today i want to have a real conversation,about the shopify fulfillment network so,what is sfn,how to apply how it works and how to get,started don't go anywhere you're going,to love to this conversation i guarantee,it,welcome back folks to another edition of,the awesome sword killer show how are,you today i hope you're all doing,fantastic i'm doing marvelous if you,ever ask me if you are doing as great as,i am go grab a cup of coffee rt or vodka,ls roll,in today's conversation i want to speak,to you about how to join the shopify,fulfillment network this is sfn what is,the fsfn how to apply how it works and,how to get started let me give you an,overview so when you think about shopify,for fema network you're thinking about a,platform that allows shopify to ship,your orders for you this is what it is,so,the shopify fulfillment network will,pick pack and ship your orders so you,can spend more time managing your,business so sfn is basically trying to,compete with fba that's what it is okay,so it is a fulfillment service that you,can use to store your inventory and,fulfill orders so when you receive an,order sfn picks and packs your products,and ships them to your customer with,most us customers receiving their orders,within two days okay you can manage,business data including shipment,tracking customer data and inventory,levels all in one place you have one,centralized place okay so sfn aims to,simplify your shipping and fulfillment,in the in three different ways you only,need to ship your inventory to a single,fulfillment center so sfn will,distribute your inventory across its,network of fulfillment centers so that,your products are stored close to your,customers you get access to fast,affordable shipping so sfn will,automatically choose the best shipping,option to deliver your products quickly,and at the best rates and you save time,and cost on managing returns so sfn will,handle returns for you and quickly,restocks return inventory for your next,sale so this is really this is the basic,the the bottom line here so sfn is the,right fit for your business when you,meet the following criteria your,business sells in the united states you,ship a minimum of three orders per day,minimum three a day and you don't sell,any regulated or perishable products,okay so if your business meets this,criteria and you're interested in using,sfn to fulfill your orders then you can,apply because you need to apply to join,sfn and you so basically when you think,about sfn you're thinking about the only,end-to-end solution so you send them,your products they recommend inventory,distribution you ship your orders you,basically delight in your customers and,uh so they have uh some sort of uh,robust ai driven warehouses okay and,shopify can support your your network,not a problem you can apply online or,book a call and they will talk to you,about it make sure that you are selling,in the united states or canada you ship,a minimum of three orders per day and,you don't sell any regulated or,perishable products very important okay,but you need to join the the the network,you need to apply to sfn and uh but you,this is a very simple to apply,and uh and the program has a lot of,benefits a lot of benefits,so speaking about benefits let's talk,about the features that you can expect,with the shopify fulfillment network,first of all shopping has shopify has,advanced technology and this is a great,opportunity for you to harness the power,of their technology okay so you you are,thinking about order management so you,can take full control of your workflow,with an integrated solution for managing,your orders so you have guaranteed you,can guarantee delivery you have fast,fulfillment services you control the,timing you have a single back office we,love the fact that you have a,centralized dashboard this is really one,of the the perks that come with uh sfn,and you have 99.5 percent accuracy in,other words you feel confident that your,orders will be picked correctly packed,and sent out on time with help with the,help from,shopify team okay they even have a robot,called chuck so check is really good in,terms of automating everything you also,have so besides order management you,have inventory management so you can,save time and manage your inventory from,one place you have inventory integrity,inventory notifications bundling product,rules inventory accounts this is really,good okay you have data control this is,also really good you own your customer,sales and inventory data and you can,make informed decisions about business,growth okay customer data end-to-end,package tracking and real-time data,you also have uh visibility into selling,so you can sell on,as many shopify channels as you want and,know your orders will be shipped on time,okay so you have shopify sales channels,you have flash sales you have b2b,wholesale and you have subscription,order fulfillment okay so you have a,constellation of programs that sfn,actually supports you also have access,to smart technology this is important i,was talking to you earlier about chuck,okay so you can start by setting your,inventory to just one of shopify's,fulfillment centers and take the,guesswork out of product out of your,distribution and replenishment so you,distribute your inventory,you have access to reporting and,analytics,and you have smart replenishment in,other words you get recommendations on,what sk used to restock at which,fulfillment center based on sales days,on hand and seasonal trends and this is,kind of cool especially if you're in an,industry that is subject to seasonality,and cyclicality you want to have access,to that and you have access to,sophisticated fulfillment centers okay,and shopify is building,a network of sophisticated,fulfillment centers and you're able to,you have connected fulfillment centers,and you have shopify certified okay you,have those two categories so you can,join uh their network of strategically,located fulfillment centers across the,united states and canada,or you can feel secure your products are,kept at fulfillment centers that are,vetted by shopify to ensure high quality,operations and a safe workforce,and obviously you,can benefit from excellent support so,you'll receive integrated business,support from shopify instead of chasing,help from multiple sources you have,dedicated support okay and you have,shopify support so you have a 24 7,support via phone or email,let me quickly talk to you now about,signing up,so how do you actually get started with,the shopify fulfillment network so,before you begin using the shopify,fulfillment network you need to prepare,your products and business with shopify,this is important okay so preparing your,product in advance helps make sure that,that the fulfillment centers are ready,to receive your inbound transfers which,gets your product ready for fulfillment,faster so,if you're new to the shopify fulfillment,network make sure that your products are,eligible for the sfn you want to assign,sku's embargo to your products and,variants this is really really important,and you want to upload your products to,the s7 app so you need to download the,app okay and you want to,you want to add a product to the shopify,fulfillment network so you want to go to,your shopify you want to from your,shopify admin you go to products click,the products and if the if the product,has variance then you want to click,edits beside one of them and uh so you,want to follow the instructions okay and,you have fulfillment details you can add,fulfillment details you can replenish,anything click save,you also have you can you can have a,special handling if that's important if,the product is fragile if the product,has a chef life or is a lot of control,then you want to pay attention to that,you can create an inbound transfer you,have to do that okay,and you also need to set your shipping,profiles so basically when you think,about,shipping profiles those are profiles,that let you specify which of your,fulfillment locations should fulfill an,order based on the customer's shipping,address okay you can use the shipping,profiles to direct orders to sfn,fulfillment centers based on the,customer's location and if you create a,draft order then make sure that you,manually select the desired fulfillment,center that you want to fulfill the,order this is important okay for example,if you want an sfn fulfillment center to,fulfill the order then select sfn as,your fulfillment location so that's the,default actually the default,rule here so for more information you,can actually call,sfn and read about shipping profiles you,need to set up your locations it's,important folks so apps that stock,inventory or fulfill orders for you such,as sfn are considered locations so when,you add sfn to your store it's,automatically added as a location so sfn,does not count towards your account's,location limit okay so you want to pay,attention to that and if a location has,shipping rates assigned to it and can,fulfill an entire order then the order,is routed to the to that location for,fulfillment and if no location has,shipping rates assigned to it or cannot,fulfill an entire order then the,location that has the highest priority,oversells the product this so,overselling is blocked only if inventory,is sold out at all of your fulfillment,locations so it's really important for,you to actually be very clear about,setting up your location so ship it you,need to take care of your shipping,profiles,set up your locations and you need to,think about the inbound transfers very,very important,let me talk to you now very quickly,about sfn transfers okay so inbound,transfers from the shopify fulfillment,network so you can keep track of the,inventory actually uh you can keep track,of the inventory that you send to,shopify fulfillment network through,inbound transfers okay so,basically the thing here is that you can,add the necessary product details,confirm that you have met the,requirements for your inbound transfer,and you create the inbound transfer now,the cool thing about this is that it,allows you to have a total inventory,management under control so when sending,an inbound transfer to the shopify,fulfillment network make sure that you,understand the requirements for your,shipment so if a shipment arrives at the,at the sfn uh,center that does not comply with the,requirements then the shipment might be,refused this is really important so you,want to review the best practices to,avoid any delays or exceptions with your,inbound transfer okay and if you want to,create an inbound transfer in the,shopify for from a network there are a,few things you need to do please pack,and label your products very important,you want to send your product to a,shopify fulfillment center location,based on your the ad the customer's,address,okay you want to set up your shipping,rates for the sfn in the shipping,section of your shopify admin,okay set up the shipping profiles setup,locations okay it's important to also,remember that there are some exceptions,so the following are exceptions messages,that explain the issues with processing,your inbound transfer so if there is a,problem they'll let you know shopify,will let you know that there is a,there's a problem with your inbound,transfer and please take care of those,problems as soon as possible because if,you are trying to avoid delays or,or inaccuracies in your um in your order,management process please pay attention,so for example you might have quantity,shortage or overage so if sfn receive if,they receives a fewer or more items than,the quantity specified in your inbound,transfer then your inbound transfer has,a quantity shortage or quantity overage,exception exception message respectively,okay so this is something you need to,pay attention to because uh this could,create problems,you can have damaged,you can have a damaged exception message,or ineligible so if sfn receives items,that belong to a category of products,that cannot be accepted then your,inbound transfer has an ineligible,exception message you can have shipment,arrived without a transfer label,cart cartons contain mixed,skus,you might have a product label issue so,if they receive items with barcodes that,are incorrect or difficult to scan then,your inbound transfer has a product,label issue accepted exception message,no freight appointment was scheduled in,advance,shipment was missing tracking,item not on transfer okay or shipment,arrived in an in,in unsafe condition so if sfn receives a,shipment that has in a dangerous,condition for personnel to handle then,your inbound transfer has a shipment a,wrap in an unsafe condition accepts an,exception message so this requires,personnel to be more careful when,handling your shipment and receiving,might take a longer time to complete,let me talk to you about uh fulfillment,folks it's this is really important,let's just have a conversation about,that here,and um fulfillment so how do you manage,fulfillment requests so when we think,about fulfillment requests this is a,record of the items that shopify for,fema network fulfills based on a,customer's order in your shopify admin,okay so a fulfillment request contains,the items that sfn needs to pick and,pack to fully or partially complete the,fulfillments for a shuffle fire order so,one thing you need to be very clear is,you need to be clear about is that an,order can have more than one fulfillment,request let me give an example,each fulfillment in a subscription order,becomes a separate fulfillment request,in sfn when it's scheduled to be,processed in shopify okay and if a,fulfillment request requires your,attention then a banner notification is,shown in your sfn app so you can access,your fulfillment request in your sfn app,by clicking view all in the open,fulfillment request section so you have,to take care of order processing,so for the for sfn to properly process,your uh shopify orders make sure that,you meet the fulfillment requirements if,you need to charge let's say you need to,charge something extra for the shipping,do it if you need to change your product,settings such as the sku then you want,to contact fulfillment success team,before you make the change okay and if,you want to uh if you want sfn to,deliver your package more quickly to,customers then you can upgrade the,shipping label for your order,and there are several fulfillment,request statuses that you need to be,aware of you can you can have a pending,so,one thing you need to be aware of is,that you can display a fulfillment,request with that with a specific status,by clicking fulfillment status on the,fulfillment request page and then,checking the statuses that you want to,display so in terms of status you can,have pending,in progress,partially fulfilled fulfilled,on hold or cancelled okay and you can,you can monitor your fulfillment request,you can request partial fulfillments you,can upgrade your shipping labels this is,totally possible okay and you can as a,matter of fact you can even reship your,your fulfillment,that's possible too so if you want,shopify let's say you want shopify for,fema network to reship the fulfillment,for your shopify order for example due,to loss then you need to duplicate the,original order so that the customer can,receive the new shipment notification,emails okay you can make the order free,by providing a 100 discount and free,shipping and you can label the order as,a reshipment through a tag or order note,so that it's very clear why the order,was made okay you can resolve shipping,address errors and you can edit package,slaves and you can also submit shipping,claims with a shopify fulfillment,network and you can also be aware of,inventory notification so shopify uses a,product variance sales history and the,quantity available at a specific,fulfillment center to estimate how many,days of inventory you have left for any,product variant so this is kind of cool,i want to talk to you now about projects,so what is private so basically you do,you do have the ability to submit,special projects through shopify,fulfillment network okay you can request,a fulfillment center to do additional,work on your shipments that goes beyond,storing and shipping your products such,as attaching the barcodes to your,products so to send the request you want,to create a special project from the,shopify fulfillment network app in your,shopify admin and the cool thing about,this is that you have your you have,totally you have a freedom here you can,request special projects for anything,that goes beyond the normal work needed,to process your inbound transfers and,orders special project,projects include the following type of,works so you have product assembly,product customization quality control,and pre-assembled kits okay so the,requirements for special projects are,done in this very specific way you can,talk about the skus involved the the,non-skus that,the non-sku supplies there are required,the detailed assembly instructions,photos and videos if required quantities,required the due date of the project and,if applicable any related projects or,inbound transfers and if applicable any,new skus that will be created and if,applicable preferred fulfillment center,okay those are things you can specify,and if your request is approved then,it's listed in special project action,required awaiting code approval in your,sfn app so everything happens in your,sfn app and if your request is rejected,then it's listed in special project,declined by sfn in your sfn app okay so,there are a lot of statuses you can,check in the app you have draft,submitted for review and within court,approval in progress action required,completed,declined by sfn declined by you or,canceled so those are the possible,statuses and so if you want to request a,special project make sure that you write,highly detailed instructions for the,project this is important so from your,shopify admin you go to apps shopify,fulfillment network special project,and you click request projects,select the project type then click,confirm project type,enter a name for the project,and in instructions you want to enter,detailed instructions for that project,if you selected an,an assembly project then you want to,enter the skus of the products that,require assembly in the instruction text,box it's really important folks to make,sure that you clarify things as much as,possible okay and so,and you can attach,photos or videos those are optional,though and then you click request,project and that's it so after you,submit your special project sfn will,review it within two to three days and,you will receive an email indicating,whether your special project is approved,or declined okay so if you want to check,that go to your shopify admin go to sfn,and in the test section click approve,special project,and um you can either approve or decline,solely up to you,i'll be right back right after this,don't go anywhere,welcome back folks to another section of,the awesome sweaty kiwi show we are,still having a conversation today about,the shopify fulfillment network and uh,today i want to i want to talk to you,about pricing okay when we talk about,pricing you can access your current and,past monthly statements for shopify,fulfillment network charges in the,charges page in your sfn app so for each,fulfillment request detail costs are,displayed in the fulfillment cost,section okay and one thing i want to say,here is that all your sfn charges are,also added to your shopify build so you,don't have to track multiple receipts,and sfn charges are added to your,shopify bill at different frequencies so,at the end of the day,or at the end of the calendar month,depending on the setup that you have,with shopify okay for example all your,pick and pack fees for a day are added,to your shopify bill the next day but,all your storage fees for a month are,added at the end of that calendar month,okay and so sfn charges are billed,monthly and can have a different billing,cycle than the shopify billing cycle and,your shopify building cycle can actually,vary on your shopify subscription period,and charges so those are things you need,to be really careful you need to be,aware of okay and your your shopify,fulfillment network billing cycle starts,at the very first day and ends at the,very last day of a calendar month okay,this is important and so your sfn,charges are displayed on the charges,page of the the app while your bills are,displayed on the billing page of your,shopify admin so separate places,separate items okay and uh one thing you,need to also think about is that your uh,um so sfn pricing consists of the,following fees and the billing,frequencies so you have pick and pack,so that's daily packing supplies,that's daily transportation that's daily,storage that's monthly and special,projects that's monthly okay and in,terms of billing and invoices you can,access your current and past monthly,statements for shopify for from a,network in the charge in the charges,page one thing i want to see here is,that,pricing works in a very specific way,through,the the way pressing works in the sfn is,pretty particular so you know after,learning more about your business,sfn team will create a quote to support,your your unique needs and every plan,comes with access to their logix's,experts the fulfillment success team,okay so you can manage one simple bill,you have customized pricing structure,pricing plans are based on the unique,needs of your business and come with,access to,their experts you have a special project,you have storage rates,we love the fact that they have flexible,commitment in other words you can opt,out of a shopify for from a network at,any time because of your flexible,contracts so you're not bound to,sfn once you if you don't like them if,you don't like them this month or,whatever you can actually cut the,contract not a problem okay and you also,need to understand that you have to make,sure that this service is in sync with,you or overall shopify business model,let me talk to you about shipping and,this is the last part of today's,conversation folks so when we talk about,sfn obviously we are speaking about a,fulfillment network that aims to rival,amazon fda right and other and other,shipping and shipment full-flemish,network there,it's important to understand that this,sfn has many benefits,many many benefits for your for your,shopify,business for example you have um,innovative shipping and fulfillment,solutions okay so here is a powerful,network that combines innovative,technology and a modern workforce to,build the future of fulfillment and,you really have to think about they have,robots they have artificial intelligence,they have optimized order routing they,have flexible and scalable processes,this is really good and on top of that,what we really really love is the fact,that this service is socially,responsible or at least tries to be,socially responsible so they have a code,of contact that holds partners,accountable to fair pay,safe working conditions and career,opportunities okay you're basically,another part that we love is that you,are staying in control you own your data,when we talk about shipping through sfn,you own your data okay you improve your,customers experience you get dedicated,customer service okay and you can save,time and ship fast because you get,packages to customers quickly you have,flexible exchanges and returns and you,can manage products seamlessly okay and,uh at the end of the day it's all about,growing your business right it's all,about tracking your business health,joining a network that skills with you,and maintaining accurate into inventory,levels and shopify allows you through,their fulfillment network to get all,those uh those uh to reach those goals,okay and they do have a constellation of,uh,warehouse warehouses in the states so,they have the shopify fulfillment,network warehouse operations so there,are multiple multiple peak periods they,pay attention to uh,seasonality cyclicality they pay,attention to peak periods such as uh the,black friday cyber the black friday,cyber monday okay and uh so their,warehouses will adapt to those seasons,and they pay attention to expected,orders they're constantly monitoring,your inventory levels to see,trains okay they are able to so,the bottom line here is that you have a,lot of perks and you can contact the,shopify for fema network for support if,you have any questions you have a way to,contact them you can uh you can contact,them through the app,over the phone via email okay and they,do have a support team that will take,care of you one thing i want to say here,is that you can contact the sfn support,team through the shopify help center and,they work from monday through friday,seven a.m through 8 p.m eastern and,saturday and sunday from 10 a.m to 6 p.m,eastern okay so uh remember though that,if you are an sfn partner then you want,to go to the partner support page this,is not the same thing if you need,shopify support that's unrelated to sfe,you need to contact shopify support,directly so this is important,alright folks this is it for today's,conversation i was talking to you today,about the sfn the shopify fulfillment,network and uh what is sfn how to apply,how it works and how to get started so i,gave you an overview of the pro of the,service the features how to sign up the,transfers inbound transfers the,fulfillment process itself the projects,that you need to the special project you,can actually request via sfn the pricing,and the shipping thank you so much for,your attention folks i'll speak to you,another time but until then remember,stay,marvelous,you
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