what is shopify plus plan

Shopify Basic Vs Shopify Plus (Shopify Plans Difference Explained) so what are the differences betwe

Marketing Island

Updated on Feb 09,2023

Shopify Basic Vs Shopify Plus (Shopify Plans Difference Explained)

The above is a brief introduction to what is shopify plus plan

Let's move on to the first section of what is shopify plus plan

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Shopify Basic Vs Shopify Plus (Shopify Plans Difference Explained)

so what are the differences between,shopify basic versus shopify plus that's,what i'm going to be talking about in,this video all in all if i really need,to make one statement upon the,comparison shopify basic is going to be,great for anyone who is just getting,started when it comes to e-commerce you,want a lot of the basic things you might,not have a lot of experience maybe,you've made a few sales but not too many,then basic is going to be great for you,the good thing about basic is that it,does come with a free trial i'll put a,link down below you don't even need a,card to get started so you can kind of,go and navigate around and make the best,of what they give you,then on the other side shopify plus is,going to be perfect if you are looking,to seriously scale you already have done,a ton of sales maybe you're already,using shopify you can obviously upgrade,to that and personally you're doing very,well in a nutshell as you can see on the,screen right here this is just an,example of talking about if you're using,shopify you can upgrade to getting much,more but on another aspect of the page,they compare the basic versus well,everything else,so if you look at the column on the left,right here we have the basic shopify all,the basics for starting a new business,then when you go to the right side we,have shopify plus powerful features for,complex high volume businesses and that,starts at two thousand dollars a month,kind of like what i was talking about,before there is a huge difference when,it comes to twenty nine dollars per,month versus two thousand dollars per,month there's a reason why it's basic,and it's twenty nine dollars per month,given the fact you're probably getting,started a lot of people who have just,gotten into shopify aren't going to want,to start at shopify plus you're just,going to be really big in the hole like,i said it's great for high volume you're,doing well you're scaling and pretty,much if 2000 a month isn't a big deal to,you a lot of the perks that you're going,to get are gonna obviously help you you,know get that back and make even more,sales but when we go from this to the,left to the right side you'll see that,you still get online stores unlimited,products bandwidth and transactions for,staff accounts instead of two you now,have unlimited like i said if you're,doing high volume big business that's,going to be very helpful you get sales,channels locations is up to four with,the plus you get up to 20.,then all these are going to be the same,right here you have manual order,creation discount codes ssl certificate,abandoned cart recovery gift cards but,no professional reports you do get that,with the plus no advanced report builder,you get that with the plus third party,calculated shipping rates is just going,to be with plus you get nine free,expansion stores shopify organization,admin shopify flow shopify scripts,launch pad you get so much more as you,can see here and that's just with the,features section there's going to be,more when it comes to the point of sale,uh shopify pos lite,and the pos pro which is store,management tools and omni channel,features essential for brick and mortar,businesses usually that's going to be,plus 89 dollars per month this is going,to be free probably given the fact,you're already paying a good amount per,month global selling uh pretty much,everything's going to be the same except,for multiple languages you can now,choose up to 20. once again this goes,hand in hand when it comes to scaling,and just doing so much more because with,this you know you can't really do that,you don't have that option you just got,one but up to 20 you can really go big,when it comes to selling ecommerce,support you pretty much get all the,really good stuff here so you get,shopify plus priority support merchant,success program plus partners shopify,plus certified app partners shopify plus,academy beta programs and of course the,shopify plus facebook community none of,which you like you don't get with the,basics so as you can see there is going,to be a huge difference basic is going,to be if you're just getting started you,want to get your feet wet maybe you've,made a few sales maybe you want to start,with shopify that'll be great for you,once again i'll put a link down below,free trial no car needed and then once,you really start doing well heck you,could probably look into shopify or,advanced shopify you know you'd probably,want to go on to those and then this is,going to be the biggest and best for,those companies doing a ton of volume,okay so i hope that explained everything,for you when it comes to shopify basic,for shopify plus it's pretty much the,beginners versus the elite you know,advanced grizzled veterans doing very,well thank you so much for watching if,you want to check out shopify the link,is down below and have a great day

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