hey guys grant here for dropship,downunder.com today you today i'm going,to be doing a shopify explained video,for beginners full run through let's,dive in,all right before we do get started if,you do like the video please give us a,big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe,if you're not already and hit that bell,notification so you don't miss any of,our videos because we do bang them out,all the time and we've got some great,free training on our website if you want,to learn how to build your own,successful drop shipping business right,here in australia as well the link down,in the description below if i can spit,it out so i wanted to do this video,today to really give a good run through,for beginners on what shopify is sort of,how it works and why we use it and,mainly because there is so many really,different building platforms out there,for building websites at the moment,they're all always springing up there,are there are some other good ones of,course but shopify is still our go-to,website builder and,there's a number of reasons for that but,first and foremost is the simplicity of,it,and that's why we teach our students to,use shopify because it really is very,simple to use but not only that it is,incredibly reliable and even if you do,have a problem with shopify you can get,in touch with them at any time and they,usually resolve the situation while,you're on chat with them,or very soon after so i can't really,fault shopify in that respect they're,very very good at what they do,so what i'm going to do is going to jump,into a screen share and for anyone,that's just starting out and beginning,that doesn't really know,how shopify works where to go,what it even does this this video is for,you so we're going to dive into a screen,share and go through everything right,now,all right so when you first log into,your shopify store um or this is the,shopify partners you won't see this so,let's go to my back end we'll go to log,in,so when you first log into the back end,of shopify you'll end up on your what's,called the home screen and there's not,really a lot that goes on in the home,screen to be honest,well my internet's a bit slow,there's not really a lot that goes on,with your home screen at the moment sort,of just giving you a few ideas of what,you need to do to move along with,shopify but,uh what i really want to do is explain,sort of what you're looking at when you,first land here,so this is the back end of of your,website so a lot of people when they,first log in they're thinking okay well,where's my website where do i edit it,and i think this comes from,a lot of people have,a preconceived notion nowadays of you,know what a website builder looks like,and but this would be because a lot of,the build website builders out there now,have sort of like drag and drop,interface where you have,all of the uh you know like the sections,and,tools and everything on one side like,you do in the on shopify except on on,the other side you've got,the website showing itself so,you'll be dragging and dropping elements,and sections into the website so it's it,can be a little bit confusing i guess if,that's what you're thinking you you're,going to have that's not what shopify is,it is very simple to use but it's it's,not a drag and drop builder,so i guess i'll maybe we'll start with,the building process in the beginning so,if we go to online store give you a sort,of a good idea of,what you'll be doing with each of the,the sections,so to actually edit the store itself and,the way it looks which is i guess where,people first want to actually get,started to sort of see if they can build,something that looks nice,so when you go to online store it's,under themes here,and,without confusing things too much you,can change the theme and that would be,done down here in theme library you can,go to a few different ones you can see,i've tried out a few different ones in,the demo store here,and you can,go to the theme store and add different,ones and publish them if you want to,publish them after you've customized,those but like i said without confusing,things too much you can go to customize,here and that's it takes us through to a,different screen and this is where you,would normally see,on a drag and drop builder you would see,those elements and,sections to drag and drop into the,interface but in shopify they simplify,this a lot and and i think it's smart uh,because,it's very difficult to get lost with,shopify if you start clicking down,through these sections so if i go back,these are all the sections that you see,here on the website so there's a header,image and there's the image with the,overlay,come down to a feature collection,there's the featured collection and so,on and so forth all the way down the,page so it's very difficult to get lost,in shopify so if you look at one of,these sections you click on it you can,go in here and you've got a few,different options to edit that section,and,i think that you know in one some ways,it is a little bit limiting but in other,ways it's you know it's very simple to,use and that's why it's very difficult,to get lost because there is a there is,only so many fields that you can edit,so i think that's smart on shopify's,part to do that,so when you come in,for instance to change this image it's,just a,little toggle switch here you can change,the image you can remove it those sorts,of things happen,so if we go back out,these ones expand now so you can see,that there's,for the slideshow down a little bit,further there's an image slide i haven't,put anything here,click on that image and then you can,edit that first image and if you go to,the next image,that would be the one underneath it,so on and so forth as you as you sort of,move down the page so it's sort of like,a progression to go through those,and a lot of people get lost here when,they think okay well that's that's fine,i understand that i know where to go,where i'm looking at the,the the pictures and and the feature,collection all these sections i,understand that how do i go in and edit,all these colors,and what the buttons look like and all,those sorts of things well,down below there's one called theme,settings and that opens up this screen,where you can go in and look at the,colors so if we click on that there's,all the different colors for the text,all the different colors for the buttons,form fields all those sort of options,are in the back end here,and you don't have to worry about app,embeds too much if you're just starting,out,so back to theme settings again,and this is where we add in the favicon,so that's the little icon that you see,up here that shopify have that's where,you put the favicon,you can,edit your checkout style here your theme,style because a lot of themes have,several different theme styles in them,so that's just the way the theme looks,by default,so you can go in and change those here,if you want this one has two,we'll leave that for now,but uh yeah this is where you come in,and change to say you know for the text,as well if you want the typography to,look a little bit different for your,navigation your headings,any of your,body text that's all changed here in the,in the theme settings as well so,as you can see it's really simple if you,if you go into the back end here you can,add all these different sections here as,well by just simply clicking on add a,section,and there's a whole list of,different sections that you can choose,from and different themes,do have different sections so,you can test them out before you publish,them,you can go in and have a look at what,sections you think you might need if you,can edit that theme to look the way you,want it to look with the sections that,they do have,then you can publish it,so we won't add any right now but um,well maybe we will let's add a gallery,just to show you,and you can see i've added a gallery,probably not a good example it's right,directly underneath the other gallery,so you can minimize these to clean it up,a little bit so you can see where,everything is,so that gallery is directly underneath,the other one so probably not a great,spot so let's move that and if we want,to move sections,although it's not a drag and drop,builder we don't drag them on and put,them where we want them we just drag,them in the column here to place them,where we want them and you can see here,that that's moving up the list and i'm,putting,it in the place that we want it so if i,want it just here i just drop it there,and you can see over here in the in the,builder interface here that it's,actually there,any changes you've made you can just,press save,so if we press save on that,we can see what it looks like so,if you wanted to see what this looks,like,as a full screen or as a mobile device,over the course of when you're building,the store there's a little toggle up,here you just click on this and we can,go to full screen,and then that shows us the the full,store as it would be on a full screen,or on the mobile,so,yeah these these are the basic features,of what you'll be looking at when you,come into the back end of shopify to do,your edits,for the the builder itself,those i don't want to over overwhelm you,too much so i'll leave it there for the,builder that's basically what you do,when you come in and looking at the back,end to do all those things so if we,press exit that goes back out to the,home page or the theme store,theme section sorry,and there's a whole heap of other,different sections that we might want to,look at when we're looking at shopify,and,think of the settings here as,where you'd go into edit any of the,places of the store that aren't showing,up on the front end that you might need,to edit so in general information about,your store,getting your payments all connected,editing the checkout you can come in and,do that here,and obviously shipping and delivery is a,big thing when it comes to online stores,so this is where we manage that so the,settings is basically that back end it's,sort of your toolbox to edit all the,settings that don't really show up on,the builder itself that aren't uh sort,of a visual,i guess you would say a visual editing,platform it's more of a,settings,well obviously,it's in the settings it's more of a,backend kind of edit,so for instance if we go into legal,we can go in here and this is obviously,your refund policy your privacy policy,terms and conditions and shipping all,these sorts of things are edited in the,back end here in settings,so and even if you didn't know what to,put in the refund policy you can,come in here and actually generate a,template so although mine says replace,at the moment actually let's get rid of,one of these and we'll show you,so if we delete all this,you can say,create from template,and shopify automatically uh generates a,uh what is it privacy policy for you you,know in the back end so it's got all the,information that you need all you have,to do is really go through and edit all,these bits and pieces that they might,have highlighted,and,uh sort of you know your contact details,all those sorts of things as well,all right so the settings is like i said,the back end to edit all the things that,aren't sort of visual,so that's that that's for the the,settings and there's a few other options,at the top here that you will need,most of all when you're starting out is,the products,because we actually when we building,store obviously we're going to need to,put products on there so we need to put,collections first normally i add,collections first,you can see there's a few example,collections when i've been doing,tutorials,so to create a collection simply go in,and create collection and name it,so let's just do one now,we'll just put in,fan,and if we want to actually add it via a,tag we can do that here and that's going,to be the tag so,products must match all conditions,product tag is equal to fan,i know i'm getting a bit deeper into uh,what shopify does now but if we save,that,any any tag sorry any product,that's added with this tag,is automatically going to get get added,to uh this collection okay,and oh wait like i said we won't go to,too deep into that just yet but this is,where the collections are built this is,where we add products,and you can see there's a few different,collections sorry products i've already,added in there we can import products,via a csv file if we've got a lot to do,or we can simply just add a product and,that will bring up a product,page and we can go in here and manually,put in all the information of our title,our description all of the different,media that we've got as as in,videos or even,all the pictures,price what the what it actually costs,you we can go in and do all those sorts,of edits,so that's the products and there are a,lot of other different sections in here,that you probably don't need to know,about just yet when you're first,starting out those are sort of the main,ones to get started um when you go to,online store you'll probably use these,these few things more than you will uh,up here because obviously you don't have,any customers yet you don't have any,orders yet but this is obviously where,you'll come in and see those things,but shopify do make it very easy it's,it's just these these,menu items on the left hand side,and they expand slightly so obviously,when you press on products it expands,and you've got a few more options and,you can start navigating through them,that way,same with online store you can click,online store you can get to the place,where you edit or you can go down and,build new pages uh navigation is an,important one you'll have to come in,here and and edit some of your,navigation at some point,and you've got your footer menu main,menu,if we click on one of these simple to,use,okay so you can see i've got a bit of a,drop down here,and it's just this one is a drag and,drop interface so,okay let's click on this so to add a,menu item you could say,say we'll put a menu item here and put,collection whatever,collection is it there's three there so,four i haven't added this collection so,there won't be a link to it yet but,okay we'll just link it to the home page,for now,we add that in and you can see that now,i have a collection underneath there,and we can drag and drop these wherever,we want them so if i don't want that,under the shop i can just put this,collection say under home,and we just drag and drop them around,where we want them so this does have,that drag and drop interface,domains this is where we come and sl,leave the page we will leave the page,domains is where we come and actually,connect the uh domain that we want so,your third party domain at the moment,you can see that this has a,uh,my shopify,domain at the moment so,dsdemostore.myshopify.com that's their,shopify domain if we wanted to connect,excuse me a third-party domain,we come in here and we connect existing,domain and you can see i've already done,that for a tutorial at some point,all right so,very very quick run through but i just,wanted to explain,you know the sections of shopify and the,fact that,it's not a drag and drop builder because,a lot of people do ask that question,they say okay well where do i where do i,get all these elements from where do i,get the sections from how do i put it,all together,and that's that's why i wanted to do,this video in the first place because,that,uh editing section is not quite the same,as you would expect when you look at,drag and drop builders and all those,sorts of things it's very simple to use,but you just need to know that those,sections are static sort of in the,left-hand column here and then we just,go in and click on them to edit,so,yeah very quick rundown of shopify but,like i said i just wanted to give you,guys a very good understanding of where,you go to edit things,why we use shopify as in like i said the,support is second to none and it's a,very very simple interface so those are,the two main reasons we use it,and it's just it's simple to use it's,very very simple to use that's the main,reason,all right i hope you got some value out,of that if you did just give us a big,thumbs up don't forget to subscribe if,you're not already and hit the bell,notification,we've also got some great free training,on our website so if you want to click,the link below it takes you through to,two hours or so great free training on,how to build your own successful drop,shipping business right here in,australia,all right i'll leave it there cheers,guys see you in the next video
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