have you just finished a kickstarter,campaign and you're wondering how to go,from that to selling on your own website,well in this video we're gonna walk,through eight simple things that you can,do to help make the transition from,kickstarter to shopify effortless let's,go,hey if you've always dreamed of,launching and scaling your very own,ecommerce business to create a million,dollar brand be sure to hit subscribe we,release regular content weekly to help,you do just that so hit the subscribe,button and let's go hey guys welcome,back my name is kirsten if you are new,here i am an ecommerce strategist that,helps people just like you launch new,products and scale them to the million,dollar brand level and i'm really,excited that you're here because today i,get this question a lot which is what,happens when you finish your kickstarter,campaign how do you go from that to,actively selling so in this video we're,going to be exploring some of the hidden,dangers and traps you can get into and,how to avoid them and also walking,through eight things that you can do to,step by step to literally get set up to,make sure that you continue the momentum,that your kickstarter campaign has given,you uh when getting your brand on on,shopify and started to scale that up,okay let's paint the picture so you've,successfully funded your kickstarter,campaign and you're really excited and,all also nervous because you know now,that your product has legs you're you're,starting to take it to manufacturing and,you want to continue selling but you,really don't know what that that road,looks like the biggest opportunity you,have is going from a successful product,launch to continuing that momentum but,this is actually a hidden trap that i,see a lot of creators get into once you,raise the funds for your kickstarter,campaign all of a sudden you have to go,from sales and let's face it burnout to,starting to get product to hundreds of,people maybe even thousands of backers,but you also don't want to lose the,momentum that your sales just got the,trap that a lot of people get into is,switching off from active sales during,your launch to active production and,not having a solid plan in place to keep,that momentum going so in the next eight,steps we're going to be walking through,how you can safely balance fulfillment,as well as having a solid sales plan,because the last thing you want is to,have spent months of your life thousands,of dollars just to get proof of concept,and get a successful launch just to kind,of,ruin the momentum by going dormant for,six months while you figure out,production and then having to come back,and remind people of who you are so,let's go into how you can keep that,momentum going in these eight simple,steps okay so in chronological order the,first thing you want to do as soon as,your kickstarter campaign is finished is,before you even touch shopify before you,touch anything else in this video you,want to make sure that you are setting,the stage and setting expectations with,your backers setting expectations is,what is going to allow your backers a,smooth transition from having just given,you money to the highly anticipated,period where they're excited to get your,product but in the interim most,kickstarter campaigns if this is you be,sure to let me know below you have two,to six months of manufacturing and,fulfillment ahead of you so the very,first thing you need to do is send an,update to your backers which clearly,outlines what are the next steps and how,often they can expect to hear from you,even if you have no production updates,number one set expectations and just in,case the odd person doesn't realize that,they have to wait a few months for,product you want to reiterate that okay,so set expectations and set the,intention for a smooth transition period,step number two where do you sell after,kickstarter your kickstarter campaign is,wrapped up and so you're still going to,get a lot of traffic coming to your,kickstarter campaign but you can't,continue selling on your kickstarter,once your campaign is finished so you,need to have a spot online where people,can continue to pre-order your products,so you can keep that momentum going a,thing that we highly recommend is that,you check out going to indiegogo's in,demand in demand on indiegogo is a,service that is super popular for anyone,who is looking to come in off,kickstarter and set up a pre-order page,where you can really just keep an open,cart so that any traffic that you're,getting from the crowdfunding community,is able to still go and buy your product,so this is a really common strategy if,you're looking to kind of capitalize on,both platforms and you've started on,kickstarter and then you want to move,over to indiegogo keep in mind we're,going to put a link below this video on,how to apply for in demand in demand is,not the same as doing an indiegogo,crowdfunding campaign you do not want to,start a new campaign on indiegogo,because that will set you up for a,30-day funding period and literally,doing everything all over again that you,just did from kickstarter so you want to,have it so that you contact the,indiegogo team once you get verified to,go on in demand what they will do is,they'll essentially set you up to port,over all of your social proofing your,kickstarter numbers onto in-demand so,that you are starting with just say you,raise a hundred thousand dollars on,kickstarter when you go to in demand on,indiegogo you are starting from a,hundred thousand dollars which is super,super cool so you definitely want to,have an in-demand page set up so that,you can continue to tap into those early,adopters that pre-order community to,drive traffic to that and this you can,have your in-demand campaign happen for,two to four months really just leave it,on until you're finished driving traffic,to it and that could be a really good,interim while you prepare to fulfill,while you prepare your shopify website,so that's point number two is go to in,demand and make sure that you follow the,prompts um below i'll just put a link,straight to indiegogo on that point,number three once your in demand,campaign is up you want to direct your,traffic to in demand so what this looks,like is once you're finished on,kickstarter and your your project has,been successfully funded you will have,the option to personalize your,kickstarter page where the very top,person you're going to see a button you,can set that button to say whatever you,want and what you're going to do with,that button is set it to pre-order now,so and then set a custom link so that,when any,residual kickstarter traffic you get can,be prompted to go and click on that and,go off to the next place that you're,selling so you can set up that custom,link to direct them to your amazon,listing or shopify but for the sake of,simplicity with this video i recommend,that you set it to your in-demand,campaign and then luckily your,kickstarter project lives there forever,so you can always go back and customize,that link to direct traffic to your main,spot of selling online in the future but,for now be sure to direct your traffic,from kickstarter with a touch of that,button step number four is getting onto,shopify so i recommend that you get onto,shopify when you're still in pre-order,mode so what that will mean is that,you've gone from kickstarter say you've,been on in demand now for one to three,months and your your shopify store is,now ready to go i recommend that you set,up pre-orders on your shopify store and,start to direct all of your marketing,efforts to your shopify store and as a,bonus in the interim what you can do is,you can set your shopify store to,just be an email capture so that anyone,who goes to your website can be notified,when your storefront is live okay so,extra extra bonus there but we've now,gone from kickstarter to in demand to,starting to transition over to shopify,by getting your store live and starting,to collect pre-orders live on your,shopify site at this point it is up to,you whether you want to turn off your,in-demand storefront just for simplicity,or if you're still getting a ton of,traction on in demand awesome just leave,it up until you're out of pre-order mode,and then you can shut off in demand and,focus 100 on your shopify store point,number five this is what so many people,don't do communicate remember where your,customers are right now you likely,coming off kickstarter have a six month,window of delivering your product and,let's not forget about all the supply,chain issues a big mistake that people,make is stop communicating with their,community i cannot i cannot cannot,cannot cannot stress this enough when,you promise your backers in the,beginning that you will communicate any,and all production updates every two,weeks or one month you have to honor,that promise a lot of creators fall into,the trap of well i have nothing to say,so i'm just not going to say it oh i,don't have an update from my factory so,i'm just not going to update your,backers which trusted you with their,money on your product are going to get,super angry if they if they see that,you're avoiding their questions or they,see that you're not providing consistent,product updates even if you have nothing,to say saying something is better than,nothing you have to be transparent so be,sure that you communicate if there's any,delays be sure if you communicate if,there's any changes to the product be,sure to communicate,everything because sure a small segment,of your backers are going to be annoyed,but the majority of them are going to be,so thankful that you are one of the few,kickstarter campaigns that are actually,over communicating and being transparent,with their backers this is how you,instill a community of trust so yes you,need to communicate with your backers,regularly but even when you're taking,pre-orders on your own website you,should be communicating that,we find that people who,buy pre-order on your website have a,lower tolerance for,waiting long periods of time so you,absolutely want to kind of satiate their,desire to get your product by being in,regular communication with them so point,number five do not underestimate the,power of communicating anything and,being as transparent as possible if,you've run into communications issues in,the past or you've seen some campaigns,that have actually handled this really,well let me know let's give those,founders a shout out for keeping the,kickstarter community healthy point,number six fulfillment okay so let's say,you have sold a thousand units on,kickstarter 500 on in demand and you now,have 250 shopify pre-order customers,who do you ship to first,you ship to people on a first-come,first-served basis so what this means is,that you need to honor people who backed,you first you need to,fulfill to your kickstarter backers,first because they were the first ones,that put up their hand for you and and,really gave you that void of vote of,confidence by helping you get funded in,the first place fulfill to your,kickstarter backers first,then fulfill to in-demand customers and,then fulfill your pre-orders,before you start fulfilling new orders,that come in we see campaigns get into,this problem where they sometimes start,to sell on amazon and deliver product to,amazon customers before they're,kickstarter backers this is a,fundamental flaw in the kickstarter,system where maybe this company did not,raise enough and they're needing to,supplement manufacturing or supplement,their product costs by,selling quickly to customers on amazon i,am not condoning that but in this,section on fulfillment be sure to treat,your backers with respect and honor the,first come first serve system if at all,possible all right i love this are you,taking lots of notes let me know what,your favorite point is below in the,comment section let's go to point number,seven market launch,this is the point i love i love doing,product launches your kickstarter launch,was an event it's something to celebrate,so why not when you are out of,pre-orders start to take,um start to celebrate being on your own,website with a market launch we did this,for the first time with jam stack about,four years ago where after we delivered,the jam stack one and launched on their,shopify website we had a big december,celebration where within that first,month we sold,forget the numbers it was around a,hundred thousand dollars worth of,product from people that were just,waiting on our waitlist,and from that it's an event people love,to celebrate things so if you can,celebrate once you're out of pre-order,mode by offering a sale or something,like that to officially launch your,shopify site that's gonna be a really,great way to show the world that hey,we're in business we're now offering two,day delivery and we're ready to go we've,hit a critical milestone so always look,for reasons to celebrate and if you can,pass on savings or free gifts to your,customers why not do a market launch,that leads me to our last step today,which is once you have,really transversed that's a word,traversed that's the word um kickstarter,in demand shopify pre-orders the 12,months of brutal agony that it takes to,get your product to market when you have,successfully passed this and you have,fulfilled and you have done your market,launch and you are in business it's time,to to focus on scaling your brand and so,what that means,is you now want to consistently market,your product through a series of getting,out on social media,talking to influencers being in facebook,groups and doing whatever you can to,spread the word and getting in your in,your niche so that people really know to,come to you and to buy your amazing,product so in summary your kickstarter,is just the start of the journey at this,point you want to learn to leverage your,traffic by,always selling you right before you,finish your kickstarter campaign you,want to have a plan on where you're,going to be available to to be on sale,for next will you be selling on in,demand will you be selling on shopify,have that plan in place so that you have,no downtime,it's so funny to me because anytime i,tell creators that you're going to get,random traffic coming to your page um,after your kickstarter they're like no,i'm like yeah trust me and then they,look at their google analytics a weekend,they're like i got four hundred dollars,worth of sales and our kickstarter is,over it's like i told you,so always be selling do not fall into,that fulfillment trap of we just gotta,focus on product design and then in six,months we'll come up and it's groundhog,day and everyone's forgotten about you,if you are someone who has,really made the transition or will be,making the transition off of kickstarter,and you are looking for help getting set,up properly to facilitate that market,launch and taking pre-orders on your,shopify website be sure to check out,some of the resources we have below some,are free,and go from there but apart from that,thank you for subscribing oh you haven't,subscribed yet well be sure to subscribe,because we release regular content like,this every week to help you launch and,scale your brand so apart from that,check out the next video and i'll see,you next time
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