what is shopify built on language

Shopify Multiple Languages 🌏 Shopify in different languages βœ… How To Have Multi Language In Shopify

Foysal Ahmed

Updated on Mar 18,2023

Shopify Multiple Languages 🌏 Shopify in different languages βœ… How To Have Multi Language In Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what is shopify built on language

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Shopify Multiple Languages 🌏 Shopify in different languages βœ… How To Have Multi Language In Shopify

hello welcome to in this tutorials,today i'm going to show you how to add,multi-language p chart in your shopify,online store,so if you wanted to speed your business,different language people and if your,customer,have multiple language people then you,can continue this tutorials here i'm,going to show you how you can do this,with free,app so you no need to pay anything for,this,first of all i'm going to log in my,shopify online store,then going to click on,apps button,then click on visit the shopify app,store,now i'm going to search the app,that i'm going to use in this tutorials,and show you so this app name,translator shop g translate so i'm going,to,search this app,so here you'll see a lot of app,for translate but uh all of them,i think are recommended translate your,shop,details that is best because if you look,at the review,then you can see it's got most of the,review and all the review are very,positive so i'm going to click on the,title of this app then we can know more,about this app this translate app,is developed by jitun slet,this is very popular uh translator,company they have also,plugin for what procedure okay so here,the,review almost 1000 plus and it's 100,percent free so we no need to pay,anything for this,app so you can make it translate a,picture you know shopify online store,very easily,so now i'm going to,add this app on my store so click on the,add,app button,install apps,so we have installed app now we have to,set up,the p-chart our,interface as our requirement so is it,look,nice drop down with plug this is very,common,and translate from english that's okay,enable sc and edit translate,okay there we cannot enable this one,because it's,a have where price,so i'm going to skip this one or to,choose to browser link is,okay if we select this one then if your,browser language is,english then it automatically say,translate english than if,anyone visit from different type of,language for example someone visited,your website,using a browser where language selected,spanish that will be tongues that,automatically spanish language,next show floating language selector top,right we can change it from here,and show native language name,font size 24 okay,from here we can select the language,that we want to,use or translate so let me show you,i'm going to select bengali,then english,france german italian,russian spanish okay,all are good i'm going to,click on the save change button,so let's check our white set now i'm,going to,reload my website or visit my website,page,and look at here here the translate,button,bengali english friends german and,others language as we added so i am,going to,click on the catalog space,then select any product,for example going to select,this one,then i wanted to change this product,language,so just click on,friends it has been changed,and again going to russian,looks that is very very useful,app for your online store so i hope you,like this tutorials and click on the,like button so,if these tutorials help you then click,on the subscribe button to get,next helpful tips and tutorials for your,online,shopify store so thank you for your time,have a nice day

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