hey there welcome back to my channel my,name is brittany bundles and today's,video is going to be about,the shopify conversion or shopify ping,excuse me conversion to,um shopify inbox so shopify ping,is no longer going to be titled shopify,ping it now is shopify inbox,if you have been using shopify ping you,may have noticed that the icon on your,phone,or whatever mobile device you're,accessing or device period because i,think you can access yeah you can you,can access,mobile ping on your desktop too so,whatever device you're using to,access shopify ping you may have noticed,that the icon now looks different,and now um it's like red and it says,shopify inbox,so today i'm going to be going over some,things that are,changing with shopify inbox previously,known as shopify ping,if you are interested be sure to give,the video a big thumbs up please make,sure that you are subscribed and let's,get right into it,so one of the things that you are able,to do with shopify inbox is streamline,how you manage,chat so chat gives you a fast personal,way to connect with shoppers,meeting them where they are and guiding,them from conversion to conversion,but with so many uh different channels,it's hard to keep up with all the,incoming messages,so pretty much shopify inbox provides a,consistent,like one-stop shop to be able to connect,with your customers,and clients or potential customers and,clients from,various platforms and locations um,i do want to say this if you have not,used shopify ping if you don't know what,i'm talking about,if you don't know um you know about,shopify inbox and you're wondering what,the heck,i'm talking about shopify inbox is,pretty much a chat option that you can,install,on your website and i'll be telling you,more about what you can do with shopify,paying but it's a chat option,that gives you the ability to,communicate with potential buyers for,your business,i've made multiple videos on this,channel regarding shopify ping and the,reason that i wanted to create this,video is because i have done so many,videos on shopify paying whenever,there's an update on a service,or product that i did an initial video,or review on i'd like to make sure that,i'm keeping up and letting you all know,what's changed and what's new and things,like that,um so i'm going to keep the information,on the screen i'm going to continue,scrolling down if you do want any of,this information it is available through,the shopify,i believe help center if you are wanting,to look into chat options for your,business,please go ahead and click the link down,below this video if you don't have,shopify already,like click that link like i mentioned,choose a plan that works best for you,and there may even be a free trial but,you have,to click the link to see shopify offers,so many cool apps,so many different options to customize,and tailor your website to your specific,liking,as well as different options to keep,your customers engaged,engaged with your business be able to,answer questions,and pretty much build relationships that,are,needed to help your business grow so,this is what,the overview dashboard with shopify,inbox is going to look like,so it shows like the new conversions it,shows,so many different options of course you,have your chats there,so i love when i one thing that i did,love about shopify ping is i loved being,able to,pull up messages and see my customers or,clients or potential customers and,clients email address,their phone number um kind of their,history in the store so if they added,something to their card i can see what,they added i can answer their questions,and i could really,be there to walk them through that,shopping experience so i really like,that it really helped me,grow my business and secure more sales,just being able to be,there and available if someone had a,question that needed to be answered,right then and there,there are some businesses that have not,found the benefit of using chat,when i do consultation some,entrepreneurs say to me hey i'm just,using email i'm old school i'm just,going to keep using email,and email is a very effective way to,communicate with,you know customers and clients and,potential customers and clients as well,through your business but it's always,very smart and wise in my opinion,to look for ways to advance your,business to upscale your business even,if you're quote unquote old school,because i consider myself you know a,little old school too meaning that i,like,more of the simplistic style of doing,business however,i can tell you that it's been very,beneficial to keep my business,progressing with the time not saying,that i'm going to do everything,or upgrade my business to every option,that comes available,but when it makes sense it makes sense,right so it makes sense to be able to,be available for your website visitors,as often as you possibly can,and shopify inbox gives you the ability,to do that so when you open up shopify,inbox you can get a snapshot of your,chat performance,including your conversion volume,response time,and like i mentioned you can also see,how many people have added,certain products to the cart and what,they have added to the cart,so it's just really really beneficial in,my opinion,it says your website chat isn't the only,place potential customers will reach out,there are so many channels for consumers,to choose from and as a business you,want to be everywhere your potential,customers are,so shopify inbox makes it easy to extend,chat to wherever people shop and you can,manage it all from one place,so pretty much shopify inbox or did i,say shopify chat,if i did and it wasn't written out i,meant shopify inbox but pretty much,shopify inbox is going to give you the,ability to hopefully,turn more inquiries into con you know,convert them into,sales chat is valuable for more than,just providing customer support it's,become a powerful sales tool like i,mentioned,i have gained so many more sales simply,by,being available i know it may sound very,simple,it may sound cliche at this point but,being available is definitely,very very very beneficial to your,business you'd be you may be surprised,how many,people i do consultations with that are,not available for their business,and so when we're doing consultations,and they're letting me know what they're,looking to,change or grow or upscale with their,business,and i'm looking at what they're,currently doing in comparison to where,they want to go or in comparison to,their goals,i'm noticing a lot of times that people,just simply aren't available,and it may be because you know you have,a full schedule maybe you're a full-time,employee as well and maybe you know,you're a parent,or a spouse and you have just other,obligations,but i can tell you that investing your,time strategically,has been beneficial and not just my life,but in other entrepreneurs that i,perform or conduct consultations for as,well,so the future of chat is with shopify,inbox messaging is crucial to your,business,um so it's pretty much just going over,all of the perks regarding shopify inbox,what it's going to do what it's,currently doing,but like i was saying even if you have a,full-time job and you're getting,say you're getting chats because one of,the concerns that people have when they,are looking,for a chat option is well what if i'm,not available 24 7.,what if someone reaches out and asks me,a question and i'm not able to reply,back and answer their question wouldn't,email be more efficient for me because i,can't just be,on my phone all day or i can't be around,my tablet or i can't sit at my desk all,day and be at my computer,and what i would say to this that is,this the great thing about shopify inbox,is that you can have,automatic replies so after a certain,period in the day,i have an automatic reply where if,someone goes to my website and asks to,chat,where i'm thanking them for coming to,the website,and letting them know letting them know,that um,customer service is not in at this point,or,that i'm closed for the day i don't have,the exact um,verbiage memorized but pretty much,that's what i'm letting them know that,we're closed please leave their email,address and someone will contact them,as soon as we open or as soon as,possible or within 24 hours or the next,business day,whatever the case may be so on this,channel we talk a lot about setting that,right expectations,so you can use shopify inbox and not be,around your phone,or not have access to shopify inbox,inbox at that point,but as long as you have automatic um,like saved,messages set up your customers clients,potential customers and clients will be,able to get that message,and know that you are going to get back,to them and what that also helps do,is it helps to build up different email,addresses if you are wanting to build,your email,mailing list there are a lot of,entrepreneurs wondering and wanting tips,as to how to build up their email,mailing list for marketing purposes and,if you are,letting people know um or asking for the,email address and also letting them know,that you have an email marketing,newsletter and giving them the option to,enroll or giving them the option for you,to enroll their email address of course,with their permission,that's another way that you can go ahead,and start building up,more email newsletter subscribers to,benefit your business so,there's just so many good perks with,shopify,in general if you're not using shopify,and you are an ecommerce store i highly,recommend you switching over,again you can try it out don't just take,my word but you can try it out and play,around with it,i believe there is a free trial so go,ahead and click that link,down below choose the plan that works,best for you take advantage of the free,trial if it's still there,if not the basic plan currently is like,29,a month so for all of the perks that you,get with shopify,including shopify inbox it is well worth,the investment in my opinion,i wouldn't tell you something that i,don't use i use shopify as well for my,business,and it has worked really really well so,if you are looking for,a chat option or some option to be able,to,build relationships with website,visitors and be able to be available in,case anyone has a question,because a lot of times people will hop,off of your website and not look back if,they have a question that can't be,answered,some people may email you but some,people may just say forget it you know,i'm going to go someplace else where i,can get assistance,you want to make sure that you're,available you want to make sure that you,are accessible,and even if you have a message that says,hey i'll contact you back,that's still better than nothing that's,still better than going to your website,and not being able to contact anyone,or to make sure even that there's a real,person that's still active in operating,the business to make sure that your,business is even,legitimate sometimes that chat works,as a reassurance method or tool,for a website visitors to know that this,is a legitimate business so,it's very important to consider adding,that chat to your website if you haven't,already,if you are using shopify or if you were,using shopify ping and you're like,what happened to the app on my phone,because i know i woke up one day and i,noticed that my shopify ping app wasn't,there and i'm like what is going on,because you know before it was like this,blue white and blue app,and then it's now um red i believe white,and red so,i was like what's going on so i had to,do some research and see what changed,but um if you are wondering what changed,with shopify ping just know that shopify,ping is now shopify inbox,and there's so many much more cool perks,and just features with it than before so,if you have any questions feel free to,leave them down below thanks so much for,watching and i'll see you all in the,next video bye,you
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