what is shopify product map

Shopify fields mapping - Product attributes explained when you map columns at left you'll have,all t

Moose Sync

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Shopify fields mapping - Product attributes explained

The above is a brief introduction to what is shopify product map

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what is shopify product map catalogs

Shopify fields mapping - Product attributes explained

when you map columns at left you'll have,all the fields all the column from your,csv file the names will be totally,different than what you see now because,i use a demo,file that is very similar to the format,of shopify but what i want to explain to,you guys today is what is that right,right or,inside this drop down all the product,attributes from shopify,so i want to explain the 10 or 15 most,popular ones first is the handle the end,all will be what is added to the url of,your product but it's also,the unique id of the product which,shopify will use uh,i mean everything is based on the,end-all inside shopify you can read more,about it but you need to have an indoor,other wash up if i will create an endo,and if you change the endo it will,create a new product or it will delete,the other previous product that has a,different envelope,the title is the product title,which is well pretty easy to understand,the product type,is well the type of product it's,optional but you might want to specify,what type of product this is for example,is it a t-shirt is it after all is it,the toy,and it's different from the categories,that are called collection that we'll,see,later uh it's different in the in the,mean that,the product types don't have any,pages to display products compared to,the collection or the categories that,have category pages with products,uh images,i mean these are,the images of your product,you can add more than one i mean each,queue can have its,own product and,if you have products that have multiple,skews that are called,product with variants then you can have,multiple image for,all the variants and one image per,variant,the categories are called collection,inside shopify,so,it's a group of products that and you,they will be displayed in a page for,example you have a,t-shirt collection and you go to your,store on t-shirt and you see all the,t-shirts,you can have more than one categories,more than one collection,option name are for example,color size material,these are,options of the product that are also,called variants so each option name for,example color,have,a variant option value,this is how we called it so option one,was color so the variant option one,value here,as,another column in your csv file and here,as a sample data from your file i have,the black color so that's how i can,associate option one value with option,name one,if i go back up,i can have more than one option,actually i can add three different,options in shopify,up to a combined,100 variants tags are,useful to,for many many things to filter to search,to categorize but these are,just tags uh you will notice when you,build for example a shopify theme a,design you will also use tags,vendor,is actually the vendor of the product it,could all be your own name but you can,have different vendors inside your store,compared at price,is the price before for example you have,a sell price that is a thousand dollar,but it was before,a thousand fifty dollars,so it will be the price that will be,scratched,uh when,customer browse your store,the weight or,variant weight,this is on a variant level and not on a,product level,and you can specify is it grams,kilograms,pounds,or ons,so this is variant weight quantity,of course,the variant inventory quantity,it allows you to,dwell,to set some out of stock products or to,actually add units in store,and you can also select a location,where this inventory is located that is,pretty new on shopify,caller i showed you the price of course,will be variant price the reason why,it's varying price and not price don't,panic if you don't find it in here you,have to scroll to variant price is,because,a price is associated with a variant,with the skew and not with the whole,product,it's q,it's variance q it's called like that,and that's pretty much it once you have,your mapping,fixed,and made you can click on update mapping,and go to the next step

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