil here and in this,video we are going to go over how to,make money,online with shopify print on demand even,if you're a complete beginner and more,importantly how you can make 100 to 700,per day or that after the intro,hey guys mike fasil here welcome to this,video before we actually remind you that,several spots open up for this week's,free workshop,which is literally the fastest and,easiest way to make money online sign up,for it in the link below okay guys so,let's talk about how to make money with,print on demand in shopify let me just,break down the rules guys,so in the beginning before we actually,begin all print on demand and shopify,is is you create a shopify store it,literally takes like five seconds to go,ahead and open up,and what happens is you could literally,upload designs,on shopify you could connect it with a,service like printful which is,essentially,print on demand drop shipping you never,have to actually buy the products,yourself until you actually go ahead and,make a sale,don't worry if you don't know how to,make a sale if you don't know how to get,customers we'll show you exactly how in,this full tutorial,but it's actually pretty simple right,you create this e-commerce store you,link it with printful and then you can,see exactly how the profit works,like to make a hundred dollars a day all,you need to do is sell something for i,don't know like,24 bucks you sell less maybe like seven,a day,that's already a hundred and eleven,dollars profit if you sell 20 a day,which the methods that i'm going to show,you you can make 300 a day,profit if you sell 30 nine a day a,really interesting number that's 623,profit per day now that you understand,how this exactly works like i said,you put you link printful with shopify,the moment someone makes a sale you take,the 20 bucks,you literally go and it automatically,orders it,from printful they charge you eight,dollars remember you already got,24 or 20 from the sale you could put it,on a travel awards credit card meaning,you get free credit card points for free,travel like that's how i literally got,millions of,free travel rewards points i lived in,vegas for 30 days for free i lived in,hotels for free i fled business costs,for free,because of this method you guys should,be grateful actually that they're,charging you because you could put it on,a credit card,the moment you understand that now it's,time to understand the business side of,things how are you actually going to,make the sale,number one 99 of all of the entire,print-on-demand businesses are based off,of designs,so the first step is how can you find a,good design that is proven to make sales,the first thing that i like doing is,going to aliexpress and i just like,typing in,animal t-shirt or whatever t-shirt that,you want to sell right,and the moment i'm there i would,literally go and sort things by orders,because what it shows me are all the,popular themes that work,right now in the entire marketplace you,can see,animals are very popular with like i,think this is a wave and a line,this is like a yin-yang style so it's,like with wolves,and this one's also a yin-yang style but,with cats,so just this idea i'm already thinking,wow this is a really good,theme that i could go and create i would,go and screenshot this and keep it in a,separate folder so that you could give,it to a very cheap designer to go ahead,and create a lot of designs,for you like this because this one,design you can maybe create,hundreds of different types of designs,to put on your store,right just think about this if this,works for cats you could probably put,cows on there,beagles on there uh bali dogs on there,bears on there,tigers on there the fact that there's,two different animals that have the same,exact style and it's on the most orders,just shows that this is a good concept,to have so just screenshot a bunch of,those that,already are working i would even do the,exact same thing now that i see cats i'm,gonna type in cat,t-shirt and do the exact same thing what,is actually gonna work,because like i said they're telling me,all the things that work look at this,there's two different stores,that have this as the highest there's,even this that got sold,the highest so these are just all,designs that i think i could at least,model when it comes in time to actually,selling on the store oh but mike i'm not,good at designing i'm not good at art,skills i don't know how to share my,crayons,i'm gonna show you exactly how to do,that even if you don't have any of those,skills at all,that's the first step going to,aliexpress and just seeing what products,are already making sales,the next step that you can also go ahead,and do is just go to redbubble and type,in the exact same keyword,based off of the niche that you want to,center your shopify your ecommerce store,around,so if i scroll down it's very,interesting because you also see the,very similar design katana thing right,here that is also making some sales,but also are shown here on aliexpress,with a bunch of sales,coincidence i think not you could see,why a lot of the successful designs are,the things that are modeled off of,other places as well what i like doing,here also is when you,have a certain design you can model it,on the most popular,things and the most best-selling things,right the thing about starting your own,shopify store compared to you know,putting your designs on print on,redbubble is no one can find you on,shopify unless you know your marketing,and if they do you want to make sure,that you can convert them into a sale,how you know you can convert them on a,sale is by seeing which ones are the,best selling ones,like you could see the most relevant,oh let's go back you can see these are,the best-selling style,things right it's like this cat,spaceship so what if i put like a wolf,in there what if i put a bear in there,what if i put a dog in there,you know there's all these other like,interesting sailor,meow cats so it's like mixing it with,like anime parodies and then,look at this kind of like halloween,kitty shirt thingy,and all these things like i said just,screenshot a bunch of these i'd also do,this with cafe press,type in cat t-shirt or whatever niche,that you want to get into right,like i said all the designs already,created all you got to do is just find,something,that best better serves you and the,thing is that you're selling on shopify,you're not,having to compete against all these,other people that are posting all their,designs,on here so what i would do is scroll,down and if ever you like some,certain type of theme like this number,one ask yourself can i duplicate this,with like another niche,or another type of theme right this is,cats you could do with dogs,horses cows pigs dogs doesn't matter we,did it for elephants and jesus,and whatnot um same thing with here cats,make me happy you not so much,dogs make me happy you not so much women,make me happy you not so much,my mom makes me happy you not so much,all these things,play to a certain theme that you go,ahead and sell on here,another thing that i would do is also do,a lot of research is go on to pinterest,type in all pins and just do the exact,same thing what are people,actively bookmarking to buy later,look at this you see certain things that,are starting to be more consistent with,all the other research that you did,right i saw this multiple times right um,certified cat lover pause,have claws you had me at meow start,screenshotting the things that you think,your audience your customers would,rather,resonate with the moment you have all,those designs all you got to do,is go to upwork and type in graphic,designer scroll down,go to hourly rate less than 10 or below,go over here because this is going to be,the best quality i guarantee it,and you just type in philippines the,reason why is because a lot of them are,english speaking,uh like literally all the philippines,are just designed to serve i guess like,the american race when it comes to,uh building businesses and whatnot it's,very interesting all my cousins,working like call centers for like,amazon and ebay and whatnot,and it's like the entire workforce now,of like the western world is actually in,the philippines,but you can see this person will,literally work for ten dollars an hour,now if you follow the first step of what,i said in screenshotting all these,designs that you enjoyed,you can literally go up to them give,them 10 and see how much designs they,could pump out in that single,hour right like i did the math with this,i remember i was like,like getting charged only two dollars an,image when i started doing,the math which is really good when it,comes to scaling right,like with designs especially if you're,just dependent on a print-on-demand,redbubble or cafe press,you need to put like a bunch of designs,if you want to make a bunch of,considerable money right,here you get more control because you,don't have much competition because it's,your own website right,so of course you also have to take that,into consideration the moment you build,your store,you uploaded the designs on printful and,it's already populated on your,e-commerce store the next step is,marketing,so what i like doing it's the most,beginner friendly approach it's like an,influencer marketing based approach uh,we did this back in the day,i would sell some random products or,affiliate products and i would get,people on instagram,to shout me out for very cheap this is,even easier than that,what i like doing is just typing in the,concept that,you know i was just putting on my like,entire store,up until now and what i like doing is i,want to find a bunch of views with very,little subscribers,the reason why is if those people are,creating content around this topic and,it's getting millions of views,that's a lot of eyeballs that would more,likely want to buy this product,so i wouldn't reach out to this person,nor this person nor this person,too many subscribers and uh compared to,views,what i would do is focus on this one do,little dens,6 000 subscribers near a million views,even this one,half a million views 3 000 subscribers,and this one near a million views only,16 000 subscribers,i'll make a long list of these micro,influencers,that are creating content based off of,the things that they love,and they're already doing it like if i,look in this none of them know exactly,how to make money,with this right they're just talking,about their cat and they're already,gonna make videos about their cats,anyways like if i just pull out this,mia stone person you see that she's,she's not making any money,right look at this there's nothing in,here what i would do is reach out to,them find them on social media on,instagram or whatever,you can see she's like everyone has been,curious about where to get this cat,better post here's the link,this my friends is an affiliate link do,you see this,ref thing that means referral so if,somebody this is all she's making money,on,she's maybe making like 10 or 20 bucks,for all of these views,imagine if you reached out to her and,you're like hey you know i love your cat,care 101 video,you know i run this ecommerce business,where we sell uh,custom designed cat clothing and i want,to give you 20,or 50 profit of all the t-shirts that,you sell,i would even go 50 because it's no cost,to you right like,you literally get them to just make,videos for you and be like hey guys if,you want a t-shirt like this,check it out in the link below and then,there you literally just do that,for your shopify store a higher level,of this that's shown to be done is fan,joy now if you see you see that they,literally do buy creators,like if i scroll down you literally see,like they have all these different ones,like the ones that i noticed was for,example when i saw david dobrik,so they do this on a higher level right,so if i type in david dobrik,a lot of these influencers didn't know,how to originally make money when they,had all these views,they had 18 million subscribers so what,fan joy did is like hey,we'll literally run the business for you,you don't have to do anything,right but you can see that it's kind of,like pretty similar you know it's like,this regular t-shirts,and hoodies these hoodies that you could,essentially sell,from like printful right 17 bucks,this person charged their hoodie for 65,bucks right,you don't have to spend any money in,advertising you're not even the ones,fulfilling the product you know these,people could be very well just drop,shipping from print phones,in shopify and they're just working with,the influencers,to actually go and make this money how,insane is that guys,you could do the exact same thing but,with your specific niche,um with cats or dogs or whatever,remember your goal is to get a bunch of,these influencers to do the hard work of,marketing for you,and get them to recommend your t-shirt,brand website.com,so that you can start building an email,list with the sales from your shopify,store,and then sending them more things the,coolest thing about this,is when someone buys from a david dobrik,you know collection on fan joy they have,it in their email marketing campaign in,shopify,to see that oh wow this person bought,from a david dobrik collection,they'll probably want other things so,then they're just going to email market,them socks or hats or different colors,or underwear,or phone cases and whatnot all of those,things are available,on printful you can see this they have,mugs wall art hoodies sweatshirts hats,t-shirts and they have so much other,more guys but if you want a faster music,and make money online check out the free,workshop below,if you're new to this channel make sure,you check out my podcast where i,interview all these epic people that,live here in bali like this guy that,makes a million dollars per month profit,and this 11 year old girl that turned on,30 million dollars and that being said i,love you guys see you guys later
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